9. Он боялся, как бы они не попали в беду, т.к. лед на реке был слишком тонким, чтобы кататься на коньках. 10. Я опасался, что их никто не встретил в аэропорту, потому что прошло уже три часа после их прибытия, и от них не было никаких известий.
9. He was afraid as they are in trouble, because the ice on the River was too thin to skate. 10. I was worried that they had not met at the airport, because it has been three hours after their arrival, and there was no news.
9. He was afraid they would not get into trouble, because ice on the river was too thin to skate. 10. I am afraid that no one met at the airport because it's been three hours after their arrival, and of whom there was no news.
9. he was afraid they would get in trouble since. the ice in the river was too thin to skating. 10. i feared that they had not met at the airport, because it's been three hours after their arrival.and they don't have any news.