С 5-ти лет ребенок обязан посещать специальные групп при школе. Это чт перевод - С 5-ти лет ребенок обязан посещать специальные групп при школе. Это чт английский как сказать

С 5-ти лет ребенок обязан посещать

С 5-ти лет ребенок обязан посещать специальные групп при школе. Это что-то вроде старшей группы российского детского сада, но относится уже не к школе.

Начальные школы обычно обучают детей с возраста 5 лет до 11. Один учитель преподает все предметы, кроме изобразительных искусств, музыки и физкультуры. Из академических предметов преподаются, как правило, арифметика, чтение и письмо. Естественные и общественные науки преподаются мало и не разнообразно.

Средние школы обучают детей в возрасте от 12 до 14 лет — с седьмого по восьмой класс. Обычно в средней школе, в отличие от начальной, один учитель преподает один предмет. Ученики обязаны брать классы по математике, английскому языку, естественным наукам, социальным наукам и физкультуре. Один или два класса ученики выбирают сами.

Старшая школа — последний этап среднего образования в США, длящийся с девятого по двенадцатый класс. В старшей школе ученики могут выбирать свои классы более свободно, чем раньше, и только должны выполнить минимальные критерии для получения диплома.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
With 5 years the child must attend a special school groups. It is something like a senior group of Russian children's Garden, but no longer belongs to the school. Primary schools usually teach children from the age of 5 years to 11. One teacher teaches all subjects, except for the fine arts, music and physical education. Of academic subjects are taught, as a rule, arithmetic, reading and writing. Natural and social sciences are taught little and not varied enough.Secondary schools teach children from 12 to 14 years — from the seventh to the eighth grade. Typically, in high school, in contrast, one teacher teaches one thing. Students are required to take classes in math, English, science, social studies and physical education. One or two grade students choose themselves.High school is the final stage of secondary education in the United States, lasting from ninth to twelfth grade. In high school, students can choose their classes more freely than before, and only have to meet the minimum criteria for graduation.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
With 5 years of age the child is required to attend special groups at the school. It is something like the Russian senior group of kindergarten, but no longer applies to school.

Primary schools generally teach children from the age of 5 years to 11. One teacher teaches all subjects, except for fine arts, music and physical education. From academic subjects are taught, as a rule, math, reading and writing. The natural and social sciences are taught little and not diverse.

Schools teach children between the ages of 12 to 14 years - from seventh to eighth grade. Usually in high school, in contrast to the initial, one teacher teaches one subject. Students are required to take classes in math, English, science, social studies and physical education. One or two classes of students choose themselves.

High School - the final stage of secondary education in the United States, lasting from the ninth through twelfth grade. In high school, students can select their classes more freely than before, and only have to fulfill the minimum criteria for certification.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
5 years old the child to attend the special groups in the school. it's something like high group of kindergarten, but is no longer in school.primary schools usually teach children from age 5 to 11. one teacher taught all subjects in the arts, music and physical education. from academic subjects are taught, as a rule, arithmetic, reading, and writing. the natural and social sciences are taught little and diverse.secondary schools teaching the children in the age from 12 to 14 лет  from seventh to eighth grade. usually, in the high school, in contrast to the primary, one teacher teaches one class. students are required to take classes in math, english, science, social sciences and physical education. one or two class the students choice.high school is the last stage of secondary education in the u.s., runs from the ninth to twelfth grade. in high school, students can choose their classes more freely than before, and it must meet the minimum criteria for the award of the diploma.
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