1. Перед нашим домом много цветов.2. Наша квартира на втором этаже.3.  перевод - 1. Перед нашим домом много цветов.2. Наша квартира на втором этаже.3.  английский как сказать

1. Перед нашим домом много цветов.2

1. Перед нашим домом много цветов.
2. Наша квартира на втором этаже.
3. Можно мне поговорить с вами сейчас, или я должна прийти завтра?
4. Могу ли я купить этот приемник?
5. Квартира моей сестры очень удобная и уютная.
6. Есть ли в вашей квартире кладовая? - нет.
7. В этой квартире две комнаты и кухня.
8. Можно ли детям пойти на каток? - Нет, уже слишком поздно.
9. Могу ли я поговорить с преподавателем? - Да.
10. Должна ли я отвечать вам сейчас? - Нет. Вы можете это сделать завтра.
11. В спальне моих родителей 2 кровати, кресло, два стула и туалетный столик.
12. У вас есть телевизор?-Нет. А холодильник?- Да, есть.
13.Вы можете почистить ковёр пылесосом. Это очень легко.
14. Мне нравится мебель в вашей квартире. Она совсем новая и вполне современная. Вы должны только купить ковёр и торшер для столовой.
15. Я живу в новом доме. В нашей квартире есть все удобства:электричество, газ, водопровод, центральное отопление,мусоропровод и телефон.
16. В вашей ванной комнате есть зеркало?
17. У вас дома есть английские книги?-Нет.
18. Вы не можете мне позвонить?-У меня нет телефона.
19. Вы должны исправить все ошибки в переводе.
20. Кто муж твоей сестры?-Он врач.
21. На ком женат твой брат?- Он женат на моей приятельнице. -Как её зовут? - Ее зовут Елена.- Сколько ей лет?- Ей двадцать лет.- Кто она по профессии?- Она машинистка.
22. В вашем саду есть цветы?- Нет, в нашем саду нет цветов, но есть несколько фруктовых деревьев.
23. Есть ли студенты в комнате 20?- Нет. Они должны прийти туда через полчаса.
24. Который сейчас час?- Половина шестого. -Ваши часы спешат. Сейчас только четверть шестого.
25. У меня есть немного свободного времени. Я могу пойти на каток.
26. На столе есть молоко? - Да, немного.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. a lot of flowers in front of our House.2. our apartment on the second floor.3. can I talk to you now, or I will come tomorrow?4. can I buy this receiver?5. my sister's Apartment is very comfortable and cozy.6. does your home pantry? -No.7. in the apartment of two rooms and a kitchen.8. can children go to the skating rink? -No, it's too late.9. can I speak with a teacher? -Yes.10. Should I respond to you now? -No. You can do it tomorrow.11. in my parents ' bedroom 2 beds, a sofa, two chairs and a dressing table.12. do you have a TV? — no. A refrigerator?-Yes, there is.13. you can clean your carpet cleaner. It is very easy.14. I like the furniture in your apartment. It is really a new and completely modern. You should only buy carpet and floor lamp for the dining room.15. I live in a new House. In our apartment has all the amenities: electricity, gas, water, garbage disposal, central heating and a telephone.16. in your bathroom mirror?17. in your home there are English books?-No.18. you can not call me?-I don't have a phone.19. you must correct all the errors in the translation.20. who is the husband of your sisters?-he is a medical doctor.21. who is your brother? "he is married to my friend. -As her name? Her name is Elena.-how old is she? s twenty years.-who it profession?-she's a typist.22. There are flowers in your garden?-no, no flowers in our garden, but there are a few fruit trees.23. are there any students in the room of 20?-No. They have to come back in half an hour.24. now the hour? — half of the sixth. -Your watch is slow. Now only a quarter of the sixth.25. I have a little free time. I can go to the skating rink.26. on the table there is milk? -Yes, a little.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The front of our house many colors.
2. Our apartment is on the second floor.
3. Can I talk to you now, or should I come back tomorrow?
4. Can I buy this receiver?
5. Apartment my sister very comfortable and cozy.
6. Does your apartment closet? - No.
7. This apartment has two rooms and a kitchen.
8. Is it possible for children to go to the rink? - No, it's too late.
9. Can I talk to a teacher? - Yes.
10. Should I respond to you now? - No. You can do it tomorrow.
11. In my parents' bedroom with 2 beds, a chair, two chairs and a dressing table.
12. Do you have a TV? -No. A refrigerator? - Yes, there is.
13.Vy can clean the carpet cleaner. It is very easy.
14. I like the furniture in your apartment. It is quite new and quite modern. You should only buy carpet and floor lamp for the dining room.
15. I live in a new house. Our apartment has all the amenities such as electricity, gas, water, central heating, garbage disposal and telephone.
16. In your bathroom mirrors?
17. Do you have English books at home? -No.
18. You can not call me? -I Do not have a phone.
19. You must correct all errors in the translation.
20. Who is your sister's husband? He's a doctor.
21. On whom married your brother? - He is married to my friend. -What's Her name? - Her name is Elena.- How old is she? - She's twenty years.- Who is she in the profession? - It typist.
22. In your garden there are flowers? - No, not in our garden flowers, but there are several fruit trees.
23. Do students in room 20? - No. They have to come back in half an hour.
24. What time is it? - Half past five. -Your Clock hurry. It's only a quarter past five.
25. I have some free time. I can go to the skating rink.
26. On the table there is milk? - Yes, a little.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. In front of our house is many colors.
2. Our apartment is on the second floor.
3. Can I talk to you now, or i should come tomorrow?
4. Can I buy this receiver?
5. My sister's apartment is very comfortable and cozy.
6.Is there in your apartment pantry? - No.
7. In this apartment is composed of two rooms and a kitchen.
8. Is it possible for children to go to the skating rink? - No, it is already too late.
9. May I please speak with your instructor? - Yes.
10. Should I respond to you now?- Do not. You can do so tomorrow.
11. In my parents' bedroom 2 beds, chair with ottoman, two chairs and a dressing table.
12. Do you have a tv? -not. A refrigerator?- Yes, there are.
13.You can clean carpet with a vacuum cleaner. This is a very easily.
14. I like the furniture in your apartment. It is a new and very modern. You should only buy carpet and floor lamp for a dining room.
15. I live in a new house. In our apartment has all of the amenities: electricity, gas,Running water, central heating,kitchen cupboard and phone.
16. In your bathroom mirror?
17. In your home there is a English book? -No.
18. You can not call me? -i have no phone.
19.You must correct all errors in the translation.
20. Who husband sister? -He doctor.
21. The k married your brother?- He is married to my cured. -What is her name? - Her name is Elena.- How old is she?- it twenty years.- who is she?- It/typist.
22. In your garden flowers?- No, in our garden there are no colors, but there are a few fruit trees.
23. Are there any students in the room 20 ?- not. They need to come back in half an hour.
24. Which is now an hour?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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