Спасибо за комплимент. У меня все отлично. Так как я не могу поехать в перевод - Спасибо за комплимент. У меня все отлично. Так как я не могу поехать в английский как сказать

Спасибо за комплимент. У меня все о

Спасибо за комплимент. У меня все отлично. Так как я не могу поехать в лагерь, Мы с другом в июле хотели пойти в поход через Говерлу. Но лидер группы отказался. У него супруга на 7 месяце беременности. И он отказался. Мы нашли другую группу. Их поход в ближайшую неделю. Меня отпускали, потому что мою начальницу пригласили отдохнуть в Крыму на эти же даты. Но моего друга нет. Сказали, что ему еще не положено. Поэтому, возможно я поеду в Крым с начальницей и ее ребенком за которым я присматриваю. Я все понимаю. Трудись как считаешь нужным и столько сколько потребует качество работы. Я вчера ходила в церковь на Подоле и специально сели возле камер, чтобы попасть в кадр. Таким образом передавали привет нашей бабушке за 700 км от нас. Она была в восторге и говорила, что постоянно видела нас. И другие знакомые звонили. И говорили что были рады меня видеть. А потом провели замечательную прогулку. Вот и фотографию решила обновить. Прошлая была траурная черная. А сейчас все отлично :)

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Thanks for the compliment. I have everything perfectly. Since I can't go to a camp friend in July wanted to go hiking through the Hoverla mountain. But the Group's leader refused. He has a wife at 7 months pregnant. And he refused. We found another group. Their trek in the coming week. Let me, because my second goal ... are invited to relax in the Crimea on the same date. But my friend doesn't have. Said that he had not yet begun. So maybe I will go to Crimea with the boss and her child for whom I prismatrivaû. I understand everything. Work as you think fit and would require as much as quality of work. Yesterday I went to church at the hem and specially boarded near cameras to get into the frame. Thus passed Hi our grandmother for 700 km away. She was thrilled and said that she saw us. And other familiar called. And said that they were happy to see me. And then spent a wonderful outing. That's decided to update photograph. The past was mourning black. And now everything is fine:)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Thanks for the compliment. I'm great. Since I can not go to the camp, A friend in July would go hiking through Goverlu. But the leader of the group refused. His wife is 7 months pregnant. And he refused. We found another group. Their campaign in the coming week. I was released because my boss invited to relax in the Crimea on the same dates. But my friend does not. They said that he was not yet laid. So maybe I will go to the Crimea with the boss and her child for whom I care. I understand. Work hard as he sees fit and as much as you require quality work. Yesterday I went to church at the hem and a specially sat next to the camera to get the shot. Thus passed greetings of our grandmother for 700 km from us. She was thrilled and said that we are constantly seen. And other familiar called. And they said that they were happy to see me. And then we spent a wonderful walk. Here and I decided to update photo. The past was a black mourning. And now everything is fine :)

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
thanks for the compliment. i"m fine. so i can"t go to camp, and another in july would go camping in the long. but the group"s leader refused. his wife is 7 months pregnant. and he refused. we found another group. their campaign in the coming week. i let go, because my boss asked to rest in the crimea on the same date. but my friend. said that he is not supposed to. however, i might go to the crimea with the boss and her child for whom i was looking. i understand everything. so do as you see fit, as long as will the quality of the work. yesterday i went to church on her belly and specially sat near the camera to get in the shot. thus, our grandmother was about 700 km from us. she was delighted and said that has seen us. other people called. and said they were happy to see me. and then had a wonderful trip. that"s the picture decided to update. the other was a black. and now everything is great:)
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