A. Почему тебя не было неделю в школе?B. Знаешь, я был болен. У меня б перевод - A. Почему тебя не было неделю в школе?B. Знаешь, я был болен. У меня б английский как сказать

A. Почему тебя не было неделю в шко

A. Почему тебя не было неделю в школе?
B. Знаешь, я был болен. У меня была ангина.
A. Ой, ангина очень неприятная болезнь, правда?
B. Да! У меня болело горло и была высокая
A. Вы вызывали врача?
B. Конечно. Доктор прописал мне микстуру,
чтобы сбить температуру и велел полоскать
горло медом.
A. Это помогло?
B. Да, очень скоро. Я полоскал горло каждые два
часа, и уже на третий день мне было лучше.
A. Вы вызывали врача?
B. Да. Здравствуйте, доктор.
A. На что жалуетесь?
B. У меня болит горло и страшная головная боль.
A. Какая у вас температура?
B. Тридцать восемь и пять.
A. Дайте, я вас послушаю. Сделайте глубокий
B. Доктор, что со мной?
A. У вас грипп. Лежите в постели и пейте горячий
чай с медом и малиновым вареньем. Поставьте
горчичники на грудь и спину.
B. Спасибо, доктор.
A. Доктор, я себя чувствую больным.
B. Вы и выглядите больным. На что вы жалуе-
A. У меня страшная головная боль. И у меня все
B. Дайте мне проверить ваш пульс. Дайте руку.
A. Доктор, я, должно быть, простудился. Вчера
была плохая погода, и шел дождь.
B. Разденьтесь до пояса. Дайте я вас послушаю.
A. У меня болит спина и грудь.
B. У вас грипп. Вы должны принимать это лекар-
ство по столовой ложке три раза в день после
А. Спасибо, доктор.
A. Как вы себя чувствуете?
B. О, к сожалению, не очень хорошо.
А. Мне жаль слышать это. Что с вами?

В. Должно быть, я простудилась. У меня болит спи­на и грудь. И я думаю, что у меня температура.
A. Вы должны сидеть дома и вызвать врача. Врач
посмотрит вас, поставит диагноз и пропишет
B. Да, я думаю, что я сейчас поеду домой. Приятно
было вас повидать.
А. Мне также было приятно вас повидать.
A. Вы выглядите больной. Что с вами?
B. Ой, я себя отвратительно чувствую. У меня
раскалывается голова, болит горло, и у меня
сильный кашель.
A. Дайте-ка я пощупаю ваш пульс. О, я думаю,
что у вас температура.
B. Да, я думаю, вы правы. Я пойду сегодня в
A. Ничего подобного! Вы должны остаться дома
и вызвать врача. Врач выслушает вас, поставит
диагноз и пропишет лекарство.
B. Может быть, я поставлю себе горчичники на
грудь и спину. У меня болит спина и грудь.
A. Правильно. Сделайте это. А я вам принесу
меду. Пейте горячий чай с медом.
B. Спасибо.
A. Что с вашим братом?
B. Он болен. Вчера была плохая погода, и шел
дождь, а он не взял зонтик.
A. О, он, должно быть, простудился.
B. Да. Когда он пришел домой, у него был
сильный кашель и страшная головная боль.
Он все время чихал.
А. Вы вызвали врача? 230
В. Да, конечно. Врач прописал ему лекарство и сказал лежать в постели.
A. Поставьте ему на грудь и спину горчичники.
B. Спасибо, я, конечно, сделаю это.
A. Садитесь, пожалуйста. На что вы жалуетесь?
B. Доктор, у меня температура, страшная
головная боль и насморк.
A. Дайте вашу руку. Я хочу проверить ваш пульс
B. Должно быть, я простудился, когда шел вчера
домой с работы.
A. Да, погода вчера была плохая. Шел дождь, и
было холодно. У вас температура?
B. Да. У меня тридцать семь и восемь.
A. Разденьтесь до пояса. Я вас послушаю.
B. У меня болит горло.
А. Откройте рот. О, ваше горло красное. У вас ангина.
A. В субботу, когда мы шли из школы, Катя все
время чихала и кашляла, и сегодня ее нет в
школе. Должно быть, она простудилась.
B. Да, она больна.
A. Я навещу ее сегодня.
B. Нет, не ходи к ним. Я им вчера звонила. Она
больна гриппом. Грипп заразный.
