Я еду на машине куда-нибудь за город. Останавливаюсь на обочине, выхож перевод - Я еду на машине куда-нибудь за город. Останавливаюсь на обочине, выхож английский как сказать

Я еду на машине куда-нибудь за горо

Я еду на машине куда-нибудь за город. Останавливаюсь на обочине, выхожу.
И вот, когда выходишь из машины, и видишь бескрайние поля справа и слева от дороги…
В одной стороне, вдалеке видишь лес…
С другой стороны видишь далеко дома...
В поле воздушный шар, готовый к полёту…
Идёшь к нему и садишься в этот воздушный шар…
Начинаешь подниматься вверх…
Поднимаешься всё выше, и видишь под собой поля и дорогу и машины на дороге...
Видишь вдалеке лес и видишь дома…
И по мере того, как выше поднимаешься вверх, всё вокруг уменьшается в размерах…
И теперь можешь видеть вокруг себя поля и леса и города и посёлки…
Можешь видеть узкие ленты дорог и маленькие машины на них…
И поднимаешься выше…
И можешь видеть всё до самого горизонта… и видишь горизонт…
И у горизонта всё как бы растворяется в дымке…
И видишь над горизонтом синее небо, и видишь как над тобой по небу
плывут облака…
Поднимаешься над облаками…
Видишь под собой белое поле облаков, простирающееся бесконечно во все стороны…
Рассматриваешь облака…
А над головой только голубое небо и где-то вверху Солнце, очень далеко…
И течение времени как бы замедляется...
Поднимаешься ещё выше и опять начинаешь далеко внизу видеть Землю.
Видишь сушу и моря…
На суше ещё видны города, и они кажутся очень маленькими…
Видишь реки, горы, моря…
Поднимаешься выше, чувствуя себя в полной безопасности, потому что знаешь, что можешь вернуться в любую минуту, когда захочешь…
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I'm going by car somewhere outside the city. Stayed on the sidelines, go out. And that's when you step out of the car and see endless fields on the right and on the left side of the road. In one side, the distance you see the forest ... On the other hand you see the far home. Balloon in box, ready for flight. Go to it and sit down in this balloon. You start to climb up. Climb everything above and see a field and the road and cars on the road ... See far a forest and see the House. And as above going up, everything is reduced in size. And now you can see the fields and Woods around themselves and the cities and towns. You can see the narrow ribbon of roads and small machines on them ... And climb higher. And you can see everything up to the horizon. and see the horizon ... And near the horizon as though everything dissolves in a haze. And see blue sky above the horizon, and you see how the sky above you drifting clouds. Climb above the clouds ... You see a white box clouds extending infinitely in all directions. You gaze at the clouds. And head over to only blue sky and somewhere above the Sun, very far. And over time, as would be slowed down. Climb even higher and again start to see far below the ground. See land and sea ... On land has seen the city, and they seem very young. See the rivers, mountains, seas ... Climb above, feeling completely safe, because you know that you can go back at any time, whenever you want.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I go by car somewhere outside the city. I stop on the roadside, go.
And when you come out of the car, and you see endless fields of the right and left of the road ...
At one side, the distance you can see the forest ...
On the other hand you see far at home ...
In the balloon, ready to fly ...
You go to him and sit in the balloon ...
starts to rise up ...
rise higher, and you see a field and a road and cars on the road ...
You see in the distance the forest and see the house ...
And as the higher you go up, everything around it shrinks ...
And now you can see around you plains and forests and the cities and villages ...
You can see the narrow ribbons of roads and small cars on them ...
and rises above ...
And you can see all the way to the horizon ... and you see the horizon ...
And the horizon all as it dissolves in the haze ...
And you can see on the horizon the blue sky, and you see both of you in the sky
floating clouds ...
rises above the clouds ...
You see under a white box of clouds extending infinitely in all directions ...
to consider the clouds ...
and overhead only blue sky and somewhere at the top of the sun, far away ...
And for a time as it slows down ...
to climb even higher, and again you start to see the earth far below.
You see the land and the sea ...
On land yet seen the city, and they seem to be very small ...
you see rivers, mountains , sea ...
to rise above feeling completely safe, because you know that you can come back at any time, whenever you want ...
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i'm driving somewhere outside the city. stopping at the roadside, i'm out.
and when getting out of the car, and see the vast fields on the right and the left of the road.
in one side, far see a forest. "on the other hand you see far away from home.
the balloon, ready to go...
go to him and get the balloon...

you start up the mountain, all the aboveand see a field and a road and car on the road.
see in the distance the forest and see the house...
and as the above starting up, everything is reduced in size. "and now you can see around the fields and forests, and towns and villages,
can see narrow strips of roads and small cars on them,
and up above...
and can see everything to the horizon, and you see the horizon.and i was all like dissolves in haze,
and you see on the horizon blue sky, like to see you in the sky floating clouds

you up above the clouds, white clouds in the field.простирающееся infinitely in all directions...

and saw clouds overhead, only the blue sky, and at the top of the sun, very far away... "and over time, as slowing down...
up above and start to see the earth far below.
see the land and the sea. the land is still visible. the city, and they all seem a little...
see rivers, mountains, seas...
up abovefeeling safe, because you know that you can come back at any time when you want to...
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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