1.2 Грамматические особенностиОбщими чертами грамматических особенност перевод - 1.2 Грамматические особенностиОбщими чертами грамматических особенност английский как сказать

1.2 Грамматические особенностиОбщим

1.2 Грамматические особенности
Общими чертами грамматических особенностей заголовков являются: опущение большинства артиклей, персональных местоимений и глаголов-связок; определенные, установленные (точные) формы глаголов используют вместо остальных: The Present Indefinite обычно ставят вместо the Past Indefinite или the Present Perfect; The Present Participle в заголовке обычно указывает на действие, которое происходило на момент публикации заголовка, соответствуя временам the Present Continuous или the Present Perfect Continuous; частое использование инфинитивных конструкций (Швец А.В., 2008: 320)
Для того чтобы фактически приблизить читателя к описываемому в статье событию, в газетных заголовках используют формы Present IIndefinite, будущее время часто передается при помощи формы инфинитива. Как правило, в газетных заголовках употребляется притяжательный падеж вместо предложного оборота с of, поскольку притяжательный падеж гораздо более компактный по своей структуре, что особенно важно при ограниченности места заголовка.
Еще одной отличительной особенностью английских заголовков является опущение глагола-связки be в пассивном залоге и в именных сказуемых. К этому приему прибегают в целях экономии места. Для этого же опускают артикли (как определенный, так и неопределенный) при написании заголовков. Например, вот слова, которые можно было бы употребить в заголовке: 'the', 'a', 'are', `were', `is', 'Mr. ', 'Sir', 'Archbishop' и т.д. Но тем, кто пишет заголовок, важно поместить в него фактические данные статьи таким образом, чтобы сразу заинтересовать читателя. Место для заголовка ограничено, поэтому лексические слова ("lexical words”, слова, которые обладают собственным значением, такие, как существительные, глаголы, прилагательные, наречия) куда более полезны для пишущего [заголовок], чем грамматические слова ("grammatical words”, слова, которые передают/показывают грамматические отношения, такие, как определяющие слова - 'the', 'a', 'this', 'that', etc., auxiliary verbs 'be', 'have', 'do'). Однако стоит отметить, что нередко подобный выбор слов может привести к неясности, двусмысленности, поскольку многие лексические слова зависят от грамматических, которые помогают определить часть речи лексического слова
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1.2 Grammatical featuresGeneral features of the grammatical features of the headlines are: omission of most articles, personal pronouns and verbs-ligaments; certain fixed (safe) forms of the verbs used in place of rest: The Present Indefinite usually put in place of the Past or the Present Perfect is Plural; The Present Participle in the header usually indicates the action that was going on at the time of publication title, corresponding to the Present Continuous tense or the Present Perfect Continuous; frequent use of infinitivnyh structures (Shvets a., 2008: 320)In order to actually bring the reader to the article described the event in the newspaper headlines of Present IIndefinite form, use the future tense is often passed through the infinitive form. As a rule, in the headlines is used instead of possessive dative trafficking of as possessive much more compact in structure, which is especially important in the limited space of the title.Another distinctive feature of British titles is the omission of the verb be-bundles in the passive voice and the inscribed object. To this pattern used in order to save space. The same lower articles (both definite and indefinite) when writing headers. For example, here is a word that could be used in the title: ' the ', ' a ', ' are ', ' were ', ' is ', ' Mr ', ' Sir ', ' Archbishop ' etc But those who write the headline, it is important to put the actual article so as to immediately attract the reader. A header is limited, therefore, lexical words ("release, the words" are words that have their own value, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) is far more useful to the recordable [title], the grammatical words ("grammatical words" are words that transmit/show grammatical relations such as qualifying words-' the ', ' a ', ' this ', ' that ', etc., the auxiliary verbs ' be ', ' have ', ' do '). However, it is worth noting that this choice of words often can lead to confusion, ambiguity, since many lexical words depends on the grammatical, that help determine the part of speech of the lexical words
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1.2 Grammatical features
common features of grammatical features headings are: the omission of the majority of articles, personal pronouns, and verbs ligament; certain set (accurate) verb forms used in place of others: The Present Indefinite usually put in place the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect; The Present Participle The title usually refers to an action that occurred at the time of publication title, matching the times of the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous; frequent use of the infinitive constructions (Shvets AV, 2008: 320)
In order to actually bring the reader to the event described in the article, the headlines using the form Present IIndefinite, future time is often transmitted using the infinitive form. As a rule, used in the headlines instead of the possessive case with prepositional turnover of, because the possessive case is much more compact in its structure, which is especially important in the limited space of the header.
Another distinctive feature of English titles is the omission of the verb bind-be in the passive voice and nominal predicates. By this technique resorting to save space. For the same articles lowered (as a definite and indefinite) when writing headlines. For example, these are the words that can be consumed in the title: 'the', 'a', 'are', `were ',` is',' Mr. ',' Sir ',' Archbishop ', etc. But those who wrote the headline, it is important to place it in evidence article so that immediately interest the reader. Location header is limited, so vocabulary words ("lexical words", words that have an intrinsic value, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) is much more useful for writing [the title] than grammatical words ("grammatical words", words that convey / show grammatical relationships, such as defining words - 'the', 'a', 'this', 'that', etc., auxiliary verbs 'be', 'have', 'do'). However, it is worth noting that often such a choice of words can lead to uncertainty, ambiguity, as many vocabulary words depend on the grammar, which help to determine the part of speech of the lexical word
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1.2 Grammatical features
common features grammatical features headers are: omission of most артиклеи, personal mood and verbs-binders; certain,The (exact) forms of verbs are used rather than the other: the present indefinite usually pose instead the laborious indefinite or the present perfect; the present Pаrtiсiple in the header is usually indicates the action,That happened at the time of publication title, matching times the present continuous or the present perfect continuous; frequent use инфинитивных design (Vladimir Putin as well.in., 2008: 320)
In order to actually bring the reader to the executives excited article event, in the headlines use forms present IIndefinite, future time is often with the assistance of инфинитива. As a general rule,In the headlines is used verb samples instead of предложного turn with of, since verb samples much more compact in its structure,This is especially important when you have limited space header.
another distinctive feature of the English title is a omission verb-bundles be in the passive form and the registration number сказуемых.The reception have been resorted to in order to save space. For this same omit артикли (as defined and undefined) when writing headlines. For example, here is the word, which could be utilized in the title: 'The', 'a','Vacant', 'browsed', 'is', 'Mr. ', 'Sir', 'Arсhbishоp' and so forth. But those who wrote the headline, it is important to place the actual data article in such a way that as soon as interest reader. The place for the title is limited,Therefore, irreparably damage the words ( "lexiсаl words", words that have their own value, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverb) far more useful for headlines (the title.,More than grammatical words ( "grаmmаtiсаl words", words that send/show grammatical relations, such as defining the words - 'The', 'a', 'this', 'that', etc. , auxiliary verbs 'be', 'have', 'do' ). It is, however, worth notingThat is often the choice of words can lead to uncertainty, ambiguity, since many irreparably damage the words depend on the grammar, which will help you to determine what absurdity part of speech the word
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