What places of interest in Sydney do you know?Сиднейский оперный театр
2A Macquarie St Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Хотя постройка Оперного театра была начата только в 1973 году, оно уже давно стало самым узнаваемым символом если не всей Австралии, то Сиднея — точно. У Дома Оперы гораздо больше общих черт с кораблями, чем с обычными, земными зданиями.
Мост Харбор-Бридж
Bradfield Hwy Milsons Point
Красавец-мост Харбор-Бридж был открыт в 1932 году, 19 марта. На его строительство была затрачена сумма поистине астрономическая по тем временам — 20 млн австралийских долларов. Мост соединяет деловую центральную часть города с Северным берегом, пересекая залив Порт-Джексон.
Сиднейская башня
Sydney Tower, 450 George St Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Сиднейская башня — самая высокая постройка в Сиднее и вторая по высоте в Австралии. Её высота — 305 метров, и это одна из самых популярных достопримечательностей города. Башня открыта для публичного посещения, здесь же находится обзорная площадка с рестораном.
Сиднейский Аквариум
King St & Sussex St Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Сходить в Аквариум нужно непременно, так как этот аквариум — один из крупнейших в мире. Он невероятно разнообразен, и от его посещения нельзя не прийти в восторг: даже простая прогулка по маршруту аквариума без остановок у экспонатов занимает до 3,5 часов — настолько велико это сооружение!
Оперный театр и мост есть почти в каждом крупном городе, но в Сиднее эти достопримечательности уникальны как нигде! Мост Харбор-Бридж и Опера, похожая на несущийся по водам залива парусник, а некоторые туристы сравнивают сооружение с гигантским плещущимся лебедем, — национальная гордость австралийцев, можно сказать, иконы.
Главная проблема для путешественников в самом крупном городе Австралии — объять необъятное, ведь Сидней в два раза больше по площади Нью-Йорка! И здесь столько всего интересного!
Современный Сидней — один из самых цветущих мегаполисов мира, сюда стремятся путешественники со всех уголков планеты. Здесь можно прекрасно отдохнуть на многочисленных пляжах, расположенных как в городе, так и вокруг него, — заняться серфингом или поиграть в пляжный волейбол, совершить паромную экскурсию по красивейшей гавани, пройтись по магазинам в Пэддингтоне или же окунуться в бурную ночную жизнь. В Сиднее царит дружеская и расслабленная атмосфера. При том, что мегаполис имеет статус одного из главных финансовых центров мира, количество парков и зеленых оазисов делает его совершенно непохожим на другие главные города планеты.
Жители Сиднея очень гордятся своим Королевским ботаническим садом, часто гуляют там с семьями и друзьями. По саду развешаны таблички с просьбой ходить по траве, лежать на лужайках, обнимать деревья и нюхать розы. И вы тоже не проходите мимо!
