1) Я только что закончила переводить письмо, которое шеф дал мне позавчера. Я переводила его почти два дня.
2) Я с нетерпением жду встречи с моими друзьями. Мы не виделись с тех пор, как сдали последний экзамен. Прошло пять лет. Наверное, мы все изменились. Узнаем ли мы друг друга, когда увидимся?
3) Почему ты не позвонила и не предупредила, что опаздываешь к ужину? Мы ждали тебя полчаса.
4) Не успел он получить телеграмму, как тут же отправился в аэропорт. Сейчас он летит в Париж. Менее чем через час самолет приземлится. Он родился в Париже, но не был там более 20 лет, с тех пор, как родители привезли его в Россию.
5) Бабушка в больнице. Если операция будет успешной, через пару недель она будет дома. Когда она вернется домой, все родственники придут навестить ее.
6) – Снег прекратился. Он шел всю ночь. – Интересно, сколько времени займет у нас дорога в город на поезде? – Не могу сказать тебе точно, я никогда не ездила поездом. Думаю, часа три.
7) – Как только ты получишь от них какие-либо известия, позвони мне. Они, я уверена, прекрасно проводят время: море, солнце и т.д. Но почему они не позвонили, как обещали, в день приезда? Кейт сказала, что позвонит мне, как только они доберутся до отеля. – Да, она никогда не держит слова.
8) – Вы хорошо говорите по-английски. – Спасибо, хотя я так не думаю. Мне иногда очень трудно понимать англичан, хотя я уже дважды побывала в Великобритании.
9) – Ты когда-нибудь читал немецкие книги в оригинале? –Еще нет. Я изучаю немецкий язык менее полугода, но думаю, что к концу года я прочту какую-нибудь книгу.
10) –Он уже вернулся из Берлина. – О ком ты говоришь? – Ты меня удивляешь! Конечно, об Эндрю. Он провел там пять месяцев. Я не видел его с прошлого года. – Он уже звонил тебе? – Да, и обещал в самом ближайшем будущем встретиться с нами.
11) Не говори маме о том, что я плохо себя чувствую. – Очень жаль, но я уже сказала ей об этом. Она не удивилась. Последнее время было очень холодно, а ты никогда не надевала ни теплое пальто, ни шарф. Вот и заболела.
12) Она постоянно разговаривает на уроках.
13) Она не видит, что я на нее смотрю, так как читает что-то с большим интересом.
14) Он намеревался перевести эту статью вчера, но у него совершенно не было времени.
15) Когда Ник пришел в офис, машинистка все еще печатала документы.
16) Поезд отправляется без четверти два. Если мы сейчас же не отправимся на вокзал, мы опоздаем.
17) – Я получил большое удовольствие от спектакля. Почему ты не пошел с нами?
18) Члены правления выдвинули много конструктивных предложений, когда обсуждали вопрос о переоборудовании завода.
19) В прошлом году крупный автомобильный концерн аннулировал контракт со своими партнерами из-за постоянных задержек в поставках запчастей и сейчас он ищет новых поставщиков.
20) Они возьмут ее на работу после того, как она окончит университет.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1) I just finished translating the letter, which the chef gave me the day before yesterday. I translated it for almost two days.2) I look forward to meeting with my friends. We have not seen each other since passed the final exam. Five years have passed. Perhaps we all have changed. Do we know each other, when see you? 3) why haven't you called and warn that opazdyvaeš′ for dinner? We've been waiting for you for half an hour.4) No sooner did he get a telegram, as immediately went to the airport. Now it flies to Paris. Less than an hour later, the plane lands. He was born in Paris, but wasn't there more than 20 years, ever since his parents brought him to Russia. 5) Grandmother in the hospital. If the operation is successful, after a couple of weeks she will be home. When she returns home, all the relatives come to visit her. 6)-the snow stopped. He walked all night. -I wonder how long it will take us to the city by road train? -Can't tell you for sure, I never traveled by train. I think three hours. 7)-once you get from them any news, call me. I'm sure they spend time perfectly: sea, Sun, etc., But why are they not called as promised on the day of arrival? Kate said she will call me as soon as they get to the hotel. -Yes, she never keeps the words. 8)-you're good speak English. -Thank you, although I don't think so. I sometimes find it very difficult to understand English, although I have twice visited the UK. 9)-have you ever read German books in the original? -Not yet. I study German language less than six months, but I think that by the end of the year I read a book. 10)-he has already returned from Berlin. -Who are you talking about? -You surprise me! Of course, about Andrew. He spent five months. I haven't seen him since last year. He has already called you? -Yes, and promised in the near future to meet with us. 11) don't tell mom that I feel bad. -Very sorry, but I already told her about it. She is not surprised. Last time, it was very cold, and you never wore either a warm coat, no scarf. That's very ill. 12), she constantly speaks on the lessons. 13) She doesn't see that I look at it, because it reads something with great interest. 14) he intended to translate this article yesterday, but he absolutely was not time. 15) when Nick came into the Office, typist still print documents. 16) train departs a quarter to two. If we do not go to the station, we'll miss. 17)-I got great pleasure from the performance. Why don't you go with us? 18) Board members have put forward many constructive proposals, when discussed on improving plant. 19) last year, the largest car concern voided the contract with its partners due to persistent delays in deliveries of spare parts and now he's looking for new suppliers. 20) they will take her to work after she finished University.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1) I've just finished the translation of the letter which the chief gave me the day before yesterday. I translated it for almost two days.
