1. Говорят, ЧТО он лучший доктор в нашем городе.2. Видели, как он пере перевод - 1. Говорят, ЧТО он лучший доктор в нашем городе.2. Видели, как он пере английский как сказать

1. Говорят, ЧТО он лучший доктор в

1. Говорят, ЧТО он лучший доктор в нашем городе.
2. Видели, как он перевернул страницу и начал читать.
3. Слышали, что он вскоре поднялся наверх. 4. Вам раз­
решат идти вместе со мной? 5. Джейн, кажется, раньше,
чем вы, изъявила желание помочь им. 6. Многие из пас­
сажиров, по-видимому, были туристами. 7. Они сказали,
что подобное вряд ли случается дважды. 8. По-видимо­
му, он собирается стать врачом. 9. Детям не разреша­
лось трогать кроликов. 10. Оказалось, что я его хорошо
знаю. 11. С того времени вы, кажется, очень сильно из­
менились. 12. Слышали, как хлопнула входная дверь.
13. Предполагалось, что мы встретимся в шесть часов
около школы. 14. Улицы города были пусты. По-види­
мому, все местное население ушло в лес. 15. Казалось,
что они уже совсем его забыли. 16. Вероятно, она была
единственным человеком, который останется здесь на­
всегда. 17. Видели, как сверкнули его глаза, но он ниче­
го не сказал. 18. Он, по-видимому, шел за ней, но через
некоторое время отстал и пошел к бабушке. 19. Я, ка­
жется, хорошо знаю вас. Я, должно быть, встречал вас у
своих родителей. 20. Очень вероятно, что они будут бла­
годарить меня за эту помощь. 21. Кажется, вы много
знаете об этом городе. 22. Слышали, как открылась дверь
и кто-то вошел в комнату. 23. Случилось так, что меня
не было дома, когда он звонил. 24. Когда он говорил, он,
кажется, больше говорил себе, чем им. 25. Слышали, как
он играл на рояле и что-то пел. 26. Случилось так, что я
сказал, что вы знаете его. 27. Он, кажется, также помога­
ет и другим студентам. 28. По-видимому, она согласи­
лась поехать на экскурсию в Ясную Поляну. 29. Я не
знала, что существование подземных каналов предпола­
галось держать в секрете. 30. Казалось, что Александр
хотел задать еще вопрос, но, по-видимому, изменил свое
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. It is said that he is the best doctor in our city.2. Saw how he flipped the page and began to read.3. Heard that he soon rose to the top. 4. you timesdecide to go along with me? 5. Jane seems to be beforethan you wished to help them. 6. many of the PASsecond-class cabins were apparently tourists. 7. They said,that this hardly happens twice. 8. apparentlymoo, it's going to be a doctor. 9. Children are not isMoose touch rabbits. 10. It turned out that I have it goodYes I know. 11. Since then, you seem to be very much of themenilis′. 12. Heard the front door slam.13. It was anticipated that we will meet at six o'clocknear the school. 14. City streets were empty. By VidiMomo, all local people went to the forest. 15. It seemedthey've quite forgotten. 16. perhaps it wasthe only person who will remain here atalways. 17. Are seen as his eyes sparkled, but he lovedGuo did not say. 18. He apparently walked behind her, but aftersome time behind and went to Grandma. 19. I Kadirection, good to know you. I must have met you at thetheir parents. 20. It is very likely that they will be blahadheres to me for this assistance. 21. It seems you lotknow about this city. 22. Heard as the door openedand someone entered the room. 23. It so happens that Iwas not at home when he called. 24. When he spoke, heIt seems more than they said. 25. HeardHe played the piano and sang something. 26. It so happens that Isay that you know it. 27. He seems to have also helpedEM and other students. 28. Apparently she agreedhad to go on a trip in Yasnaya Polyana. 29. I don'tknew the existence of this underground canalswas kept secret. 30. It seemed that Alexanderlike to ask another question, but apparently changed hisintention.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. It is said that he is the best doctor in our city.
2. Did you see how he turned the page and began to read.
3. We heard that he soon rose to the top. 4. You just
decide to go with me? 5. Jane seem earlier
than you expressed a desire to help them. 6. Many of the pass
senger apparently were tourists. 7. They said
that this is unlikely to happen twice. 8. Apparently
mu, it's going to be a doctor. 9. The children were not allowed to
moose touch rabbits. 10. It turned out that I did well
know. 11. Since that time, you seem to be very much of
menilis. 12. Have you heard the front door slam.
13. We were supposed to meet at six o'clock
near the school. 14. The streets were empty. In VD
ently all the local population took to the woods. 15. It seemed
that they had forgotten it completely. 16. She was probably
the only person who will remain here
forever. 17. Did you see how his eyes flashed, but he Nitsche
th said. 18. It appears, he followed her, but after
some time behind and went to her grandmother. 19. I, the spacecraft
out to be, I know you. I must have seen you at
your parents. 20. It is very likely that they will be blah
Godard me for this assistance. 21. It seems that a lot of you
know about this city. 22. Have you heard the door open
and someone walked into the room. 23. It so happened that I
was not at home when he called. 24. When he spoke, he
seems to be more talking to himself than to them. 25. Have you heard how
he played the piano and sang something. 26. It so happened that I
said you know it. 27. He seems to have also helped
a and other students. 28. Apparently, she agreed to
familiarize go on a trip to Yasnaya Polyana. 29. I do not
know that the existence of underground channels assumption
sumed to keep secret. 30. It seemed that Alexander
wanted to ask another question, but apparently changed his
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. they say that he is the best doctor in the town.
2. see how he turned the page and start reading.
3. heard that he soon went upstairs. 4. you times
decide to go along with me? 5. jane, i think before,
than youwish to help them. 6. many of the пас­
сажиров apparently were tourists. 7. they said, 'this is unlikely to happen twice. 8. in видимо­
mu, he's going to be a doctor. 9. the children don't разреша­
a touch of rabbits. 10. it turns out that i'm all right. i know. 11. since you seem to be very much из­
менились. 12. heard the front door. "13. we were supposed to meet at six o'clock
about school. 14.the streets were empty. in види­
she took all the local people go to the forest. 15. it seemed that they're
forgot him. 16. she was probably the only person who stays here

, на­ always. 17. seehow you flashed your eyes, but he ниче­
guo said. 18. he seemed to follow her, but through the
some time behind and went to grandma. 19. i ка­
жется, nice to know you. i must have seen you do
of their parents. 20.it is very likely that they will бла­
годарить me for this assistance. 21. i think you do a lot of
you know about this town. 22. heard the door opened. and someone came into the room. 23. it happens that i
was out when he called. 24.when he talked, he told me, "it seems more than them. 25. heard. he played the piano and sang something. 26. it happens that i
said, you know him. 27. he seems to also помога­
et and other students. 28. apparently,she's about to go on a tour of согласи­
in yasnaya polyana. 29. i don't know that the existence of
, underground channels предпола­
галось to keep secret. 30. it seemed that alexander
like to ask another question, but, apparently,changed my

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