Здравствуйте Fredrik, Julia and Louisa!И вам спасибо за ваш ответ!Thre перевод - Здравствуйте Fredrik, Julia and Louisa!И вам спасибо за ваш ответ!Thre английский как сказать

Здравствуйте Fredrik, Julia and Lou

Здравствуйте Fredrik, Julia and Louisa!

И вам спасибо за ваш ответ!
Three things that must happen in order for me to say that I've had a great au-pair experience:
- увидеть Германию изнутри, как житель (и также некоторые другие страны Европы), узнать культуру и традиции немцев;
- выучить немецкий и иметь практику устной речи с носителями языка;
- иметь новые знакомства и найти хороших друзей.
О, и получить автограф Angela Merkel безусловно! :-)

Я устремленная, стрессоустойчивая, находчивая, инициативная. Я легко нахожу общий язык с другими людьми. Также я обязательная и пунктуальная. А еще я добрая :)
Но доброта - это слабая моя сторона также, люди иногда этим пользуются. Также иногда мое трудолюбие слишком большое...
Еще один мой минус на сегодняшний день - это несовершенное знание немецкого.

Sincerely, Olha
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello Fredrik, Julia and Louisa!And thank you for your reply!Three things that must happen in order for me to say that I've had a great experience au-pair:-see Germany from the inside, as a resident (and some other European countries), to know the culture and traditions of the Germans;-Learn German and have a practice of speaking with native speakers;-have new acquaintances and find good friends.Oh, and get an autograph Angela Merkel of course! :-)I pledged, stress-resistant, resourceful, proactive. I easily find common language with other people. I'm also a mandatory and punctual. And yet I am kind:)But kindness is my weak side also, people sometimes use it. Also sometimes my hard work too much.Another my negative to date is an imperfect knowledge of German.Sincerely, Princess
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hi Fredrik, Julia and Louisa! And thank you for your answer! Three things must Happen That in order for me to Say That I've had A great au-pair experience: - to see inside Germany as a resident (and some other countries Europe), learn the culture and traditions of the Germans, - to learn German and have a practice of speech with native speakers - have to meet new people and find good friends. Oh, and get an autograph Angela Merkel unconditionally! :-) I aspiration, stress tolerance, resourcefulness, initiative. I easily find common language with other people. I also mandatory and punctual. And I'm good :) But goodness - this is my weak side also, people sometimes use it. Also, sometimes my hard work too much ... Another one of my negative today - is an imperfect knowledge of German. Sincerely, Olha

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Hello Fredrik, Julia and boutiques!lord and thank you very much for your response!
rustic things that must happen in order for me to say that I had a great au-pair experience:
- see Germany from inside, as a resident (and also some of the other countries of Europe),Learn culture and traditions Germans;
- learn German and have a practice oral speech with native language;
- have a new explore and find good friends.
ON, and get Archy Breakup of course! : -) lord I farsighted,Стрессоустоичивая, fine spirits; concepciñƒn, the action. I can easily find a common language with other people. Also i mandatory and manufacturer deduces. And yet I am good : )
but kindness is the weak my side also, people are sometimes taken advantage of this.Also sometimes my hard work is too great ...
is still one of my minus to date - is an imperfect knowledge german.lord Sinсerely, Olha
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