В Сиднее крайне мало памятников старины, но стоит посетить викторианские кварталы Бэлмэйр и Пэддингтон, а также развлекательный квартал Рокс. Интересны туристам церковь Сент-Джеймс, казармы Гайд-парк, монетный двор, а также островная тюрьма, ставшая военной крепостью, — Форт-Денисон. Все это памятники первой половины 19 века. Непременно добавьте в свою программу поездку в Голубые горы — подышите эвкалиптовым воздухом, за традиционными австралийскими вином и сыром отправляйтесь в долину виноделия Hunter Valley, а захотите увидеть китов и дельфинов во всей красе — езжайте в Порт Stephens.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
What places of interest in Sydney do you know? The Sydney Opera House2A Macquarie St Sydney NSW 2000, AustraliaAlthough the construction of the Opera House was started only in the year 1973, it has long been the most recognizable symbol of the if not the whole of Australia, Sydney is exactly. Opera Houses have much more in common with ships than with conventional, terrestrial buildings.UNESCOHarbour BridgeBradfield Hwy Milsons PointHandsome Sydney Harbour Bridge was opened in 1932, the year March 19. Its construction was spent amount of truly astronomical at that time — 20 million Australian dollars. The bridge connects the central part of the business of the city with the North Shore, crossing the Bay of Port Jackson.Sydney TowerSydney Tower, 450 George St Sydney NSW 2000, AustraliaSydney Tower-the tallest building in Sydney and the second highest in Australia. Her height is 305 metres, and is one of the most popular attractions of the city. The tower is open to the public, here is the review site with restaurant.Sydney AquariumKing St & Sussex St Sydney NSW 2000, AustraliaGo to the Aquarium should be, because this is one of the largest aquarium in the world. He is incredibly diverse, and from his visit, one cannot but come in delight: even a simple walk along the route of the Aquarium without stopping at exhibits takes up to 3.5 hours is so large this building!The Opera House and the bridge is in almost every major city, but in Sydney these unique attractions like nowhere else! The Harbour Bridge and the Opera House, similar to the water rushing sailboat Bay, and some tourists compare building with a giant Swan float, national pride of Australians, you can say, icons.The main problem for travelers in the largest city in Australia-embrace the boundless, because Sydney is two times bigger in New York! And there are so many interesting things!Modern Sydney is one of the most flourishing megacities in the world, aspire to travelers from all over the world. Here you can relax in the numerous beaches, located both in the city and around it, — surf or play beach volleyball, make a ferry excursion to the beautiful harbour, go shopping in Paddington or take a dip in the vibrant nightlife. In Sydney, the friendly and relaxed atmosphere reigns. In that metropolis is one of the main financial centres in the world, the number of parks and green oases makes it totally different from other major cities in the world.Sydney residents are very proud of their Royal Botanical Gardens, often walking there with families and friends. In the garden there are plaques with a request to walk on the grass, lying on the lawns, hugging trees and smell the roses. And you will not pass by!In Sydney, there are very few ancient monuments, but worth visiting Victorian quarters Bèlmèjr and Paddington, as well as entertainment district Rocks. Of interest to tourists are the Church of St James, Hyde Park barracks, mint, as well as the Island prison, which has become a military fortress — Fort Denison. All the monuments of the first half of the 19 century. Will definitely add to its programme of trip to the Blue Mountains — breathe in eucalyptus air for traditional Australian wine and cheese go to Valley winemaking Hunter Valley and want to see whales and dolphins in all its glory — drive in Port Stephens.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
What places of interest in Sydney do you know? Sydney Opera House
2A Macquarie St Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Although construction of the Opera House was launched only in 1973, it has already become the most recognizable symbol, if not the whole of Australia, the Sydney - exactly. At the Opera House is much more in common with the ships than usual, the earth buildings. UNESCO Harbour Bridge Bradfield Hwy Milsons Point Handsome Harbour Bridge was opened in 1932, March 19. Its construction was spent truly astronomical sum at the time - 20 million Australian dollars. The bridge connects the central business district to the north shore, crossing the Gulf of Port Jackson. Sydney Tower Sydney Tower, 450 George St Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Sydney Tower - the tallest building in Sydney and the second highest in Australia. Her height - 305 meters, and this is one of the most popular attractions of the city. The tower is open to the public, there is also a viewing platform with restaurant. Sydney Aquarium King St & Sussex St Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Go to the aquarium, it is imperative, as this aquarium - one of the largest in the world. He is incredibly diverse, and his visit is impossible not to get excited: even a simple walk from