1. Маслоу Абрахам Харольд - американский психолог, один из основополож перевод - 1. Маслоу Абрахам Харольд - американский психолог, один из основополож английский как сказать

1. Маслоу Абрахам Харольд - америка

1. Маслоу Абрахам Харольд - американский психолог, один из основоположников гуманистической психологии. 2. Он родился в 1908 году в Бруклине, Нью-Йорк в еврейской семье, которая переехала из России. 3. Он был первым из 7 детей Самуила и Розы Масловых и если бы не определенные обстоятельства, вполне возможно, что знаменитого психолога мы бы сейчас знали как Абрама Григорьевича Маслова.
4. Окончив в 1926 году школу, в которой Абрахам был одним из лучших учеников, он по рекомендации отца пошел учиться в юридический колледж Нью-Йорка. 5. Однако юноше хватило двух недель для осознания того, что быть адвокатом - это совсем не его. 6. С наукой под названием психология вплотную Маслоу познакомился в Конрельском университете.
7. В 1928 он перебирается в Мадиссон в Висконсинский университет, на базе которого оканчивает курс по изучению психологии, после чего в 1930 году становится бакалавром, через год магистром и еще два года спустя получает степень доктора психологии.
8. В 1934 году Маслоу снова переезжает в Нью-Йорк, работает при Колумбийском университете вместе с известным бихевиористом Эдвардом Торндайком. 9. Вначале он также был сторонником бихевиоризма, восхищаясь трудами Джона Уотсона, однако вскоре его увлекли другие подходы.
10. В 1937 году Абрахам Маслоу согласился занять должность профессора при Бруклинском колледже, в котором проработал четырнадцать лет.
11. В 1951 году Маслоу возглавил кафедру психологии в недавно основанном университете Брандейса и занимал эту должность до 1969 года. 12. С этого момента его идеи со временем признаются, а гуманистическая психология формируется в качестве самостоятельного направления. 13. К Маслоу приходит признание, а в 1967 году его даже избирают главой Американской ассоциации психологов, чему он сам искренне удивился.
14. В своей деятельности Маслоу выдвинул концепцию целостного подхода к человеку и анализа его высших сущностных проявлений - любви, творчества, духовных ценностей и др. 15. В противовес господствующим тогда бихевиоризму и психоанализу Маслоу полагал, что сущность человека исходно позитивна и направлена в сторону постоянного развития. 16. В этом случае цель психологии заключается в том, чтобы «помочь человеку обнаружить в себе то, что в нём уже заложено», помочь его самоактуализации. 17. Согласно Маслоу, эти особенности, существуя в виде врожденных потенций, актуализируются под влиянием социальных условий. 18. Маслоу создал иерархическую модель мотивации (Пирамида потребностей Маслоу), в соответствии с которой утверждал, что высшие потребности могут направлять поведение человека лишь в той мере, в какой удовлетворены его более низшие потребности.
19. Его идеи послужили созданию гуманистической психологии, предметом которой является целостный человек в его высших проявлениях, таких как самоактуализация, высшие ценности и смыслы, свобода, ответственность и др.
20. Вклад А. Маслоу в современную ему психологию огромен. 21. Психологи должны быть благодарны ему за переориентацию внимания с изучения неврозов на изучение психологии здоровья, за конструктивную критику психоанализа, за убежденность в необходимости роста и развития. 22. С другой стороны, представление о «саморазвивающемся семечке» стало догмой для огромного количества специалистов-психологов на многие десятки лет.
