1) Слово

1) Слово "science" происходит от ла

1) Слово "science" происходит от латинского слова "scientia", которое означает наука. 2) Учёные изучают широкий круг проблем. 3) Некоторые учёные ищут разгадку происхождения Вселенной. 4) Другие изучают строение клетки. 5) Некоторые исследуют причины нашего поведения. 6) Учёные используют систематические методы изучения проблем. 7) Науки могут быть разделены на три главные группы: естественные, общественные, технические науки. 8) Но границы между научными областями становятся всё менее и менее чёткими. 9) Все науки тесно взаимосвязаны. 10) Наука оказывает огромное влияние на нашу жизнь. 11) Она является основой современной технологии. 12) Сегодня, когда люди говорят о технологии, они имеют ввиду промышленную технологию. 13) Промышленная технология начала своё существование около 200 лет назад с появлением парового двигателя, ростом фабрик и массовым производством товаров. 14) Радио и телевидение изменило наш досуг; телефон произвёл революцию в общении. 15) Открытия и изобретения учёных помогают нам формировать наши взгляды о себе и о нашем месте во Вселенной.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1), the word "science" comes from the Latin word "scientia", which means science. 2) Scientists are exploring a wide range of issues. 3) some scientists are looking for answers to the origin of the universe. 4) Others are studying the structure of the cells. 5) some explore the causes of our behaviour. 6) Scientists use systematic methods to investigate problems. 7) science can be divided into three main groups: natural, social, engineering. 8) But the boundaries between research areas are becoming less and less clear. 9) all sciences are closely interrelated. 10) Science has a great impact on our lives. 11) She is the basis of modern technology. 12) today, when people talk about technology, they have given commercial technology. 13) industrial technology began its existence about 200 years ago with the advent of the steam engine, the growth of factories and mass production of goods. 14) radio and television changed our leisure; phone revolutionized communication. 15) discoveries and inventions of scientists help us shape our perceptions of ourselves and of our place in the universe.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) The word "science" comes from the Latin word "scientia", which means science. 2) Scientists are studying a wide range of problems. 3) Some scientists are looking for the answer to the origin of the universe. 4) Others are studying the structure of the cells. 5) Some are exploring the causes of our behavior. 6) Scientists use systematic methods for studying problems. 7) Science can be divided into three main groups: natural, social, engineering science. 8) But the boundaries between scientific fields are becoming less and less crisp. 9) All sciences are closely linked. 10) Science has a huge impact on our lives. 11) It is the basis of modern technologies. 12) Today, when people talk about technology, they have a view of the industrial technology. 13) industrial technology came into existence about 200 years ago with the advent of the steam engine, the growth of factories and mass production of goods. 14) Radio and TV has changed our leisure; phone has revolutionized communication. 15) Discoveries and inventions of scientists help us to shape our views about ourselves and our place in the universe.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1) the word "science" comes from the latin word "scientia", which means the science. (2) the scientists are exploring a wide range of problems. 3) some scientists are looking for clues about the origin of the universe. (4) others are studying the structure cells. 5) some exploring causes of our behavior. 6) scientists use systematic methods to study the problem. 7) of science can be divided into three main groups: natural, social, engineering science. 8) but the boundary between scientific areas become less and less clear. (9) all science are closely linked. 10) science has a great impact on our life. 11), it is the basis of modern technology. 12) today, when people talk about technology, they are due to industrial technology. (13) the industrial technology of the existence of around 200 years ago with the introduction of the steam engine, the growth of factories and mass production of products. 14) radio and television changed our leisure; phone made a revolution in communication. 15) discoveries and inventions of scientists are helping us shape our views of ourselves and our place in the universe.
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