A. Что сказала Катина мама?
B. Кате уже лучше. Они не вызывали врача,
потому что Катин папа доктор. Он сам осмотрел
ее, выслушал и поставил диагноз.
А. Ну, это хорошо. Надеюсь, она скоро попра­вится.
А. Что с вашей сестрой?
В. Вы знаете, она плохо себя чувствует. Ничего не ест, кашляет, жалуется на головную боль. Я ей давала таблетки от головной боли, но они ей не помогли.
A. Она, должно быть, простудилась. Сейчас очень
холодная погода. Поставьте ей на грудь горчич-
B. Да, я вчера уже ставила ей горчичники. Сего-
дня опять поставлю. Вот купила в магазине
меду и малинового варенья. Пусть пьет горячий
чай с малиновым вареньем и ест мед.
A. Вы вызывали врача?
B. Да нет.
A. Почему?
B. Ой, ну что сделает врач?
А. Ну как! Врач осмотрит ее, выслушает, поставит диагноз и пропишет лекарство.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
A. Why you were week at school?B. you know, I was sick. I had a sore throat.A. Oh, flu very unpleasant illness, right?B. Yes! I have throat ached and was hightemperature.A. you summoned a doctor?B. Course. The doctor prescribed me medicine,to bring down the temperature and told to rinseHoney throat.A. it helped?B. Yes, very soon. I'm rinsing out your throat every twohours, and already on the third day I was better.A. you summoned a doctor?B. Yes. Hello, doctor.A. What do you complain?B. I have a sore throat and a terrible headache.A. What is the temperature?B. thirty-eight and five.A. I give you listen. Take a deepsigh.B. doctor that with me?A. you have the flu. Lie in bed and drink hottea with honey and raspberry jam. Put themustard on the chest and back.B. thank you, doctor.A. doctor, I feel sick.B. Вы и выглядите больным. На что вы жалуе-тесь?A. У меня страшная головная боль. И у меня всеболит.B. Дайте мне проверить ваш пульс. Дайте руку.A. Доктор, я, должно быть, простудился. Вчерабыла плохая погода, и шел дождь.B. Разденьтесь до пояса. Дайте я вас послушаю.Дышите.A. У меня болит спина и грудь.B. У вас грипп. Вы должны принимать это лекар-ство по столовой ложке три раза в день послееды.А. Спасибо, доктор.A. Как вы себя чувствуете?B. О, к сожалению, не очень хорошо.А. Мне жаль слышать это. Что с вами?В. Должно быть, я простудилась. У меня болит спи­на и грудь. И я думаю, что у меня температура.A. Вы должны сидеть дома и вызвать врача. Врачпосмотрит вас, поставит диагноз и пропишетлекарство.B. Да, я думаю, что я сейчас поеду домой. Приятнобыло вас повидать.А. Мне также было приятно вас повидать.A. you look sick. What is with you?B. Oh, I feel disgusting. I havesplit head, sore throat, and I havestrong cough.A. Let I poŝupaû your pulse. Oh, I thinkthat you have a temperature.B. Yes, I think you're right. I'm off today atClinic.A. nothing like it! You should stay homeand call the doctor. The doctor will listen to you, putdiagnosis and prescribes medication.B. maybe I put myself on mustardchest and back. I had pain in my back and chest.A. Correct. Do it. And I'll bringhoney. Drink hot tea with honey.B. Thank you.A. That with your brother?B. He is sick. Yesterday was bad weather, and wentrain, and it didn't take an umbrella.A. Oh, he must have caught a cold.B. Yes. When he came home, he hadstrong coughing and terrible headache.He was sneezing all the time.A. you called the doctor? 230B. Yes, of course. The doctor prescribed him medication and told to lie in bed.A. Put him on the chest and back mustard.B. Thanks, of course, I'll do it.A. sit down, please. What do you complain?B. doctor, I have a fever, terribleheadache and a runny nose.A. Let your hand. I want to check your pulseB. I must have caught a cold when it todayhome from work.A. Yes, the weather today was bad. It rained, andIt was cold. You have a temperature?B. Yes. I have thirty-seven and eight.A. Razden′tes′ from the waist up. I listen to you.B. I have a sore throat.A. open your mouth. Oh, your throat is red. You have angina.A. on Saturday when we went from school, Katya alltime čihala and coughed, and today it is notschool. She must have caught a cold.B. Yes, she's sick.A. I visit her today.B. No, don't go to them. I called yesterday. Sheill with the flu. Influenza is contagious.A. That said Katina mom?B. Kate is already better. They were not a doctorbecause Katin dad doctor. He himself visitedIt listened to and diagnosed.A. well, it's good. I hope she gets well soon.A. your sister?You know, it feels bad. Nothing eats the, coughs, complains of headache. I gave her a pill for a headache, but they have not helped.A. she must have caught a cold. Now verycold weather. Put it on your chest-gorčičNicky.B. Yes, yesterday I already put her mustard plasters. This-day are again put. That's bought in a storehoney and raspberry jam. Let them drink hottea with raspberry jam and eating honey.A. you summoned a doctor?B. Yes No.A. Why?B. Oh, well that will make the doctor?A. well, how! The doctor will examine her, listen, diagnosis and prescribes medication.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
