Территория Венгрии имеет преимущественно равнинный рельеф. Большая её  перевод - Территория Венгрии имеет преимущественно равнинный рельеф. Большая её  английский как сказать

Территория Венгрии имеет преимущест

Территория Венгрии имеет преимущественно равнинный рельеф. Большая её часть расположена на Среднедунайской равнине. Западная часть равнины (Дунантуль) расчленена многочисленными холмами, высотой до 300 м, восточная (Альфёльд) — имеет плоский низменный рельеф. Северо-запад страны занимает низменность Кишальфёльд, ограниченная на западе возвышенностью Алпокалья. К северу от Балатона протягиваются Средневенгерские горы. В южной части Дунантуля возвышаются глыбовые горы Мечек высотой до 681 м (гора Зенгё). На севере Венгрии лежат отроги Западных Карпат высотой до 1000 м. Они расчленены широкими долинами рек и представляют собой обособленные вулканические массивы и известняковые плато (Бёржёнь, Черхат, Матра, Бюкк, Черехат, Земплени-Хедьшег…). Здесь (в Матре) же расположена высшая точка Венгрии — гора Кекеш (1014 м). В горах на границе со Словакией находится одна из крупнейших карстовых пещер Европы Агтелек с подземными реками и озёрами.
Положение Венгрии в окружении гор обусловило континентальный тип климата с мягкой зимой и жарким летом. Осадков в год от 450 мм на востоке до 900 мм в горах.
Все реки Венгрии принадлежат бассейну Дуная. Сам Дунай пересекает страну с севера на юг на протяжении 410 км. Крупнейшее озеро — Балатон является важным международным туристическим центром. Близ его западной оконечности находится крупнейшее в Европе озеро термального происхождения — Хевиз, у которого расположен бальнеогрязевой курорт.
Столицей венгрии является будапешт
главная достопримечательность Будапешта — это, конечно, Дунай, на берегах которого разместились великолепные здания, скульптуры и памятники и перекинулись изящные мосты.
Отдельная гордость Будапешта — его мосты. Их здесь много, и большинство из них автомобильные. Самый крупный и красивый — Мост Свободы длиной 333 метра и шириной 20 метров, который соединяет две части города. Будапешт называют «Парижем на Дунае», возможно, в какой-то степени благодаря этому удивительно красивому мосту.

