1)У меня болит горло.Это ангина2)Я вам советую обратиться к врачу,и че перевод - 1)У меня болит горло.Это ангина2)Я вам советую обратиться к врачу,и че английский как сказать

1)У меня болит горло.Это ангина2)Я

1)У меня болит горло.Это ангина
2)Я вам советую обратиться к врачу,и чем скорее,тем лучше.
3)У вас больной вид.
4)У меня сильная боль в правом боку и грудной клетке.У меня болит горло.
5)У вас высокая температура.Вам нужен постельный режим в течение двух или трёх дней.
6)Мэри больна воспалением лёгких.
7)Это очень хорошое лекарство от головной или зубной боли.
8)Он выздоровел и сейчас совершенно здоров.
9)Вот термометр,поставьте его под мышку и измерьте температуру.
10)Ты неважно выглядишь сегодня.Что с тобой?Ты плохо спал?
11)Я себя плохо чувствую. Наверное, ничего серьезного.
12)У меня только насморк и головная боль.Пройдёт!
13)Господина Брауна сегодня нет.-Что с ним?-У него сильный насморк,головная боль и кашель.
14)У него красные глаза.Наверное,он заболел.Измерь ему температуру.Вот градусник.
15)Что врач ему прописал?- Не знаю.Вот рецепт.Надо пойти в аптеку и купить лекарство.
16)Вероятно,дети простудились.Они всё время чихают,и у них течёт из носу.
17)У меня сильный насморк , и я постоянно чихаю.Что мне делать?- Ложись в постель и выпей горячего чаю с мёдом.
18)Я себя отвратительно чувствую.У меня раскалывается голова.
19)Как вы себя чувствуете?- К сожалению,не очень хорошо.
20)У меня всё болит.
21)Он всё время чихает и кашляет.Должно быть,он простудился.
22)Ты должен лежать в постели,пока температура не будет нормальной.
23) Грипп - заразная болезнь.
24)Выполняйте указания врача,и вы скоро поправитесь.