23. Абрахам Маслоу ушел из жизни 8 июня 1970 г. в Менло-Парк, Калифорния, в возрасте шестидесяти двух лет от сердечного приступа, который стал результатом заболевания сердечнососудистой системы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Abraham Harold Maslow, American psychologist, one of the founders of humanistic psychology. 2. He was born in the year 1908 in Brooklyn, New York to a Jewish family, which moved from Russia. 3. He was the first of 7 children of Samuel and Rose Maslovyh and if not for certain circumstances, it is possible that the famous psychologist we now know as Abram Grigorievich Maslova.4. After graduating in 1926 year school where Abraham was one of the best students on the recommendation of his father, he went to study at the College of New York. 5. However, the boy ran out two weeks to realize that to be a lawyer-this is not it. 6. Science called psychology closely Maslow met at Konrel′skom University.7. In 1928, he moved to the University of Wisconsin-Madisson, which finishes the study course in psychology, and then in 1930 year becomes a Bachelor, one year master and two years later received his doctorate in psychology.8. In 1934 year Maslow again moved to New York, working at Columbia University with renowned bihevioristom Edward Torndajkom. 9. at the outset, he was also a supporter of Behaviorism, admiring the works of John B. Watson, but was soon picked up by other approaches.10. In 1937 year Abraham Maslow has agreed to take up the post of Professor at Brooklyn College, where he worked for fourteen years.11. the year 1951 Maslow headed the Department of psychology at Brandeis University, founded recently and held this position until the year 1969. 12. From this moment his ideas eventually recognized and humanistic psychology is formed as an independent direction. 13. To Maslow comes acceptance, and in 1967, his even elect the head of the American Psychological Association, which he himself sincerely surprised.14. in its activities the Maslow proposed the concept of a holistic approach to the person and the analysis of its higher manifestations-the quintessence of love, creativity, spiritual values, etc. 15. In contrast to the dominant then Behaviorism and psychoanalysis Maslow believed that the essence of man originally positive and directed toward the continuous development. 16. In this case, the purpose of psychology is to "help people discover themselves what it has already pledged, to help his self-actualization. 17. According to Maslow, these features, existing in the form of congenital potencies are updated under the influence of social conditions. 18. Maslow created a hierarchical model of motivation (Maslow's hierarchy of needs), which argued that the higher requirements may send human behavior only to the extent that satisfied him more lower needs. 19. His ideas served as a creation of humanistic psychology, the subject of which is the holistic people in its higher manifestations, such as self-actualization, the highest values and meanings, freedom, responsibility, etc.20. the contribution of a. Maslow in modern psychology it is huge. 21. Psychologists must be grateful to him for the reorientation of the focus from studying neuroses on studying psychology health for constructive criticism of psychoanalysis, belief in the need for growth and development. 22. On the other hand, the idea of "samorazvivaûŝemsâ table" has become dogma for a huge number of specialists-psychologists for many tens of years.23. Abraham Maslow passed away June 8, 1970 in Menlo Park, California, at the age of sixty-two years, from a heart attack, which was the result of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Maslow Abraham Harold - American psychologist, one of the founders of humanistic psychology. 2. He was born in 1908 in Brooklyn, New York to a Jewish family who moved from Russia. 3. It was the first of seven children of Samuel and Rose Maslov and if not for certain circumstances, it is possible that the famous psychologist, we would now be known as Abraham G. Maslow.
4. After graduating from school in 1926, in which Abraham was one of the best students, on the advice of his father, he went to study at the College of Law in New York. 5. However, the young man had the two weeks to realize that to be a lawyer - this is not it. 6. science called psychology Maslow close Konrelskom met at university.
7. In 1928 he moved to the University of Wisconsin at Madisson, on the basis of which graduated course on psychology, then in 1930 became a bachelor, master of one year and two years later received a doctorate in psychology.
8. In 1934 Maslow moved back to New York to work at Columbia University with the famous behaviorist Edward Thorndike. 9. At first, he was also a supporter of behaviorism, admiring the works of John Watson, but he was soon dragged other approaches.
10. In 1937, Abraham Maslow has agreed to take the post of professor at Brooklyn College, where he worked for fourteen years.
11. In 1951 Maslow headed the department of psychology at the newly founded Brandeis University and held this position until 1969. 12. Since then, his ideas over time are recognized as humanistic psychology formed as a separate direction. 13. Maslow comes recognition, and in 1967 he even was elected head of the American Psychological Association, which he was genuinely surprised.
