ты был прав, я человек, кому нужно много внимания, тепла и заботы, больше чем ты это делаешь. Я это заслуживаю. Если ты этого не можешь или не готов - просто уходи. Я не буду твоей игрушкой для развлечений.
you were right, I am a person who needs a lot of attention, warmth and care more than you do.I deserve.If you can't or not ready-just go away.I won't be your plaything for entertainment.
you were right, I am a person who needs a lot of attention, warmth and care more than you do it. I deserve it. If you do not or can not yet ready - just go. I will not be your toy for entertainment.
you were right, i'm a man who needs a lot of attention, warmth and care more than you do. - i deserve it. "if you can't do that or not ready. - just go. - i'm not your toy for entertainment.