1. Пока она гладила брюки, он слушал радио. Последние новости были интересными. 2. Мы не могли пересечь речку в этом месте. Новый мостик через нее все еще строился. 3. – Какой прекрасный свитер! Где ты его приобрела? – О, мне его подарили на день рождения. 4. В этой книге прекрасные иллюстрации, они были сделаны молодым и талантливым художником. 5. Мы наблюдали, как дети наряжали новогоднюю елку, и надеялись, что новый год принесет им много счастья. 6. Когда я пришел в университет, то обнаружил, что профессор заболел. 7. Шел сильный снег, но мы надеялись, что он скоро прекратится. 8. Спасибо за сведения, которые вы мне принесли, я их обязательно использую в своей работе. 9. Она много работала, но управляющий не собирался поднимать ей зарплату. 10. – Интересно, что это строится в самом центре города? – О, это еще один ночной клуб.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. While she ironed pants, he listened to the radio. The latest news was interesting. 2. We could not cross the River at this location. A new bridge across it is still built. 3.-what a lovely sweater! Where you purchased? -Oh, I gave him for his birthday. 4. fine illustrations in this book, they were made by a young and talented artist. 5. We watched as children dressed Christmas tree, and hoped that the new year will bring them a lot of happiness. 6. When I went to University, discovered that the professor was ill. 7. Shel snow, but we had hoped that it would soon stop. 8. Thanks for the information that you have brought me, I will definitely use in my work. 9. She worked a lot, but had no intention of raising it Manager salaries. 10.-it is interesting that it is built in the heart of the city? -Oh, it's another night club.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. While she ironed trousers, he listened to the radio. Recent news has been interesting. 2. We could not cross the river at this point. New bridge across it is still under construction. 3. - What a beautiful sweater! Where have you got him? - Oh, I gave him for his birthday. 4. In this book, beautiful illustrations, they were made to young and talented artist. 5. We watched as children dressed up Christmas tree, and hoped that the new year will bring them a lot of happiness. 6. When I went to university, I discovered that the professor was ill. 7. It was heavy snow, but we were hoping that it will stop soon. 8. Thank you for the information that you brought me, I'm sure they use in their work. 9. It is a lot of work, but the manager was not going to raise her salary. 10. - It is interesting that it is built in the heart of the city? - Oh, this is another nightclub.
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