. Это была единственная работа, которая соответствовала моим способнос перевод - . Это была единственная работа, которая соответствовала моим способнос английский как сказать

. Это была единственная работа, кот

. Это была единственная работа, которая соответствовала моим способностям и потребностям, единственный способ разрешить мои денежные трудности, так что, несмотря на нежелание играть роль посредника между двумя столь разными людьми, я всё-таки согласился.
2. Дальнейшее воспитание почти полностью вытеснило из его характера былую мягкость и уступчивость.
3. Он так невнятно говорит, что я совершенно ничего не понимаю.
4. Он соображает довольно медленно, но зато стоит ему уловить идею, его уже не остановишь.
5. По-моему, по темпераменту я не подхожу для скрупулёзной работы хирурга.
6. Надоело мне корпеть целые дни за компьютером. Хочу гулять!
7. Если хотите, я могу приехать и помочь вам запустить эту книгу в продажу.
8. Что касается бизнеса, это предложение не кажется мне очень выгодным. А вот что касается морали, оно, пожалуй, единственное приемлемое из всех, что мы сегодня слышали.
9. Неужели вы не понимаете, что своими решениями отнимаете хлеб у коренных афганцев и отдаёте их рабочие места приезжим?
10. Нет, Россия, пожалуй, не страдает ксенофобией. Мы наоборот открываем свои объятия всем иностранцам и старательно подражаем чужим обычаям.
11. На данный момент наша экономика сильно зависит от иностранных капиталовложений.
12. Родиться глухонемым – это, конечно, великое несчастье, но, по-моему, родиться слепым – это ещё хуже.
13. Вокруг агента Смита постоянно крутились некие безымянные личности в чёрных костюмах гробовщиков и непроницаемых чёрных очках.
14. Переводческая деятельность – это не только знание словаря, натренированные мыслительные реакции и умение запоминать и аутентично передавать длинные куски текста. Это ещё и общая образованность, эрудированность и высокий уровень культуры.
15. Оказалось, что из всех кандидатов только Джей соответствовал требованиям агентства по инопланетным вопросам.
16. Нам всегда говорили, что Советский Союз находится на передовых рубежах науки и техники.
17. Я вообще старался держаться подальше от учительской профессии: а вдруг втянусь?
18. “Кто родом вы?” – “Я жребием доволен, хоть мой жребий и ниже чем мой род. Я дворянин”.
19. Не переживайте, я быстренько сбегаю наверх и принесу нужные документы.
20. Она говорила с прекрасной дикцией, но совершенно без всякий эмоций.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. It was the only job that matched my abilities and needs, the only way to resolve my money difficulties, so that despite the reluctance to play the role of mediator between two such different people, I still agreed.2. continuing education almost completely expelled from its nature, its former softness and pliability.3. He's so indistinct said that I absolutely do not understand anything.4. He is a bit slow on the uptake, but it is worth it to catch the idea, it no longer exists.5. In my opinion, the temperament I didn't come for the scrupulous work of a surgeon.6. Tired of me plugging away whole days at the computer. Want to walk!7. If you want, I can come and help you start this book on sale.8. with regard to the business, this proposal does not seem to me very profitable. As for morality, it is perhaps the only acceptable from all that we have heard today.9. do you really not understand that their decisions take bread from indigenous Afghans and give their jobs visitors?10. No, Russia, perhaps, does not suffer from xenophobia. We on the contrary open its arms to all foreigners and diligently imitate foreign customs.11. at present, our economy is heavily dependent on foreign investment.12. Be born deaf is, of course, a great misfortune, but in my opinion, be born blind is even worse.13. Around the agent Smith constantly swirled some unnamed individual in the black suits and grobovŝikov tight black glasses.14. Translation activities is not only knowledge of vocabulary, trained mental reaction and the ability to memorize and authentically send long pieces of text. It is also a common education, erudition and a high level of culture.15. It appeared that out of all the candidates, only Jay comply with alien affairs agency.16. we have always said that the Soviet Union is at the forefront of science and technology.17. I generally tried to stay away from the teaching profession: maybe vtânus′?18. "who hails you?"-"I am happy with the draw, although my lot and lower than my rod. I am a gentleman. "19. Do not worry, I quickly run to the top and bring the necessary documents.20. She talked with excellent diction, but completely without any emotions.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. It was the only job that matched my needs and abilities, the only way to resolve my financial difficulties, so that, despite the reluctance to play the role of mediator between two very different people, I finally agreed.