Венгерский национальный музей основан в 1802 году и расположен в здании, созданном по проекту Михая Поллака. Собрание музея посвящено истории и искусству Венгрии и охватывает период с момента основания государства до 1990-х годов.
В западной Венгрии рядом с границей со Словакией, неподалеку от Будапешта и Вены, стоит прекрасная крепость Хедервар, именем своим обязанная семье аристократов, построивших ее еще в 1162 году. Изначально на вершине холма было возведено деревянное строение, мало похожее на нынешний замок.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hungary has a predominantly flat terrain. Most of the area is located in the Pannonian plain. The western part of the plain (Dunántúl) divided by numerous hills, up to 300 m, Oriental (great plain)-has a flat low-lying terrain. The North-West of the country is plain little Hungarian plain, bounded in the West to the East Alpokal′â. North Transdanubian medium mountains stretch from Lake Balaton. In the southern part of Dunantulâ rise Hat Mecsek up to 681 m (Mount Zengë). In the North of Hungary are the spurs of the Western Carpathians with height up to 1000 m. They are dissected by broad river valleys and represent separate volcanic massifs and limestone plateau (Bëržën′, Čerhat, Matra, Bük, Čerehat, Zempleni-Hed′šeg...). Here (in plaster board) is the highest point in Hungary is the kékestető (1014 m). In the mountains on the border with Slovakia, is one of the largest karst caves of Aggtelek Europe with underground rivers and lakes.The situation in Hungary has a continental climate with mild winters and hot summers. Precipitation per year from 450 mm in the East to 900 mm in the mountains.All the rivers belong to the basin of the Danube River in Hungary. The Danube crosses the country from North to South over 410 km. The largest lake is Lake Balaton is an important international tourist destination. Near its western end is the largest thermal lake in Europe descent-Heviz which is balneomud resort.The capital of Hungary is BudapestBudapest's main attraction is, of course, on the banks of the Danube River, of which there are magnificent buildings, monuments and spread the graceful bridges.A pride of Budapest's bridges. There are many, and most of them car. The largest and most beautiful is 333 meters long, the liberty bridge and a width of 20 meters, which connects the two parts of the city. Budapest is called "Paris on the Danube", perhaps in part due to this amazingly beautiful bridge.Hungarian National Museum was founded in 1802 and is housed in a building designed by Michael Pollack. The collection of the museum devoted to the history and art of Hungary and covers the period since the establishment of the State until the 1990 's.In western Hungary, near the border with Slovakia, close to the Budapest and Vienna, is a beautiful fortress, named its obligated Hédervár family of aristocrats, who built it in the year 1162. Originally at the top of the Hill was built a wooden structure, a little similar to the present Castle.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The territory of Hungary is predominantly flat terrain. Most of it is located on the Pannonian plain. The western part of the plain (Dunantul) dissected by numerous hills up to 300 m, the eastern (Great Plain) - has a flat low-lying terrain. North-west of the country is lowland Kishalfёld, bounded on the west elevation Alpokalja. To the north of Lake Balaton stretch Srednevengerskie mountains. In the southern part Dunantulya tower block mountains Mecsek up to 681 m (Mount Zengё). In the north, Hungary lie spurs Western Carpathians up to 1000 m. They are dissected by wide valleys and rivers are separate volcanic massifs and limestone plateaus (Börzsöny, Cherhat, Matra, Bükk Cserehat, Zempleni-Hedsheg ...). Here (in the Matra) is the highest point of Hungary - Kekes mountain (1014 m). In the mountains on the border with Slovakia is one of the largest karst caves in Europe Agtelek with underground rivers and lakes.
The situation in Hungary, surrounded by mountains caused the continental type of climate with mild winters and hot summers. Of rain per year from 450 mm in the east to 900 mm in the mountains.
All the rivers belong to the basin of the Danube in Hungary. Himself Danube crosses the country from north to south for 410 km. The largest lake - Balaton is a major international tourist destination. Near its western extremity is Europe's largest thermal lake of origin - Heviz, which is mud-bath resort.
Hungarian capital Budapest is
the main attraction of Budapest - is, of course, the Danube, on the banks of which housed the magnificent buildings, sculptures, monuments and spread graceful bridges.
Private pride of Budapest - its bridges. They are many, and most of them car. The largest and most beautiful - Liberty Bridge 333 meters long and 20 meters wide, which connects the two parts of the city. Budapest is called the "Paris of the Danube", perhaps to some extent thanks to this amazing beautiful bridge. The Hungarian National Museum was founded in 1802 and is located in a building designed by Mihály Pollack. Collection of the museum dedicated to the history and art of Hungary and covers the period since the founding of the state until the 1990s. In western Hungary near the border with Slovakia, not far from Budapest and Vienna, is a beautiful castle Hedervar, name owes to a family of aristocrats who built it back in 1162. Initially, the hilltop was built wooden structure, bears little resemblance to the current lock.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The Territory Hungary is predominantly forested terrain. Most of it is located on the Среднедунаискои plains. The western part of plains (in Severozapaden region) unable numerous hills, height 300 m,Eastern (date coincided) - jaffa has a flat terrain. North-west of the country took a steppe Кишальфельд, limited to the west Алпокалья positions before heading north.To the north of familiar are routed Средневенгерские mountains. In the southern part of Дунантуля towers over them towers huge white mountains Мечек height up to 681 m (mountain Зенге). In northern Hungary is based on spurs Western Carpathian Mountains height 1000 m.They dismembered broader valleys of rivers and constitute a single volcanic arrays and limestone plateau (Бержень, Черхат, Matra, Бюкк, Черехат, Земплени-Хедьшег ... ).Here (in Матре) same is located high point isolated Mecsek Mountains (1014 m). In the mountains on the border with Slovakia is one of the largest European Aggtelek karst caves with underground rivers and lakes.
The situation in Hungary surrounded by mountains led to continental type climate with mild winters and hot summers. Rainfall in the year of 450 mm in the east, to 900 mm in the mountains.
all the river Danube Hungary belong to swimming pool.
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