Одной из важных проблем образования в обществе со сложной стратификационной структурой является его доступность для ряда социальных групп, имеющих невыгодные стартовые условия. Среди них особое место занимают дети с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Получению качественного образования детьми-инвалидами препятствуют множественные структурные ограничения, так или иначе связанные с социальным неравенством. Социологиче- ские исследования, проводимые на Западе [7] и в России [1] начиная с 1960-х гг., показали, что образование в большей степени склонно отражать и подтверждать существующее неравенство, чем содействовать его устранению. Поскольку ответственность за результаты обучения возла- гается на учителей, то в результате больше всего внимания уделяется лучшим, способнейшим учащимся [5], а дети-инвалиды оказываются в низах школьной иерархии.
Причины социального ущемления этой категории детей не ограничиваются рамками школы. В британских исследованиях 1980-х гг. были подтверждены выводы относительно факторов социального неравенства, находящихся вне школы, а также были поставлены вопросы, почему сами школы склонны сохранять и воспроизводить неравенство. В том же направлении работают и современные российские социологи, которые выявили преемственность и трансляцию посредством образовательной системы тех социально-классовых различий, которые существуют вне образования [3].
Судя по исследованиям, осуществленным в 60-70-е гг. в США, наибольшее влияние на результаты школьного обучения там оказывают социальные и семейные обстоятельства, оно впоследствии определяет и уровень доходов. На эффективность учебного процесса воздействует социальное происхождение учащихся, определяющее «неравенство, в которое дети поставлены своим домом, своим кварталом, своим окружением» [2]. Эти исследования вызвали к жизни дискуссию о необходимости так называемого инклюзивного образования детей из разных групп и социальных слоев, в том числе инвалидов.
В данной статье с учетом опыта зарубежных стран рассматриваются некоторые проблемы инклюзивного образования детей-инвалидов с акцентом на особенности их обучения в общеоб- разовательной школе, а также перспективы указанной формы образования в Республике Бурятия.
В ряде стран мира начиная примерно с 1970-х гг. ведется разработка и внедрение пакета нормативных актов, способствующих расширению образовательных возможностей инвалидов.
В современной образовательной политике США и Европы получило развитие несколько подходов, в том числе расширение доступа к образованию (widening participation), мэйнстриминг (mainstreaming), интеграция, инклюзия, т.е. включение (inclusion). Мэйнстриминг предполагает, что ученики-инвалиды общаются со сверстниками на праздниках, в различных досуговых про- граммах; если же они и включены в классы массовой школы, то прежде всего для того, чтобы расширить возможности социальных контактов, а не для достижения образовательных целей. Интеграция означает приведение потребностей детей с психическими и физическими наруше- ниями в соответствие с системой образования, остающейся в целом неизменной, не приспособ- ленной для них; ученики с инвалидностью посещают массовую школу, но не обязательно учат- ся в тех же классах, что и все остальные дети. «Включение», или «инклюзия», – наиболее под- ходящий термин, который толкуется следующим образом: это реформирование школ и пере- планировка учебных помещений так, чтобы они отвечали нуждам и потребностям всех детей без исключения.