2. Further education is almost completely pushed out of his character former softness and pliability.
3. He vaguely said that I do not understand anything.
4. He thinks a bit slow, but worth it to grasp the idea, it will not stop.
5. In my opinion, by temperament I did not go up to the meticulous work of the surgeon.
6. I'm tired of plugging away at a computer all day. I want to walk!
7. If you want, I can come and help you start this book on sale.
8. As for business, this proposal does not seem to me very profitable. But as for morality, it is perhaps the only acceptable from all that we have heard today.
9. Do not you understand that their decisions take away bread from indigenous Afghans and gives visitors their jobs?
10. No, Russia is probably not suffering from xenophobia. We on the contrary open its arms to all foreigners and diligently imitate other people's customs.
11. At the moment, our economy is heavily dependent on foreign investment.
12. To be born deaf - this is certainly a great misfortune, but I think to be born blind - it's even worse.
13. Around Agent Smith constantly spinning some anonymous person in the black suits of undertakers and impenetrable dark glasses.
14. Translation activities - is not only the knowledge of vocabulary, trained mental reaction and the ability to store and transmit authentic long pieces of text. It is also a general education, erudition and high culture.
15. It turned out that of all the candidates met the requirements only Jay Agency alien matters.
16. We have always said that the Soviet Union is at the forefront of science and technology.
17. I generally try to stay away from the teaching profession: a suddenly retract?
18. "Who do you come from?" - "I am happy with the lot, though, and my lot lower than my family. I am a gentleman. "
19. Do not worry, I'll run upstairs and quickly bring the necessary documents.
20. She spoke with perfect diction, but completely without emotion.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
. this was the only work that is consistent with my abilities and needs, the only way to solve my financial difficulties, so, despite the reluctance to play the role of mediator between the two very different people, i finally agreed.2. further education is almost completely superseded from his character a bit of softness and flexibility.3. he mutters said that i don"t understand.4. he"s pretty slowly, but he might get the idea he"s not gonna stop.5. i think i"m not temperamentally bean counting of the surgeon.6. bored i think all day at the computer. want to walk!7. if you want, i can come and help you start this book sale.8. with regard to business, it doesn"t seem very attractive. now, with regard to morality, it is perhaps the only acceptable of all that we have heard today.9. do you not understand that their decisions taking bread from the root of afghans and give them jobs from out of town?10. no, russia should not suffer xenophobia. we, on the contrary, open your arms, all foreigners and diligently подражаем strange customs.11. at the moment our economy depends heavily on foreign investment.12. born глухонемым is, of course, a great disaster, but, i think, be born blind is worse.13. around the agent smith constantly spinning some anonymous person in the black suits for the undertakers and impermeable black glasses.14. translation activity is not only the knowledge dictionary, натренированные comprehension reaction and ability to transmit and authentic long pieces of text. it and general education, эрудированность and a high level of culture.15. it turns out that all the candidates only jay met the requirements of the agency of alien affairs.16. we always say that the soviet union is at the forefront of science and technology.17. i tried to stay away from the teachers" profession, and then втянусь?18. "who are you? "-" i know happy, even my destiny and lower than my family. i am a gentleman. "19. don"t worry, i"m just gonna go upstairs and get the necessary documents.20. she said to the beautiful diction, but without any emotion.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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