A. Why were not you at school week?
B. You know, I was sick. I had a sore throat.
A. Oh, angina is a very unpleasant disease, though?
B. Yes! I had a sore throat and high
A. You call the doctor?
B. Of course. The doctor prescribed me medicine,
to bring the temperature down and told to rinse
the throat with honey.
A. It helped?
B. Yes, very soon. I gargle every two
hours, and on the third day I was better.
A. You call the doctor?
B. Yes. Hello, Doctor.
A. What complaining?
B. I have a sore throat and a terrible headache.
A. What is your temperature?
B. Thirty-eight and five.
A. Give, I'll listen. Take a deep
B. Doctor, what with me?
A. You have the flu. Lay in bed and drink hot
tea with honey and raspberry jam. Put the
mustard on his chest and back.
B. Thank you, Doctor.
A. Doctor, I feel sick.
B. You and look sick. What do you zhalue-
A. I have a terrible headache. And I still
B. Let me check your pulse. Give a hand.
A. Doctor, I must have caught a cold. Yesterday
the weather was bad and there was a rain.
B. Undress to the waist. Let me listen to you.
A. I have a sore back and chest.
B. You have the flu. You must take this drug
GUSTs tablespoon three times daily after
A. Thank you, Doctor.
A. How do you feel?
B. Oh, unfortunately, not very well.
A. I'm sorry to hear that. What is it? B. I must have caught a cold. I have a sore back and chest. And I think I have a temperature. A. You should stay home and call a doctor. The doctor will look at you, diagnose and prescribe medication. B. Yes, I think I'll go home. It's nice it was to see you. A. I was also pleased to see you. A. You look sick. What's with you? B. Oh, I can feel disgusting. My aching head, sore throat, and I have a bad cough. A. Let me Feel your pulse. Oh, I think that you have a fever. B. Yes, I think you're right. I will go today at the clinic. A. Nothing like this! You should stay home and call a doctor. The doctor will listen to you, deliver a diagnosis and prescribe medication. B. Maybe I'll put myself mustard on his chest and back. I have a sore back and chest. A. Correctly. Do it. And I will bring you the honey. Drink hot tea with honey. B. Thank you. A. What's wrong with your brother? B. He is sick. Yesterday the weather was bad, and was rain, but he did not take an umbrella. A. Oh, he must have caught a cold. B. Yes. When he came home, he had a bad cough and a terrible headache. All the time he sneezed. A. You call the doctor? 230 V. Yes of course. The doctor prescribed him medicine and told to stay in bed. A. Put him on the chest and back mustard. B. Thank you, of course I'll do it. A. Sit down please. What are you complaining about? B. Doctor, I have a fever, a terrible headache and a runny nose. A. Give your hand. I want to check your pulse B. I must have caught a cold yesterday when he went home from work. A. Yes, the weather was bad yesterday. The rain was falling, and it was cold. Do you have a fever? B. Yes. I'm thirty-seven and eight. A. Undress to the waist. I listen to you. B. I have a sore throat. A. Open your mouth. Oh, your throat is red. You have a sore throat. A. On Saturday, when we came out of school, Kate all the time, sneezing and coughing, and today it is not in school. She must have caught a cold. B. Yes, she's sick. A. I visit her today. B. No, I do not go to them. I called him yesterday. She is sick with influenza. Influenza is contagious. A. That said Katya's mother? B. Kate better. They did not call the doctor, because the doctor Katin dad. He looked at her, listened to and diagnosed. A. It's good. I hope she gets better soon. A. What's wrong with your sister? B. You know, she was not feeling well. He does not eat, coughing, complaining of a headache. I gave her a pill for a headache, but it did not help. A. She must have caught a cold. Now it is very cold weather. Put on her chest gorchich- nicknames. B. Yes, yesterday I had put her mustard. Sego- day again put. That bought in the store honey and raspberry jam. Let drink hot tea with raspberry jam and eat honey. A. You call the doctor? B. Oh, no. A. Why? B. Oh, well, that will make the doctor? A. Well! The doctor will examine her, listen, diagnose and prescribe medication.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
a week. why weren't you in school?
