) Открытие новой школы - это всегда большое событие.2) Мне не нужны вс перевод - ) Открытие новой школы - это всегда большое событие.2) Мне не нужны вс английский как сказать

) Открытие новой школы - это всегда

) Открытие новой школы - это всегда большое событие.
2) Мне не нужны все эти старые книги; я вам их подарю.
3) Все поздравили Роберта с успешной защитой диссертации.
4) "Война и мир" - это исторический роман Л.Н. Толстого, описывающий события 1812 года.
5) Пожалуйста, передайте ей мои поздравления со свадьбой, когда увидите ее.
6) Обещаю поговорить с ним, как только представится возможность.
7) В то время меня не было дома.
8) Историческая встреча двух лидеров положила конец войне.
9) Она похвалила себя за то, что сохранила присутствие духа в той ситуации.
10) Бедняга представлял из себя жалкое зрелище.
11) Едва ли это подходящее время для семейной ссоры.
12) Доктор Гринбаум - это исторический персонаж, он жил в 18-м веке в Лондоне.
13) Он поздравил ее с поступлением в Университет.
14) Счастливые дети сидели на полу, разворачивая рождественские подарки
15) У меня мало возможностей говорить по-французски, поэтому мне не хватает беглости в языке.
16) В школе я ненавидел уроки истории: у меня плохая память на даты.
17) Ведущие популярных программ - люди известные, у них часто берут интервью для газет или журналов.
18) Все друзья Джейн пришли поздравить ее с днем рождения.
19) Была выбрана королева красоты, чтобы наградить призами победителей на ежегодной выставке цветов.
20) Я обещаю сделать это при первой же возможности.
21) Большинство исторических зданий в центре города сейчас реставрируются.
22) Поздравляю, Томас, я только что узнал, что ты окончил школу.
23) Когда мистер Браун уходил на пенсию, директор фирмы вручил ему золотые часы.
24) За исключением редких случаев, зима в наших местах очень холодная.
25) Он хорошо разбирается в компьютерах, они не представляют для него никаких трудностей
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The opening of the new school)-it is always a great event.2) I do not need all these old books; I'll give it to you.3) All congratulated Robert with a successful defence of a thesis.4) "war and peace" is a historical novel by Leo Tolstoy, describing the events of the year 1812.5) please pass my congratulations to her wedding, when you see it.6) promise to talk to him as soon as possible.7) while I was not at home.8) historic meeting of the two leaders put an end to the war.9) She praised itself for having preserved the spirit's presence in the situation.10) Poor was a pitiful sight.11) this is hardly an ideal time for family quarrels.12) Dr. Greenbaum is a historical character, he lived in the 18-th century in London.13) He greets her with admission to University.14) happy kids sitting on the floor by expanding Christmas gifts15) I have little opportunity to speak French, so I lack of fluency in the language.16) at school I hated the lessons of history: I have a bad memory for dates.17) Leading popular programs-people known, often interviewed for newspapers or magazines.18) all friends Jane came to congratulate her on his birthday.19) was selected as a beauty queen, to award prizes to winners at the annual flower show.20) I promise to do so at the earliest opportunity.21) most of the historical buildings in the City Center now restored.22) congratulations, Thomas, I just learned that you graduated from high school.23) When Mr Brown went to retire, company Director presented him with a gold watch.24) except in rare cases, winter in our area is very cold.25) he is well versed in computers, they do not pose any difficulties for him
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
) The opening of the new school - it is always a great event.
2) I do not need all of these old books; I'll give them to you.
3) All congratulated Robert on the successful defense of the dissertation.
4) "War and Peace" - a historical novel LN Tolstoy, describing the events of 1812.
5) Please give her my congratulations with the wedding, when you see it.
6) I promise to talk to him as soon as possible.
7) At that time I was not at home.
8) The historic meeting of the two leaders put an end to the war.
9) She praised himself for having kept the presence of mind in that situation.
10) The poor man presented himself as a pitiful sight.
11) This is hardly the right time to a family quarrel.
12) Dr. Greenbaum - a historic figure, he lived in the 18th century in London.
13) He congratulated her on her university entrance.
14) Happy kids sitting on the floor, turning Christmas gifts
15) I have little opportunity to speak French, so I do not have fluency in the language.
16 ) In school I hated the lessons of history: I have a bad memory for dates.
17) leading popular programs - people are known, they are often interviewed for newspapers or magazines.
18) All friends of Jane came to wish her ​​a happy birthday.
19) has been selected beauty queen to award prizes to the winners at the annual exhibition of flowers.
20) I promise to do so as soon as possible.
21) Most of the historic buildings in the city center is now being restored.
22) Congratulations, Thomas, I just found out that you graduated from high school.
23) When Mr. Brown retires director of the company gave him a gold watch.
24) Except in rare cases, the winter in our area is very cold.
25) He is well versed in computers, they do not pose any difficulties for him
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
) the opening of the new school is always a great event.
2) i don't need all these old books; i will bring them.
3) congratulated the successful protection of robert's thesis.
4), "war and peace" is a historical novel organizers of. tolstoydescribing the events of 1812.
5) please give her my congratulations on your wedding, when you see her.
6) promise to talk to him, just as soon as possible.
7) while i wasn't home.8) the historic meeting between the two leaders to put an end to the war.
9) she complimented myself for having kept the presence in that situation.
10) poor represented a sad sight. "11) this is hardly the time for a family squabble.
12) dr. greenbaum is a historical character, he lived in the 18th century in london.
13), he congratulated her in the entrance to the university.
14) happy children sat on the floor,launching christmas gifts
3) i have few opportunities to speak french, so i don't have enough беглости language.
16 at school and i hated history: i have a poor memory for dates.17) the leading popular programmes are known, they often take interviews for newspapers or magazines.
18) all friends jane came to wish her a happy birthday.
19) was selected as the queen of beautyto award the prizes winners at the annual flower show.
20), i promise to do it at the first opportunity.
21), most historical buildings in the centre of the city's реставрируются.
22) congratulations, thomas,i just heard that you have graduated from the school.
23) when mr. brown retired, the company gave him a gold watch.
24) except for some rare cases, the winter in our area is very cold. "25) he's good at computers, they are not for him any difficulties.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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