the aquarium without stopping at the exhibits takes up to 3.5 hours - so high this building! The Opera House and the bridge is almost in every major city, but in Sydney These unique attractions as nowhere else! Harbour Bridge and Opera, like a rushing of the waters of the Gulf sailboat and some tourists compared to the construction of a giant splashing swan - the national pride of Australians, one might say, of the icon. The main problem for travelers in the largest city of Australia - to grasp the immensity, because Sydney twice the area of New York City! And there are so many interesting things! Modern Sydney - one of the most flourishing cities of the world, here tend to travelers from all over the world. Here you can relax on the numerous beaches, located both in the city and around it - go surfing or play beach volleyball, take a ferry tour of the beautiful harbor, go shopping in Paddington, or plunge into the nightlife. Sydney is friendly and relaxed atmosphere. With that, the metropolis has the status of one of the major financial centers of the world, the number of parks and green oases makes it quite different from other major cities of the planet. The inhabitants of Sydney are very proud of their Royal Botanic Gardens, often walk there with their families and friends. In the garden hung signs asking to walk on the grass, lying on the lawns, hugging trees and smell the roses. And you, too, do not pass by! Sydney are very few monuments, but worth a visit Victorian neighborhoods Belmeyr and Paddington and The Rocks entertainment district. Interesting tour of St. James Church, Hyde Park Barracks, mint and a prison island, which became a military fortress - Fort Denison. All these monuments of the first half of the 19th century. Be sure to add to its program of trip to the Blue Mountains - eucalyptus breathe the air of the traditional Australian wine and cheese go into the valley winemaking Hunter Valley, and want to see whales and dolphins in all its glory - Go to Port Stephens.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
так и, и, - в ближайшем будущем звенигородского проспекта серфингом или поиграть в пляжный волейбол, совершить паромную экскурсию по красивейшей гавани, пройтись по магазинам в Пэддингтоне или же окунуться в бурную ночную жизнь.what places of interest in sydney, do you know? the sydney opera house
2a Macquarie st sydney nsw 2000, australia. although the opera had only begun in 1973, it has long become the most recognizable symbol, if not the whole of australiathen the sydney - exactly. opera house have more similarities with the ships than conventional earth buildings.
the unesco bridge harbor bridge Bradfield Hwy Milsons point
beautiful bridge harbor bridge was opened in 1932, march 19.its construction was spent amount truly astronomical in those days - 20 million australian dollars. the bridge connects the business center of town to the north bank, crossing the bay of port jackson.
sydney tower
sydney tower, 450 george st sydney nsw 2000, australia. sydney tower is the tallest structure in the city, and the second tallest in australia. her height of 305 meters, and it is one of the most popular attractions.the tower is open for public visits, there is a restaurant review site.
sydney aquarium
king st & sussex st sydney nsw 2000, australia
go to the aquarium to havesince the tank is one of the largest in the world. he is incredibly diverse, and his visit to not to come over, even the simple walk on the route of the tank without stopping at the exhibits takes up to 3.5 hours - so great that structure.
the opera house and bridge is in almost every major city, but in sydney, these attractions are nowhere! the sydney harbour bridge and the opera house.like a speeding water gulf sailfish, and some tourists take a giant плещущимся swan, the national pride of australians to icons.the main problem for travelers in the largest city in australia - sydney to wrestle with the big picture, is twice the square of new york city. and it's so interesting!
sydney is one of the most modern of megalopolises in the world, there are travelers from all corners of the world. here you can relax in the numerous beaches, located in the city.and around him, go surfing or play beach volleyball, a ferry trip in the beautiful harbor, go shopping in пэддингтоне or plunge into the lively nightlife.sydney is a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. assuming that the metropolis has the status of one of the major financial centres of the world.on a coordinated plates to walk on the grass, lying here, hugging the trees and smell the roses. and you also don't pass!
in sydney is extremely small monuments.the number of parks and green oases makes it quite different from other major cities of the world.
people of sydney are very proud of their royal botanical gardens, often go out there with their families and friends.as a military fortress, fort denison. it is the first half of the 19th century. will add to your program, visit the blue mountains - you эвкалиптовым airbut it is worth visiting the victorian neighborhoods бэлмэйр and paddington, as well as the entertainment quarter of rocks. tourists interested in the church of st. james, the hyde park barracks, mint, as well as the island prison,
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