Флаг Шотландии — официальный исторический символ Шотландии, национальн перевод - Флаг Шотландии — официальный исторический символ Шотландии, национальн английский как сказать

Флаг Шотландии — официальный истори

Флаг Шотландии — официальный исторический символ Шотландии, национальный флаг шотландского народа[3][4]. Представляет собой синее прямоугольное полотнище с белым косым (Андреевским) крестом. В некоторых источниках шотландский флаг именуется Андреевским крестом (англ. Saint Andrew's Cross). В отличие от королевского штандарта, флаг с косым крестом доступен для всеобщего использования[2]. Флаг применяется ведомствами шотландского правительства (англ.)русск. в качестве одного из официальных символов. В дневное время флаг украшает практически все здания правительства[5].

Согласно легенде, христианский апостол и мученик Андрей Первозванный, покровитель Шотландии, был распят на косом кресте[6]. Первые иконы с изображением сцены распятия, вероятно, появились в период правления Вильгельма I. В конце XIII века изображение креста появилось на шотландских печатях, в частности, в 1286 году оно присутствовало на печати шотландских гвардейцев[6]. В конце XIV века распространение получило изображение распятия без тела самого Андрея Первозванного, и этот символ (белый косой крест) получил в шотландской геральдике название «салтир» (англ. Saltire) или crux decussata (в пер. с лат. «X-образный крест»). Ныне слово «салтир» используется в качестве альтернативного названия национального флага шотландцев. В 1385 году шотландский парламент постановил, что белый крест должен изображаться на броне всех воинов, как спереди, так и сзади[1]. Первое упоминание об использовании салтира в качестве флага содержится в книге Vienna Book of Hours, изданной около 1503 года. При этом белый крест располагается не на синем, а на красном фоне[1]. Появление синего фона датируется по крайней мере XV веком[7], и первая достоверная иллюстрация сине-белого флага присутствует в Реестре шотландских войск Дэвида Линдсея
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The flag of Scotland is the official historic symbol of Scotland, Scottish national flag of the people [3] [4]. Is a blue flag with white slanting (St. Andrew's) cross. In some sources the Scottish flag is called St. Andrew's Cross (Engl. Saint Andrew's Cross). Unlike the Royal standard, the flag with the oblique cross is available for public use [2]. Flag applies the Scottish Government offices (Engl.) Russian. as one of its official symbols. In the daytime the flag adorns almost all government buildings [5].According to legend, Christian Apostle and martyr Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, was crucified on the slanting cross [6]. The first icons depicting scenes of the crucifixion, probably appeared during the reign of Wilhelm i. at the end of the 13th century image of the cross appeared on Scottish seals, particularly in the year 1286 it was present on the seal of the Scottish guards [6]. At the end of the 14th century image has crucifixion without the body of St. Andrew, and this symbol (white oblique cross) got in Scottish Heraldry name "saltir" (Engl. 'S Saltire) or crux decussata (from LAT. The X-shaped cross). Now the word "saltir" is used as the alternate title of the national flag of Scotland. In 1385 year the Scottish Parliament decided that the white cross must be plotted on armor all warriors, both the front and rear [1]. The first mention about using saltira as a flag appears in the book Vienna Book of Hours, published around the year 1503. When the white cross is not on a blue and a red background [1]. The appearance of blue background dates back to at least the 15th century [7], and the first credible figure blue-white flag is present in the registry, Scottish troops David Lindsay
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Flag of Scotland - the official historical symbol of Scotland, the national flag of the Scottish people [3] [4]. It is a blue square with a white oblique (St. Andrew's) cross. In some sources called the Scottish flag the Saltire (Eng. Saint Andrew's Cross). In contrast to the royal standard, with oblique cross flag is available for general use [2]. Flag used the Scottish Government departments (Eng.) Russian. as one of the official symbols. In the daytime flag decorates almost all government buildings. [5] According to legend, the Christian apostle and martyr Saint Andrew, patron saint of Scotland, was crucified on the cross obliquely. [6] The first icon with the image of the crucifixion scene, probably appeared during the reign of Wilhelm I. At the end of the XIII century image of the cross appeared on the Scottish press, in particular, in 1286 it was present at the press Scots Guards [6]. At the end of the XIV century spread to obtain an image of the crucifixion without the body of St. Andrew, and the symbol (a white saltire) received in the Scottish Heraldry name "saltir" (eng. Saltire) or crux decussata (in the lane. Lat. «X-shaped cross "). Now the word "saltir" is used as an alternative name of the national flag of Scotland. In 1385 the Scottish Parliament decided that the white cross should be depicted on the armor of warriors, both front and back [1]. The first mention of the use saltira as a flag is contained in the book of Vienna Book of Hours, published around 1503. When this is not the white cross on a blue and a red background [1]. The appearance of a blue background dates back to at least the XV century [7], and the first significant illustration of blue and white flag is present in the Register of Scottish troops David Lindsay

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the flag of scotland is an official historic symbol of scotland flag scottish people [3], [4]. is a blue rectangular cloth with white eyed (андреевским) cross. in some of the sources of the scottish flag is referred to as the андреевским cross (). saint andrew's cross). in contrast to the royal штандарта flag with a wonky cross is available for general use [2]. the flag is the scottish government departments (english) русск. as one of the official symbols. in the day time, the flag is almost all the buildings of the government of [5].according to legend, the christian apostle and martyr saint andrew, the patron saint of scotland, was crucified on the cross of diagon [6]. the first icon with a picture of the scene of the crucifixion, probably appeared in the period of wilhelm i. at the end of the 13th century image of the cross appeared on the scottish king, in particular, in 1286, he attended the press the scottish guards [6]. at the end of the 14th century the received image of the crucifixion without the body the andrew, and this symbol (white slash cross) received in scottish heraldry "салтир» (). Saltire) or crux decussata (per. with lat. "the x shaped cross). the word "салтир» is used as an alternative name of the national flag of scotland. in 1385, the scottish parliament decided that the white cross should display in the armor of all men, both the front and the back [1]. the first mention of the use of салтира as flag is contained in the book of vienna book of hours, published around 1503. the white cross is located on the blue and red background [1]. the blue background dates back to at least the xv century [7], and the first accurate illustration of blue and white flag is present in the register of scottish troops david линдсея
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