1. He трогай кошку, она может оцарапать тебя. 2. Собака может быть очень приятной компанией во время долгих загородных прогулок. 3. Не могу удержаться, чтобы не сказать тебе, что ты не должен приходить, когда тебе вздумается. 4. Ситуацию можно было спасти одним единственным словом, и это все еще можно сделать. 5. — Твоя фотокамера, должно быть, очень дорогая. — Понятия не имею, сколько она может стоить. Это подарок. 6. Ни к чему тебе брать с собой все эти пакеты. Ты можешь оставить их в машине. 7. — Не нужно было вам ехать туда поездом. Мы могли отвезти вас на машине. — Мы не осмелились обратиться к вам. 8. Нам не пришлось лететь туда самолетом, они отвезли нас на машине. 9. Он, должно быть, изучает физику, как и его отец. 10. — Бабушке может не понравиться такой подарок. — Ну, с ней ты не можешь быть полностью уверен. — Как ты осмеливаешься так говорить о ней! 11. Джон не мог потерять новые часы, он, вероятно, куда-то их переложил. 12. Она поняла, что и ей суждено было испытать всю горечь предательства. 13. — Возражение следует высказать сейчас же. — Я не осмеливаюсь сделать это. 14. Ты мог бы справиться с этим еще тогда. Осмелишься ли ты рискнуть сейчас? 15. Он, бывало, навещал их время от времени, но упорно не хотел писать писем. 16. Тебе лучше не носить ей больше шоколад, пока она лежит в больнице. 17. Пожалуй, я сегодня надену что-нибудь яркое. У меня депрессия. 18. Она никогда не осмеливается возражать своему боссу.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. He touch the cat, it may get scratched you. 2. The dog can be very pleasant company during long outings. 3. Can't resist not to tell you that you should not come when you want. 4. The situation could save only one word, and it still can be done. 5. is your camera must be very expensive. -Have no idea how much it might cost. It is a gift. 6. To anything you take all of these packages. You can leave them in the car. 7.-you don't have to go there by train. We can take you to the car. We don't dare to write to you. 8. We did not have to fly there by plane, they took us by car. 9. It must be studying physics, like his father. 10.-Grandma may not like such a gift. "Well, you can't be totally sure. How did you dare to talk like that about her! 11. John couldn't lose new watches, he probably put them somewhere. 12. She understood that and she was destined to experience all the bitterness of treachery. 13.-Objection should make now. "I don't dare to do it. 14. you could handle it even then. Do you dare take the risk now? 15. He used to visit them from time to time, but do not like to write letters. 16. you'd better not wear it more chocolate until it is lying in the hospital. 17. perhaps today I'll put something bright. I have depression. 18. She never dares to object to his boss.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. He touch the cat, it may scratch you. 2. A dog can be a very pleasant company during the long country walks. 3. I can not help but tell you that you should not come when you want. 4. The situation could have been saved by a single word, and it still can be done. 5 - Your camera must be very expensive. - I have no idea how much it might cost. This is a gift. 6. To what do you take with you all of these packages. You can leave them in the car. 7. - Do not you have to go there by train. We could take you to the car. - We do not dare to speak to you. 8. We did not have to go there by plane, they took us to the car. 9. He must have studied physics as his father. 10 - Grandma might not like such a gift. - Well, with it you can not be completely sure. - How dare you say that about her! 11. John could not lose a new watch, he probably somewhere they shifted. 12. She understood that she was destined to experience the bitterness of betrayal. 13. - The objection must make now. - I do not dare to do it. 14. You could handle it back then. Do you dare to take the risk now? 15. He would visit them from time to time, but stubbornly refused to write letters. 16. You'd better not wear it more chocolate until it is in the hospital. 17. I think I now wear something bright. I am depressed. 18. She never dared to object to his boss.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. don't touch the cat, she is scratched you. 2. собака can be very pleasant company during the long country walks. 3. i can't wait to tell you that you shouldn't have come.when you please. 4. the situation could be спасти one word, and that's all we can do. 5. your camera must be very дорогая. - i have no idea how much it would cost. it's a gift. 6.you don't have to bring all of those packages. you can leave them in the car. 7. - i don't want you to go there by train. we can отвезти you to the car. - we don't have to write to you. 8.we don't have to go there by plane, they took us to the car. 9. he must be studying physics, like his father. 10. grandmother could not понравиться such gift. - well, you can't be totally sure.- how dare you say that about her. 11. john couldn't have lost the new watch, he's probably somewhere moved them. 12. she realized that she was going to test all the bitter betrayal. 13.i should say right now. i don't dare to do it. 14. you could deal with it then. are you close enough to risk it? 15. he used to visit them from time to time.but упорно don't like writing letters. 16. you'd better not wear it more chocolate, while she is in the hospital. 17. пожалуй, today i wear something bright. i have депрессия. 18.she never dared to argue with your boss.
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