Инклюзивное образование (от английского слова inclusion – включение) позволяет реализовать образовательные цели не только учащимся с особенностями в развитии, но и детям, которые в той или иной степени выделяются из общей группы детей. Инклюзивное образование предполагает, что разнообразию потребностей учащихся-инвалидов должен соответствовать континуум сервисов, в том числе образовательная среда, наиболее благоприятная для них. Этот принцип означает: все дети должны быть с самого начала включены в образовательную и социальную жизнь школы по месту жительства; задача инклюзивной школы – построить систему, которая удовлетворяет потребности каждого; в инклюзивных школах все дети, а не только с инвалидностью, обеспечиваются поддержкой, которая позволяет им добиваться успехов, ощущать безопасность, ценность совместного пребывания в коллективе. Инклюзивные школы на- целены во многом на иные образовательные достижения, чем те, что чаще всего признаются обычным образованием. Цель такой школы – дать всем учащимся возможность наиболее полноценной социальной жизни, наиболее активного участия в коллективе, местном сообществе, тем самым обеспечить наиболее полное взаимодействие, помощь друг другу как членам сооб- щества [8]. Этот ценностный императив, очевидно, показывает, что все члены школьного кол- лектива и общества связаны между собой и что учащиеся не только взаимодействуют между собой в процессе обучения, но и развиваются, когда принимают совместные решения по поводу управления процессами в учебной
Результаты (
английский) 1:
One of the important problems of education in society with complex stratification structure is its accessibility to certain social groups having a disadvantageous starting conditions. Among them a special place is occupied by children with disabilities. Obtaining a quality education for children with disabilities inhibit multiple structural constraints associated with social inequality. -Sociological departments at clinical research conducted in the West [7] and in Russia [1] starting with the 1960-IES, showed that education is increasingly inclined to reflect and confirm the existing inequalities, than to contribute to its elimination. Since the responsibility for learning outcomes vozla-located on the teachers, the most attention is given to the best sposobnejšim students [5], and children with disabilities are in the bottoms of the school hierarchy.Social causes of infringement of this category of children is not limited to schools. In British studies 1980-ies. were confirmed by the conclusions concerning the factors of social inequality, outside the school, as well as questions were raised as to why the schools themselves tend to maintain and reproduce inequality. Work in the same direction and modern Russian sociologists, which identified continuity and broadcast through the educational system of the social-class differences that exist outside of education [3].Judging from studies carried out in 60-70-ies. in the United States, the greatest influence on the outcome of schooling there have social and family circumstances, it subsequently determines the level of income. On the efficiency of the educational process affects social origin of students indicating "inequality, in which children are placed in front of his home, his district, his Entourage" [2]. These studies gave rise to a debate about the need for the so-called inclusive education of children from different groups and social groups, including persons with disabilities.In this article, taking into account the experience of foreign countries, discusses some of the problems of inclusive education of children with disabilities, with emphasis on their training in the obŝeob-razovatel′noj school, as well as the prospects for the specified forms of education in the Republic of Buryatia.In a number of countries around the world since 1970-ies. the development and implementation of a package of regulations that enhance educational opportunities for persons with disabilities.In the modern United States and European educational policy has developed several approaches, including increased access to education (widening participation), mèjnstriming (mainstreaming), integration, inclusion, i.e. enabling (inclusion). Mèjnstriming assumes that students with disabilities communicate with peers at festivals, in the various recreational programmes; If they are included in the classes of the school of media, primarily in order to expand the possibilities for social contacts, rather than to achieve educational goals. Integration means bringing the needs of children with mental and physical disorders and in line with the educational system, which remains largely unchanged, not mounting-Ned to them; students with disabilities attend mass, but not necessarily taught in the same classes as other children. "Enabling" or "inclusion" is the most under-free term which shall be interpreted as follows: it is the reform of schools and planning of school facilities to meet the needs and requirements of all children without exception.Inclusive education (from the English word inclusion-inclusion) allows to realize educational goals not only students with the features in development, but also to children who, to varying degrees, stand out from the Group of children. Inclusive education implies that diversity needs of students with disabilities should correspond to a continuum of services including educational Wednesday, most favourable to them. This principle means: all children must be included from the outset in the educational and social life of the school of their place of residence; the task of the inclusive school is to build a system that meets the needs of everyone; in inclusive schools, all children, not just with disabilities are provided with support, which allows them to achieve success, feel the security value of the co-host team. Inclusive schools on-Israeli attacks aim largely at other educational achievements than those that most often recognized by conventional education. The purpose of this school is to give all students the opportunity to full social life, the most active participation in the local community, thereby ensuring the most complete interaction, help each other as members of the community [8]. This value is obviously imperative shows that all members of the school number lektiva and society are linked and that students not only interact with each other in the learning process, but also develop when take joint decisions about training management
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
One with unfavorable starting conditions important problems of education in a society with a complex stratification of the structure is its accessibility to a number of social groups. Among them a special place is occupied by children with disabilities. Quality education for children with disabilities prevent multiple structural constraints, one way or another connected with social inequalities. Cal sociological studies carried out in the West, [7] and Russia [1] since the 1960s., Have shown that education is more likely to reflect and confirm the existing inequalities, than to contribute to its elimination. Since the responsibility for learning outcomes vozla- Gaeta teachers, the result is the most attention is given to the best ability of the students [5], and that children with disabilities are in the lower hierarchy of the school.
The reasons of social prejudice this category of children is not confined to schools. In the British studies of the 1980s. findings were confirmed with respect to the factors of social inequality outside the school, as well as questions were asked why schools themselves tend to retain and reproduce inequality. In the same direction work and modern Russian sociologists who found continuity and broadcast via the education system of the social and class differences that exist outside of education [3].