2) I look forward to meeting with my friends. We have not seen since passed the final exam. Five years have passed. Perhaps we all have changed. Do we know each other when we meet?
3) Why did not you call and warn that you are late for dinner? We waited half an hour.
4) No sooner had he received a telegram, as immediately went to the airport. Now he flies to Paris. Less than an hour later the plane lands. He was born in Paris, but had not been there more than 20 years, since his parents brought him to Russia.
5) grandmother in the hospital. If the operation is successful, a couple of weeks it will be home. When she gets home, all the relatives come to visit her.
6) - Snow has stopped. He walked all night. - I wonder how long it will take us to the road to the city by train? - I can not tell you for sure, I've never traveled by train. I think about three hours.
7) - As soon as you get them any news, call me. They are, I believe, a great time: the sea, the sun, etc. But why they do not call as promised, on the day of arrival? Kate said she would call me as soon as they get to the hotel. - Yes, she never keeps his word.
8) - You speak good in English. - Thank you, although I do not think so. I sometimes have difficulty understanding English, though I have twice visited the UK.
9) - Have you ever read German books in the original? -Not yet. I study German at least six months, but I think I'll read any book. By the end of the year
10) -He has returned from Berlin. - Who are you talking about? - You surprise me! Of course, about Andrew. He spent five months. I have not seen him since last year. - He's called you? - Yes, and I promised in the near future to meet with us.
11) Do not tell my mother that I feel bad. - It is a pity, but I told her about it. She was not surprised. Last time it was very cold, and you never wore any warm coat or scarf. That's sick.
12) She is constantly talking in class.
13) She does not see that I was looking at her as reading something with great interest.
14) It is intended to translate this article yesterday, but he did not have time .
15) When Nick came into the office, the typist has typed all the documents.
16) train leaves at a quarter to two. If we do not go to the station, we'll be late.
17) - I really enjoyed the show. Why do not you come with us?
18) Board members put forward many constructive suggestions when discussing the matter of upgrading the plant.
19) In a large automotive group to cancel the contract with its partners last year due to persistent delays in the delivery of spare parts, and he is now looking for new suppliers .
20) They will take her job after she graduated from university.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1) i just finished translating the letter the chief gave me the day before yesterday. i paid him for almost two days.(2) i am looking forward to meeting my friends. we haven"t seen each other since i passed the last exam. it"s been five years. i guess we"ve all changed. if we know each other when i see you?(3) why didn"t you call me and tell me that you"re late for dinner? we"ve been waiting for you for half an hour.4) didn"t receive a telegram, it went straight to the airport. now he"s going to paris. less than an hour the plane lands. he was born in paris, but was not more than 20 years, since parents brought him to russia.5) grandmother in the hospital. if the surgery is successful, in a few weeks, she"ll be home. when she comes back home, all the family members come to visit her.6), the snow stopped. he walked all night. - i wonder how long will it take to have the road to town by train? - i can"t tell you exactly, i"ve never been on a train. i think, for three hours.7) - once you get from them any news, call me. they, i am sure, having a fine time: sea, sun and so on. but why didn"t they call, as promised, on the day of your arrival? kate said that she would call me as soon as they get to the hotel. - yeah, she never keeps words.8) - you speak english well. - thank you, although i don"t think so. it is sometimes very difficult to understand english, although i had already twice visited britain.9) do you ever read german books in german? - don. i study german language, less than half a year, but i think by the end of the year, i read some book.10) he"s already back from berlin. - what are you talking about? - you surprise me! of course, andrew. he spent five months. i haven"t seen him since last year. - he called you? - yeah, and promised in the near future to meet with us.11) don"t tell mom about how bad i feel. - i"m sorry, but i already told her about it. she is not surprised. the last time it was very cold, and you never wore a heavy coat and scarf. that"s sick.12) she always talks in class.13) she can"t see that i look at her, as does something with great interest.14) he intended to translate this article yesterday, but he didn"t have the time.15) when nick got to the office, a typist still typing documents.(16) the train is a quarter to two. if we don"t go to the train station, we"ll be late.17), i get great pleasure from the play. why didn"t you go with us?(18) the members of the board put forward many constructive proposals, which discussed the conversion plant.19) last year, a major road and cancelled the contract with their partners because of the constant delays in the supply of spare parts, and now he"s looking for new suppliers.20), they take her to work after
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