Thank you very much for the very fast answer! :)One more question/idea перевод - Thank you very much for the very fast answer! :)One more question/idea английский как сказать

Thank you very much for the very fa

Thank you very much for the very fast answer! :)

One more question/idea came through my mind right after I paid: As you're going to change Kyokos design slightly and doing a sketch, I wanted to ask if we could turn this in a proper fullbody image and I'm going to pay 17$(?) more, because I just recognized, I need a proper image with fitting colors and a final design to order coms. And as I really like your Oc designs and colorpalettes I thought together we could come up with a cool design for Kyoko :)

нет проблем, я помогу вам с дизайном
тогда в первую очередь я буду делать базу для Киоко и её будущего дизайна. И так как дизайн будет официальным мне нужно больше информации о её костюме.
Я приняла к сведению вашу первую записку, где вы писали про цвет и про важные детали в её наряде

но может вы бы хотели что-то конкретное в ней изменить? Обувь, волосы и тд

Буду ждать вашего ответа

и об оплате
все верно, 17$
Вы можете оплатить в любое время, я не требую у вас оплаты на перед

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Thank you very much for the very fast answer! :)One more question/idea came through my mind right after I paid: As you're going to change Kyokos design slightly and doing a sketch, I wanted to ask if we could turn this in a proper fullbody from image and I'm going to pay 17 $ (?) more, because I just recognized, I need a proper image with colors and a fitting final design to order coms. And as I really like your Oc designs and colorpalettes I thought together we could come up with a cool design for Kyoko:)no problem, I'll help you with the designthen I'll make a base for Kyoko and her future design. And because the design will be the official I need more information about her costume.I took note of your first note, where you wrote about the color and the important details in her dressbut maybe you'd like something specific it change? Shoes, hair, etc. Will wait for your reply and on paymentthat's right, 17 $ You can pay anytime, I don't require you to pay before
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Thank you very much for the very fast answer! :)

The One more question / CAME: idea through yet Mind up my right I of the after a paid: of As you're going to design the change Kyokos Slightly and doing a sketch ', wanted to I of the ask the if we Could turn the this in a Proper fullbody image'm going and I of to pay 17 $ (?) more, because I just recognized, I need a proper image with fitting colors and a final design to order coms. And as I really like your Oc designs and colorpalettes I thought together we could come up with a cool design for Kyoko :)

no problem, I will help you with the design
then first of all I'm going to do a base for Kyoko and its future design. And since the design will be the official I need more information about her costume.
I took note of your first note, where you wrote about the color and about the important details in her dress

but maybe you'd like something specific to change it? Shoes, hair, and so

I look forward to your reply

and payment
that's right, $ 17
, you can pay at any time, I do not ask you to pay before

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
thank you very much for the very fast answer! :)one more question / idea came through my mind right after i paid, as you"re going to change Kyokos design is and doing a sketch, i wanted to ask if we could turn this in a proper fullbody image and i "m going to pay $17 (?) more important, but i just, i need a proper image with in colors and a final design to order coms. and as i really like your Oc bedrooms and colorpalettes i thought if we could come up with a cool design for kyoko:)no problem, i"ll help you with the designthen, first of all, i"m going to do a base for kyoko and her future design. and so as the design will be an official, i need more information about her suit.i took note of your first note where you wrote about color and the important details in her dressbut maybe you want something to change? shoes, hair, etc.i"ll wait for your replyand about the paymentall right, $17you can pay at any time, i do not ask you to pay for
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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