1)- почему тебя не было неделю в школе?
- знаешь,я был болен.У меня была ангина.
- Ой,ангина очень неприятная болезнь,правда?
- да!У меня болело горло и была высокая температура.
- вы вызывали врача?
- конечно.Доктор прописал мне микстуру,чтобы сбить температуру и велел полоскать горло мёдом.
- это помогло?
- да,очень скоро.Я полоскал горло каждые два часа,и уже на третий день мне было лучше.
- Вы вызывали врача?
- Да.Здравствуйте,доктор.
- на что жалуетесь?
- у меня болит горло и страшная головная боль.
- какая у вас температура?
- тридцать восемь и пять.
- дайте,я вас послушаю.Сделайте глубокий вздох
- доктор,что со мной?
- у вас грипп.Лежите в постели и пейте горячий чай с мёдом и малиновым вареньем.Поставьте горчичники на грудь и спину
- спасибо,доктор
-Доктор,я чувствую себя больным
- вы и выглядите больным.На что жалуетесь?
- у меня страшная головная боль.И у меня всё болит.
- дайте мне проверить ваш пульс.Дайте руку.
- доктор,я,должно быть,простудился .Вчера был была плохая погода,и шёл дождь.
- разденьтесь до пояса.Дайте,я вас послушаю.Дышите.
- у меня болит спина и грудь.
- у вас грипп.Вы должны принимать это лекарство по столовой ложке три раза в день после еды.
- спасибо,доктор.
- как вы себя чувствуете?
- о,к сожалению,не очень хорошо
- мне жаль слышать это.Что с вами?
- должно быть,я простудился.У меня болит спина и грудь.И я думаю,что у меня температура.
- вы должны сидеть дома и вызвать врача.Врач посмотрит вас,поставит лекарство и пропишет лекарство.
- да,я думаю,что сейчас поеду домой.Приятно было вас повидать.
- мне так же было приятно вас повидать
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1) I have a sore throat. This angina2) I recommend you see a doctor, and the sooner the better.3) you have a sick look.4) I have severe pain in the right side and chest. I have a sore throat.5) you have a fever. you need bed rest for two or three days.6) Mary sick pneumonia.7) this is a very good cure for headache or toothache.8) He recovered and now is completely healthy.9) here are the thermometer, place it under one arm and measure the temperature.10) you no matter you look today. What is wrong with you? you slept badly?11) I myself feel bad. Probably nothing serious.12) I only have a runny nose and headache will pass!13) Mr Brown today not.-what?-he has a bad cold, headache and cough.14) red eyes. He probably got sick. Measure the temperature of it. This is a thermometer.15) that the doctor had prescribed him?-I do not know. "here's the recipe. Must go to a pharmacy and buy medicine.16) probably children catch cold. They sneeze all the time, and have them flowing from his nose.17) I have a bad cold and I am constantly čihaû. What do I do?-lie down in bed and drink hot tea with honey.18) I feel disgusting. I split my head.19) how do you feel? "-Unfortunately, not very good.20) I have everything hurts.21) he always sneezes and coughs. He must have caught a cold.22) you should lie in bed until the correct temperature is normal.23) Flu-contagious disease.24) follow the instructions of your doctor, and you'll soon popravites′.1)-why you were week at school?you know, I was sick. I had tonsillitis.-Oh, angina is very unpleasant illness, right?Yes! I have throat ached and had high temperature.-you caused doctor?-of course the doctor prescribed me medicine to bring down the temperature and ordered to gargle with honey.-It helped?-Yes, very soon. I'm rinsing out your throat every two hours, and already on the third day I was better.2)-You caused doctor?Da. Hello, doctor.-What do you complain?-I have a sore throat and a terrible headache.-What is the temperature?-Thirty-eight and five.-give, I listen to you. Take a deep breath-the doctor that with me?-you have the flu. Lie in bed and drink hot tea with honey and raspberry jam Put mustard on chest and back-Thank you, doctor3)-Doctor, I feel sick-you and look at patients that complain?-I have a terrible headache and I have everything hurts.-Let me check your pulse. give a hand.-doctor, I must have caught a cold. yesterday was bad weather, and raining.-razden′tes′ from the waist up. I give you listen. Breathe.I have back ache and chest.-you have the flu you must take this medicine on the dining room teaspoonful three times a day after meals.-Thank you, doctor.4)-How do you feel?-Oh, sorry, not a very good-I'm sorry to hear that. What is with you? -I must have caught a cold. I have back ache and chest and I think I've got a temperature.-You should stay at home and call a physician. The doctor looks you will put medicine and prescribes medication.-Yes, I think that now I will go home. It was nice to see you.-I was pleased to see you5)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) I have a sore throat hurts gorlo.Eto
2) I advise you to seek medical attention, and the sooner the better.
3) You have a sick look.
4) I have a severe pain in his right side and chest kletke.U a sore throat.
5) Do you need a high temperatura.Vam bed rest for two or three days.
6) Mary is sick with pneumonia.
7) This is a very good medicine for headache or toothache.
8) He recovered and is now in perfect health.
9) Here Thermometer , put it under his arm and measure the temperature.
10) You do not look segodnya.Chto with you? You did not sleep?
11) I feel bad. Probably nothing serious.
12) I only have a runny nose and headache bol.Proydёt!
13) Mr Brown today net.A-What happened to him? -He Has a bad cold, headache and cough.
14) He has red glaza.Navernoe it zabolel.Izmer him temperaturu.Vot thermometer.
15) that the doctor has prescribed it? - Not znayu.Vot retsept.Nado go to the pharmacy and buy medicine.
16) Perhaps the children prostudilis.Oni sneeze all the time, and have flowing from his nose.
17) I have a bad cold, and I'm constantly chihayu.Chto I do? - Go to bed and drink hot tea with honey.
18) I myself disgusting chuvstvuyu.U my aching head.
19) How do you feel? - Unfortunately, not very good.
20) I have everything hurts.
21) He kept sneezing and kashlyaet.Dolzhno be, he had a cold.
22) You have to stay in bed until the temperature is normal.
23) Influenza - contagious disease.
24) Perform the doctor's instructions and you will soon get better. 1) - Why were not you at school week? - you know, I was bolen.U I had a sore throat. - Oh, angina is a very unpleasant disease, right? - Yes, I have a sore throat and was high temperature. - you call the doctor? - konechno.Doktor prescribed me medicine to bring down the temperature and told to gargle with honey. - it helped? - yes, very skoro.Ya gargle every two hours, and on the third day I was better . 2) - you call the doctor? - Da.Zdravstvuyte, Doctor. - what are complaining about? - I have a sore throat and a terrible headache. - What's your temperature? - thirty-eight and five. - give, I'll poslushayu.Sdelayte deep breath - Doctor, what with me? - you gripp.Lezhite in bed and drink hot tea with honey and raspberry varenem.Postavte mustard on his chest and back - thank you, Doctor 3) Doctor, I feel sick - and you look bolnym.Na complain that? - I have a terrible headache bol.I I have everything hurts. - let me check your puls.Dayte hand. - Doctor, I must have caught a cold .Yesterday was the weather was bad, and the rain fell. - poyasa.Dayte to undress, I'll poslushayu.Dyshite. - I have a sore back and the chest. - You gripp.Vy should take this medicine on a tablespoon three times daily after meals. - Thank you, Doctor. 4) - as you feel? - oh, unfortunately, is not very good - I'm sorry to hear eto.Chto with you? - I must have prostudilsya.U my back hurts and grud.I I think I have a fever. - you have to stay at home vracha.Vrach look and call you, and deliver the medicine prescribe medicine. - Yes, I think that now you would go domoy.Priyatno see. - I also was pleased to see you 5)

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1), i have горло.это angina
2), i suggest you go to the doctor, and the sooner the better.
3) you look sick.
4) i have a severe pain in his right side, and a клетке.у me sore throat.
5) you have a high fever.you need bed rest for two or three days.
6) mary ill pneumonia.
7) is a good cure for headaches and toothaches.
8) he has recovered and is now perfectly healthy.
9) thermometerput it under the mouse and measure temperature.
10) you don't look сегодня.что with you? didn't you sleep well?
11) i feel bad. probably nothing serious.
12) i have a cold and a боль.пройдёт!
13) mr brown today - what's the matter with him? he has a runny nose, headache and cough.
(14) has a red глаза.наверное, he заболел.измерь him температуру.вот thermometer.
3) that he's a doctor? - don't знаю.вот recipe.you need to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine.
16) probably children простудились.они sneeze all the time, and they have come out of his nose.
17) i have a bad cold, and i always чихаю.что i do? - get back in bed and drink some hot tea with honey.18) i feel disgusting чувствую.у splitting headache.
19) how are you feeling? unfortunately, not very good.
20) i'm aching all over.
21) he always sneezing and кашляет.должно, he caught a cold.22) you should stay in bed until the temperature is not normal.
23) flu is a contagious disease.
24) and guidance from a doctor, and you'll be okay.

1) - why haven't you been a week at school?
- you know, i was sick.i had a sore throat. "- oh, or very bad disease, isn't it?
- yes! i have a sore throat and a fever.
- did you call the doctor?
- конечно.доктор gave me the medicine
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