11. На третий день нашего отдыха в кемпинге начался дождь. Дождь шёл д перевод - 11. На третий день нашего отдыха в кемпинге начался дождь. Дождь шёл д английский как сказать

11. На третий день нашего отдыха в

11. На третий день нашего отдыха в кемпинге начался дождь. Дождь шёл до того дня когда нам надо было уезжать, как вдруг засветило солнце .
12/ .Билл тяжело дышал . Он бежал всю дорогу от метро до университета, так как боялся снова опоздать
13 Прежний унылый пейзаж сильно изменился /В последнее время часто шли дожди. И когда наконец засветило солнце, трава и листья на деревьях выглядели очень свежими.
14 Я поставила Елене оценку Отлично. Она усердно занималась и легко справилась с трудным тестом/
15/Не успел зазвонить телефон/ как Синди подняла трубку. Она ждала этого звонка все утро.
16Никто не видел его. Мы думали что он уехал. Оказалось что он готовится к экзаменам и сдал их успешно/
17Когда я познакомилась с Анной она работала уже два года в ресторане Макдоналдс/
18 анна работала два года в ресторане а потом поступила в экономический университет
19когда я выглянула в окно ,то увидела , что идет сильный дождь.

20 мы внимательно изучили договор , прежде чем подписали его
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
11. On the third day of our vacation in camping started to rain. The rain ran up to the day when we had to leave, when suddenly the Sun zasvetilo.12. Bill breathed heavily. He ran all the way from the subway to the University because he was afraid to be late again 13 Old Dumpy landscape has changed/lately often walked. And when finally zasvetilo Sun, grass and leaves on the trees looked very fresh.14 I put Elena rated Excellent. She worked hard and easily coped with difficult test/15/no time to ring phone/how Cindy lifted hung up. She was waiting for that phone call all morning.16Nikto did not see it. We thought that he left. It turned out that he was preparing for exams and passed them successfully/17Kogda I met with Anna, she worked for two years at the restaurant McDonald's/18 Anna worked at the restaurant for two years and then enrolled at the University of Economics19kogda I looked out the window, I saw that it is raining.20 we have studied carefully the agreement before it was signed
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
11. On the third day of our holiday at the campsite it started to rain. Rain was going to see the day when we had to leave, when suddenly the sun shone.
12 / .Bill panting. He ran all the way from the metro to the university, because he was afraid to be late again
13 former dull landscape has changed a lot / Recently, frequent rains. And when at last the sun shone, the grass and the leaves on the trees looked very fresh.
14 I put Helen Excellent assessment. She worked hard and easily coped with a difficult test /
15 / Do not have time phone rang / Cindy picked up the phone. She was waiting for this call all morning.
16Nikto not seen him. We thought that he had left. It turned out that he is preparing for the exams and passed them successfully /
17Kogda I met Anna, she worked for two years in the restaurant McDonald's /
18 Anna worked two years in the restaurant and then entered the University of Economics
19kogda I looked out the window, I saw that there is a strong rain.

20, we have carefully studied the contract before you sign it
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
11. on the third day of our vacation camping it started to rain. it rained for days when we had to leave, as if the sun is shining.12 /.билл hard breathing. he ran all the way from the subway station to the university, so afraid to be late again13 the dreary landscape has changed a lot / lately often it rained. and when finally shining sun, the grass and the leaves on the trees looked very fresh.14 i put helen"s assessment. she studied hard and easily handled a difficult test of /15 / didn"t ring the phone / as cindy picked up the phone. she"s been waiting for that phone call all morning.16никто didn"t see him. we thought that he had left. it turns out that he is preparing for the exams and passed them successfully.17когда i met with anna she worked for two years in the restaurant, mcdonald"s /18 anna worked for two years at a restaurant and then went to university of economics19когда, i looked out the window, i saw that a lot of rain.20 we have carefully studied the contract before you sign
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