- Есть в каждом из нас что-то такое, о чем мы даже не подозреваем. То существование, которое мы будем отрицать до тех самых пор, пока не будет слишком поздно и это что-то потеряет для нас всякий смысл. Именно это заставляет нас подниматься по утрам с постели, терпеть, когда нас донимает занудный босс, терпеть кровь, пот, слёзы... А всё потому, что нам хочется показать другим какие мы на самом деле хорошие, красивые, щедрые, забавные и умные. Можете меня бояться или почитать, только, пожалуйста, не считайте меня таким же, как все. Нас объединяет это пристрастие, мы наркоманы, сидящие на игле одобрения и признания, мы готовы на всё, лишь бы нас похлопали по плечу и подарили золотые часы или прокричали: "Гип, гип, мать его так, ура!", "Смотрите какой умный мальчик завоевал очередную медальку, а теперь натирает до блеска свой любимый кубок!". Всё это сводит нас с ума. Мы не более, чем обезьяны, нацепившие на себя костюмы и страждущие признания других. Если бы мы это понимали, мы бы так не делали. Но кто-то специально скрывает от нас истину. И если бы у вас появился шанс начать всё сначала, вы бы непременно спросили себя: "Почему?
Результаты (
английский) 1:
-There are in each of us something we didn't even suspect. The existence that we will deny until the most until it is too late and it's something for us to lose all meaning. It's what makes us climb out of bed in the mornings, when we tolerate persecutes boring boss, endure the blood, sweat, tears ... And because we want to show others what we are actually good, beautiful, generous, funny and clever. Can I be afraid, or read only, please do not consider me the same as everyone. We share this passion, we junkies sitting on a needle approval and recognition, we are ready for everything just to pohlopali us on the shoulder and gave gold watches or shouted: "Isu, ISU, his mother so, hooray!", "look what a clever boy he won another medal'ku, and now rub to shine your favorite Cup!". All this is driving us crazy. We are no more than monkeys themselves nacepivshie costumes and recognition of other searchers. If we understand it, we would not have done. But someone specifically hides the truth from us. And if you have a chance to start all over again, you would certainly have asked ourselves: "Why?
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
- There is in each of us something about what we do not even suspect. That the existence of which we deny to ever since, until it is too late and it's something to lose all meaning for us. That is what makes us get up in the morning from the bed stand when we pesters boring boss, endure the blood, sweat, tears ... And all because we want to show others what we are really good, beautiful, generous, funny and smart . You may be afraid of me or read only, please do not consider me the same as everyone. We share this passion, we are freaks who sit on the needle approval and recognition, we are ready to do anything we would have slapped on the shoulder and gave a gold watch and shouted: "Hip, hy, his mother, so hooray!", "See what a clever boy won another medal,
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
- there is something we don't know. then the existence of which we will deny it until the day before it's too late to do anything about the case. that's what makes us up in the morning with the bed stand, when us bothering annoying boss, take blood, sweat, tears...... and that's because we want to show others what we really good, beautiful, generous, funny and smart. "fear or revere me, but please don't treat me like that. we share this addiction, drug addicts, sitting on the needle approval and recognition, we are ready for everything, if only we похлопали shoulder and got a gold watch and say, "hip, hip, his mother, hooray!" "see what a clever boy won the regular медальку, now's to shine your favorite cup. it's driving us crazy. we are no more than monkeys, нацепившие costumes and begging for the approval of others. if we knew this, we wouldn't do this. but who is hiding it from us. and if you got a chance to start over, you would have asked me: "why?
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