14. In its activities, Maslow put forward the concept of a holistic approach to the person and analysis of its higher intrinsic manifestations - love, creativity, spiritual values, and others. 15. In contrast to the prevailing then behaviorism and psychoanalysis, Maslow believed that the essence of the person initially positive and directed towards constant development. 16. In this case, the goal of psychology is to "help the person to discover a fact that it has laid down" and help his self-actualization. 17. According to Maslow, these features existing in the form of innate potencies actualized under the influence of social conditions. 18. Maslow created a hierarchical model of motivation (Maslow's hierarchy of needs), according to which he argued that the higher needs can guide human behavior only to the extent that it satisfied a lower requirement.
19. His ideas were the creation of humanistic psychology, subject of which is the whole man in his highest manifestations, such as self-actualization, the highest values ​​and meanings, freedom, responsibility, and others.
20. Maslow's contribution to modern psychology it is huge. 21. Psychologists must be grateful to him for the reorientation of attention to the study of the neuroses to the study of health psychology, for constructive criticism of psychoanalysis, with the conviction of the need for growth and development. 22. On the other hand, the idea of "self-developing the seed" has become dogma for the vast number of professional psychologists for many decades.
23. Abraham Maslow died on June 8, 1970 in Menlo Park, California, at the age of sixty-two years of a heart attack, which was the result of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. abraham harold maslow, an american psychologist, one of the founders of the humanistic psychology. 2. he was born in 1908 in brooklyn, new york in a jewish family that moved from russia. 3.he was the first of the seven children of samuel and rose масловых and if certain circumstances, it is quite possible that the famous psychologist we now know as abraham grigorievich маслова.
4. in 1926, the schoolin which abraham was one of the best students, he at the recommendation of his father went to law school in new york. 5. but the servant took two weeks for the realization that being a lawyer is not his. 6.science entitled psychology maslow's конрельском met at university.
7. in 1928 he goes in мадиссон in wisconsin university, on the basis of which the finishing course to study psychologythen in 1930, is a bachelor, master and a year later two years later received the degree of doctor of psychology.
8. in 1934, maslow again moved to new york,works at columbia university, together with the known бихевиористом edward торндайком. 9. at first, he was also a supporter of the writings of john watson. admiring.however, soon the other approaches have made attractive.
10. in 1937 abraham maslow agreed to take a position as a professor at brooklyn college, which worked for fourteen years.
11.in 1951, maslow was the psychology in the recently founded university брандейса and held this position until 1969. 12. since then, his ideas with time is recognized.and humanistic psychology is formed as a separate channel. 13. to maslow's confession, and in 1967 it was even elected the head of the american psychological association.what he genuinely surprised.
14. in its activities, maslow put forward the concept of the holistic man and the analysis of its higher сущностных manifestations of love, creativity, spiritual values, and others. 15.in contrast to the dominant then бихевиоризму and psychoanalysis maslow believed that human nature is originally positive, and in the direction of continuous development. 16. in this case, the purpose of psychology is"to help the man find something in it заложено», help him самоактуализации. 17. according to maslow, these characteristics, existing in the form of innate potentialities,updated under the influence of the social environment. 18. maslow created a hierarchical model of motivation (the pyramid of needs maslow), in accordance with which the claimedthe highest requirements may apply to human behaviour, but to the extent that satisfied him more lower needs.
19. his ideas were the establishment of humanistic psychologythe object which is a man in his highest manifestations, such as self actualization, the highest values and meanings, freedom, responsibility, etc.
20. contribution as well. modern psychology maslow in his enormous. 21.psychologists should be grateful for the attention to the study on psychology health dreadfully with his nerves, for the constructive criticism of psychoanalysis, a belief in the need for growth and development. 22.on the other hand, the idea of "саморазвивающемся семечке» became dogma for a huge number of psychologists for many decades.
23. abraham maslow passed away on 8 june 1970. in menlo park, california.at the age of sixty-two years old, of a heart attack, which was the result of сердечнососудистой system.
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