For 39 days, 16 castaways will be marooned on a tropical island in the перевод - For 39 days, 16 castaways will be marooned on a tropical island in the английский как сказать

For 39 days, 16 castaways will be m

For 39 days, 16 castaways will be marooned on a tropical island in the
South China Sea. They will be forced to band together and carve out a new
existence, using their collective wits to make surviving, without any conveniences of the modern world, a little easier. Day by day the location and tropical sun will test the endurance of the castaways. Each three days of island life will result in a one-hour Survivor episode. The survivors must form their own co-operative island society, building shelter, gathering and catching food, and participating in contests for rewards. Those who succeed in the day-to-day challenges will be rewarded with things to make island life more bearable - simple comforts like pillows, some cold beer, and clean clothing. Those who fail must do without. On the last day of each three-day cycle, the castaways must form a tribal council. At this meeting, each person places a secret ballot vote to send one fellow castaway home, eliminating him or her from eligibility for the one million dollars. Week by week, one by one, the tribe shrinks until at the end of the final episode, only two survivors remain. At that point, the seven most recently eliminated castaways will return to form the final tribal council and decide who will be the final survivor, the winner of $1,000,000!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
For 39 days, the 16 castaways will be marooned on a tropical island in theSouth China Sea. They will be forced to band together and carve out a newexistence, using their collective wits to make surviving, without any conveniences of the modern world, a little easier. Day by day the location and tropical sun will test the endurance of the castaways. Each of the three days of island life will result in a one-hour episode of Survivor. The survivors must form their own island co-operative society, building shelter, gathering and catching food, and participating in contests for rewards. Those who succeed in the day-to-day challenges will be rewarded with things to make island life more bearable-simple comforts like pillows, some cold beer, and clean clothing. Those who fail must do without. On the last day of each three-day cycle, the castaways must form a tribal council. At this meeting, each person places a secret ballot vote to send one fellow castaway home, eliminating him or her from eligibility for the one million dollars. Week by week, one by one, the tribe shrinks until at the end of the final episode, only two survivors remain. At that point, the seven most recently eliminated castaways will return to form the final tribal council and decide who will be the final survivor, the winner of $ 1,000, 000000!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
For 39 days, 16 will be marooned castaways on a tropical island in the
South China Sea. They will be forced They band together and to carve out a new
existence, using their collective wits to make surviving, without any conveniences of the modern world, a little easier. Day by day the location and tropical sun will test the endurance of the castaways. Each three days of island life will result in a one-hour Survivor episode. The survivors must form their own co-operative island society, building shelter, gathering and catching food, and participating in contests for rewards. Those who succeed in the day-to-day challenges will be rewarded with things to make island life more bearable - simple comforts like pillows, some cold beer, and clean clothing. Those who fail must do without. On the last day of each three-day cycle, the castaways must form a tribal council. At this meeting, each person places a secret ballot vote to send one fellow castaway home, eliminating him or her from eligibility for the one million dollars. Week by week, one by one, the tribe shrinks until at the end of the final episode, only two survivors remain. At that point, the seven most recently eliminated castaways will return to form the final tribal council and decide who will be the final survivor, the winner of $ 1,000,000!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
for 39 days, 16 castaways will be marooned
on a tropical island in the south china sea. they will be forced to band together and carve out a new
existence, using their collective wits to surviving, without any resting of the modern world, a little easier. day by day the location and tropical sun will test the endurance of the castaways.the three days of island life will result in a one hour episode of survivor. the survivors must form their own island co operative society, building shelter, gathering and night food, and participating in contests for rewards. those who succeed in the day to day challenges will be rewarded with things to make life more bearable. simple comforts like pillows and cold beer.and clean clothing. those who fail must do without. on the last day of each three - day cycle, the castaways must form a tribal council. at this meeting, each person places a secret ballot votes to send one - castaway home, eliminating him or her from eligibility for the one million dollars. week by week, one by one, the kazakhstan shrinks until at the end of the final episode.only two survivors remain. at that point, the seven most recently in castaways will return to form the final tribal council and decide who will be the final survivor, the winner of the $1000000.
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