Я совершенно не согласен с вашим утверждением. Я возвращался из страны, где пребывал по визе США в свою родную страну. При покупке билета вы зафиксировали, что у меня украинский паспорт, предупредили, что нужны документы для пребывания в США. Мне не нужно было в Канаду, и зачем тогда виза? Вы не предупредили о том, что продаете мне билет, который невалидный для меня. Т.е. продали мне негодный продукт. Вы причинили мне кучу неприятностей. И за это я заплатил вам деньги. Кроме того ваш представитель при обмене билета извинялся и заверил, что Юнайтед найдет возможность
компенсировать неудобства. Значит, у вас не только недобросовестные и безответственные работники, но и лгуны. И потому я вынужден буду обратится в суд.
Результаты (
английский) 2:
I completely disagree with your statement. I was returning from the country, where he stayed for US visa in their home country. When you purchase a ticket you have recorded, I have a Ukrainian passport, warned that the documents are needed to stay in the United States. I did not have in Canada, and why would a visa? You are not warned that selling me a ticket, which is not valid for me. Those. They sold me a bad product. You've caused me a lot of trouble. And for that I paid you money. Also, your representative at the ticket exchange apologized and assured that the United find a way to
compensate for the inconvenience. So you are not only unscrupulous and irresponsible employees, but also liars. And because I will have to go to court.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i don't agree with your statement. i come from a country where dwelt on the visa in their home country. when buying a ticket, you picked up that i have the ukrainian passport, warned that need papers to stay in the united states. i don't need to be in canada, and then why the visa? didn't you say that you sell me a ticket, which is not a valid to me. i.e. sold me the bad product. you caused me a lot of trouble. and for that, i paid you the money. in addition, your representative at the exchange ticket apologized and stated that they will be able toto compensate for the inconvenience. so, you not only unfair and irresponsible employees, and liars. and because i have to go to court.
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