Сегодня, В этот великий день, Я испытываю особую гордость за свою страну. И даже несмотря на то что в ее истории были и светлые и темные пятна. I know full well the responsibilities that await me , но теперь мы смотрим в новое светлое будущее, даже несмотря на то, что у нас не все получается сейчас во всех сферах политической жизни.
Я, однако, сохраняю веру, что путь к исцелению уКРАИНЫ не закрыт. И через все развращения, и через все уничтожения, пережитые нами , наш народ еще удивительно сохранил и разнообразный духовный потенциал.
Я неоднократно повторял: наша высшая и главная цель - это сбережение нашего народа, столь уже измученного. Я сделаю все для страны , чтобы мы жили достойно.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Today, this is a great day, I feel a special pride in their country. And even despite the fact that her stories were and the bright and dark spots. I know full well the either that await me, but now we're looking at a new bright future, even though we have everything now in all spheres of political life. I did, however, retain the belief that the path to healing of Ukraine is not closed. And through all the corruption, and through all the destruction suffered by us, our people are amazingly preserved and diverse spiritual potential. I repeated: our highest and overriding objective is to safeguard our people, so tormented. I will do everything for the country, so we lived decently.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Today, on this great day, I feel a special pride for their country. And despite the fact that her stories were bright and dark spots. I know full well the responsibilities that await me, but now we are looking into a new bright future, despite the fact that we did not all get today in all spheres of political life.
However, I have faith that the way to healing of Ukraine is not closed. And through all the corruption, and through the destruction experienced by us, our people are still surprisingly preserved and diverse spiritual potential.
I have often repeated, our highest and main goal - a savings of our people, as is already exhausted. I'll do anything for the country, for us to live with dignity.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
today, this is a great day, i feel particularly proud of their country. and even though in its history and the bright and dark spots. i know full well the responsibilities that await me, but now we are looking for a new bright future.even though we don't have all the work now in all spheres of political life.
i, however, i believe that the way to healing of ukraine is not closed. and through all the corruption, and through all the destruction,experienced, our people are remarkably saved and varied spiritual potential.
i has repeatedly said: our capital, and the main purpose is the preservation of our people, so exhausted.i'll do everything i can for the country, so that we can live with dignity. "
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