Я не позволила той боли, от которой я страдала, ожесточить мое сердце. Самые чудесные моменты в моей жизни происходили тогда, когда я забывала о моих несчастьях и начинала любить тех, кто окружал меня.
I did not allow the pain I suffered, harden my heart. The most wonderful moments of my life occurred when I forget about my misfortunes and started to love those around me.
I will not let the pain from which I suffered to harden my heart. The most wonderful moments of my life occurred when I forgot about my misfortune and started to love those around me.
i don't let the pain which i suffered, ожесточить my heart. the wonderful moments in my life were when i forget about my woes and started to love those around me.