b: you know, i was sick. i had a sore throat.
a. oh, or very bad disease, isn't it?
a b. i have a sore throat and a fever high
a: did you call the doctor?
b. of course.the doctor told me to take medicine,
and fever and throat honey.
a, does that help?
b. yes, very soon. i полоскал throat every two
hours and on the third day i was better.
a: did you call the doctor?
a b.hello, doctor.
a: what's the problem?
b. i have a sore throat and a terrible headache.
a. what is your temperature?
b. thirty eight and five.
a, let me listen to you. take a deep breath
a b. doctor, what's wrong with me?
a.you've got the flu. stay in bed and drink hot tea with honey and raspberry jam ". put mustard plasters on his chest and back
b: thank you, doctor. - a doctor, i feel sick.
b. you look sick. what do you жалуе -
comrade director?
a.i have a terrible headache. and i'm a
b: let me check your pulse. give me your hand. - a doctor, i must be coming down with a cold. yesterday. the weather was bad, and it was raining.
b, take off your clothes to the waist. let me listen to you. "breathe.
a, i have a bad back and chest.
a b, you have the flu. you must take it of
ships for tablespoon three times a day after meal
a. thank you, doctor. - how are you feeling?
b. oh, unfortunately, was not very good.
a.i'm sorry to hear that. what's the matter with you?

. i must be getting a cold. i have спи­на and chest. and i think i have a fever.
a, you should stay home and call a doctor. a doctor
look you'll write to make diagnosis.the cure.
b: yes, i think i'll go home. it was nice to see you
a. i was also pleased to see you. - ah. you look sick. what's the matter with you?
b. oh, i'm disgusting smell. i
a fucking headache.i have a sore throat and a cough
a, let me feel your pulse. oh, i think you have the temperature
b: yes, i think you're right. i'm going to the clinic today
a, nothing like that. you must stay home. and call a doctor.the doctor will listen you'll write a diagnosis and cure would
b. maybe i put some mustard on
the chest and the back. i have a pain in my back and chest.
a, right. do it. i'll bring you
honey. drink hot tea with honey.
a b.thank you
a, what's the matter with your brother?
b. he was ill. yesterday the weather was bad, and on
the rain, but he did not take an umbrella.
a: oh, he must have caught a cold.
a b. when he came home, he had a bad cough and a headache
he kept coughing.
a. you called the doctor? 230
. yes, of course. the doctor prescribed medicine and told him to stay in bed.
a, put it on his chest and back mustard.
b: thanks, i'll do it.
a. sit down, please.what are you complaining about?
b: doctor, i have a fever, a headache and a runny nose
a, give me your hand. i want to check your pulse
b. i must have caught a cold as he walked home from work yesterday
a: yes.the weather was bad. it was raining, and
it was cold. you have a fever?
a b. i have thirty seven and eight.
a take off your clothes to the waist. i hear.
b: i have a sore throat.
a. open your mouth. oh, your throat is red. angina.
a.on saturday, when we were at school, we all
time was sneezing and coughed, and today it is
school. she must be getting a cold.
b: yes, she's sick.
a i visit her tonight.
b: no, don't go to him. i called yesterday. it
is sick with the flu.flu contagious.
a, said kathy's mom?
b. home better. they didn't call the doctor,
because katja's father is a doctor. he examined the
, listening and diagnosed.
a. well, that's good. i hope she soon попра­вится.
a.what is your sister?
. you know, she's not feeling well. do not eat, coughs, complaining of a headache. i gave her a headache, but they didn't help her.
a, she must be getting a cold. now, really.the cold weather. put on her chest горчич -
b. yes, yesterday i already gave her a mustard plaster. this -
day again put. i bought it in a store
honey and raspberry jam. drink hot.tea with raspberry jam and eating honey.
a: did you call the doctor?
b. yes. a: why?
b. oh, what does the doctor say?
a. well! the doctor examined her, will make the diagnosis and cure of
'll write.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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