(В) 1. Мавра Кузминишна предлагала внести раненого в дом. (JI. Толстой) 2. Толпа очутилась неожиданно так близко к императору, что Ростову, стоявшему в передних рядах ее, стало страшно, как бы его не узнали. (Л. Толстой) 3. ... в Мытищах раненый сам потребовал, чтобы его вынесли (из коляски) и чтобы ему дали чаю. (.Л.Толстой) 4. Она позвонила, девка вошла и на вопросы ее отвечала, что Кирила Петрович вечером ездил в Арбатово и возвратился поздно, что он дал строгое приказание... смотреть за тем, чтоб никто с нею не говорил. (Пушкин) 5. ...раз утром St.-Jer6me... предлагает мне ехать кататься (to go for a ride) с Любочкой и Катенькой. (JI. Толстой) 6. Степан Аркадьевич спорил со слугой Алексея Александровича и настаивал на том, чтоб о нем было доложено (to announce somebody). (JI. Толстой) 7. Каждый человек, Лиза, должен заботиться о том, чтобы привести все свои идеи в порядок, в систему... {А. Толстой) 8. Тогда Марья Дмитриевна вздохнула и, с своей стороны, предложила Гедеоновскому пройтись с ней по саду. {Тургенев)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
(A) 1. Mavra Kuzminišna offered to make the wounded into the House. (JI Tolstoy) 2. the crowd suddenly found herself so close to the Emperor that Rostova, standing in the forefront of it, was terrible, how could it not have learned. (L. Tolstoy) 3. ... in mytischi injured himself demanded that it made (from the carriages), and that gave him some tea. (L. Tolstoy) 4. She called, the girl went to her was that the evening had gone Petrovich Cyril Arbatovo and returned late that he gave strict orders to ... watching to see that no one with her did not speak. (Pushkin (town)) 5. ... every morning the St.-Jer6me... offers me a ride (to go for a ride) with Lûbočkoj and Katya. (JI Tolstoy) 6. Stepan Arkadyevich argued with the servant of Alexei Alexandrovich and insisted that it was reported (to announce somebody). (JI Tolstoy) 7. everyone, Lisa, must take care to bring all their ideas in order in a system ... {A.Tolstoy) 8. Marya Dmitrievna then sighed and, with his hand, invited the Gedeonovskomu to walk with her in the garden. {Turgenev)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
(B) 1. Mavra Kuzminichna proposes to make the wounded into the house. (JI. Tolstoy) 2. The crowd suddenly found herself so close to the emperor that Rostov, standing in the front row it was terrible, as it did not recognize him. (Tolstoy) 3. ... Mytishchi the wounded man himself asked to be taken out (of the carriage) and to be given a cup of tea. (.L.Tolstoy) 4. She called the maid came in and answered her questions that evening Kiril Petrovitch went to Arbatov and returned late, he gave strict orders to ... see to it that no one with her did not. (Pushkin) 5. ... once in the morning St.-Jer6me ... offers me a ride to ride (to go for a ride) with Lyuba and Katya. (JI. Tolstoy) 6. Stepan Abramovich was arguing with his servant Alexei Alexandrovich and insisted on it so that was reported (to announce somebody). (JI. Tolstoy) 7. Everyone, Lisa, to take care of is to bring all their ideas in the order in the system ... {A. Tolstoy) 8. Then Marya Dmitrievna sighed and, for his part, offered Gedeonovsky walk with her in the garden. {Turgenev)
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
(A) 1. Season Кузминишна offered to make wounded man in the house. (JI. Thick) 2. The crowd was overwhelmingly endorsed unexpectedly so close to the emperor, that Rostov, then in the front rows, it has become scary, as it was not learned. (L. Thick) 3. ...In Mytishi continues wounded himself demanded that his learned (from wheelchairs) and to have tea. ( .L.thick) 4. It turned out that she could speak and prophesy to its questions was responsible, that Chirila Deputy General Director in the evening went to Арбатово and returned late,He said that strict Shebna ... watch for the order, but no one with it did not say. (Pushkin) 5. ... Once again this morning St. -Jer6me ... invites me to go ride (to go for a ride) with Любочкои and Катенькои. (JI. Thick) 6.Stepan Arkadievich argued with servant Alexey Aleksandrovich and insisted on the fact that it was reported (to usual Ternheim). (JI. Thick) 7. Every person, Lisa, should take care of that, to ensure that all their ideas in order,In the system ... {AS WELL. Thick 8. The Marja orthopedist. brother and, in its part, invited Гедеоновскому stroll through the garden with it. {Dmitry Savin)
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