According to the surveys conducted in the 60-70-ies. in the United States, the greatest impact on school results there have social and family circumstances, it subsequently determines the level of income. The effectiveness of the educational process affects the social origin of students, determined by the "inequality in which children are placed by their home, their quarter, their environment" [2]. These studies have prompted a debate about the need for the so-called inclusive education of children from different social classes and groups, including people with disabilities.
In this article, based on the experience of foreign countries are considered some of the problems of inclusive education of children with disabilities, with a focus on the characteristics of their training on Comprehensive razovatelnoy school, as well as the prospects for this form of education in the Republic of Buryatia.
in a number of countries around the world since about the 1970s. is developing and implementing a package of regulations that help enrich the education of persons with disabilities.
In the modern US and European educational policy has developed a number of approaches, including increased access to education (widening participation), mainstreaming (mainstreaming), integration, inclusion, ie . inclusion (inclusion). Mainstreaming implies that students with disabilities to communicate with their peers at festivals in various recreational programs; if they are included in regular school classes, first of all, in order to expand the possibilities of social contacts, rather than to achieve educational goals. Integration means bringing the needs of children with mental and physical disabilities tions in line with the education system, which remains largely unchanged, not adapted for them the Universe; students with disabilities attend regular school, but not necessarily uchat- smiling in the same classes as other children. "Power On" or "inclusion" - the most of a suitable term that has been interpreted in the following way: it is the reform of schools and classrooms transition plan so that they meet the needs and requirements of all children without exception.
Inclusive education (from the English word inclusion - inclusion) allows to realize educational goals, not only to students with disabilities, and children who are more or less separated from the total group of children. Inclusive education suggests that the diversity of needs of students with disabilities must meet the continuum of services, including educational environment, the most favorable for them. This principle is: all children should be included from the outset in the educational and social life of the school in the community; inclusive school task - to build a system that meets the needs of everyone; in inclusive schools, all children, not only with disabilities are provided with support that allows them to succeed, to feel safe, the value of sharing in the collective. Inclusive schools eg tseleny largely on other educational achievement than those that most often recognized in the usual form. The purpose of such a school - to give all students the opportunity to complete most of social life, the most active part in the collective, the local community, thereby ensuring the fullest cooperation, help each other as members of the com- munity. [8] This imperative of values, clearly shows that all members of the school collectives and society are interconnected and that students not only interact with each other in the learning process, but also develop when taking joint decisions on process management in training
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
one of the important problems of education in society with complex стратификационной structure is its accessibility to a number of social groups with unfavourable initial conditions. among them, a special space to children with disabilities. for the quality education of children with disabilities are multiple structural constraints, or otherwise related to social inequalities. социологиче partnership studies conducted in the west [7] and russia [1] since the 1960"s showed that education more inclined to reflect and confirm the existing inequalities, which contribute to its elimination. since the responsibility for the learning возла now teachers, as a result of the most attention is given to the best student способнейшим [5], and children with disabilities are in the mud the school hierarchy.the causes of social impairment children in this category are not limited to the school. in the british research, 1980. were confirmed by the findings on the factors of social inequality, outside the school, as well as the questions were asked why they schools tend to maintain and reproduce inequalities. in the same direction work and modern russian sociologists, who identified the continuity and the transmission through the educational system, the social and class distinctions that exist outside of education [3].according to the studies carried out in 60 - 1970. in the us, the greatest impact on the school curriculum there are social and family circumstances, it subsequently determines and income level. the effectiveness of the training process impacts social background of students, which "inequality, in which children are at home, your surroundings, your окружением» [2]. these studies have given rise to debate about the need for so-called inclusive education of children from different groups and social groups, including persons with disabilities.in this article, on the basis of the experience of foreign countries, addresses some of the challenges of inclusive education of children with disabilities, with an emphasis on the characteristics of their training in the общеоб - разовательной school, and also from the perspective of the form of education in the republic of buryatia.in a number of countries from around the 1970s. drafting and implementation of legislation to increase educational opportunities for persons with disabilities.in modern educational policies of the us and europe has developed several approaches, including access to education (widening participation), мэйнстриминг (mainstreaming), integration, инклюзия). the inclusion (inclusion). мэйнстриминг suggests that students with disabilities to communicate with peers at festivals in various досугов
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