) исследователи близки к разгадке тайны смерти Гленна Миллера. До посл перевод - ) исследователи близки к разгадке тайны смерти Гленна Миллера. До посл английский как сказать

) исследователи близки к разгадке т

) исследователи близки к разгадке тайны смерти Гленна Миллера. До последнего времени известно было только одно : в 1944 году самолет с музыкантом вылетел в Париж и бесследно исчез в небе над Ла-Маншем.
4) Как получить опыт работы, если везде требуются специалисты с опытом работы?
5) Эксперты HSBC ожидают, что с первыми трудностями российская экономика столкнется
во втором полугодии 2012 года, даже допуская, что цена на нефть марки Urals останется на
уровне $120 за баррель.
7) Повышение цен на газ для населения этой страны является неизбежным, и когда это
произойдет - только вопрос времени.
8) Как известно, в России действуют уже несколько онлайн-сервисов, которые позволяют
бухгалтерам небольших компаний экономить время на проведении расчетов.
9) Это яркое подтверждение того, насколько компьютеры не способны работать с
визуальной информацией. И специалисты, занимающиеся проблемой искусственного
интеллекта, рассматривают это как главный вызов на пути к его созданию.
10) Как только мы прибыли на остров, мы сразу были готовы исследовать его.
11) «в России сейчас работает достаточно много итальянских компаний, но в основном
инвестиционный бизнес плохо знаком с ситуацией на российском рынке, он не может
оценить риски». — рассказал РБК daily председатель совета директоров Concern General
Invest Винченцо Трани.
12) На персональные юбилейные даты: 50-, 55- и 60-летие и далее каждые 5 лет
планируется установить единовременное вознаграждение в размере 20 000 рублей.
13) Эксперты советуют людям, решившим приобрести недвижимость за рубежом,
взвесить «все за и против, перед тем как заниматься получением вида на жительство.
14) Принудительный труд- это всякая работа или служба, требуемая под угрозой какого-
либо наказания.
15) Он согласился выполнить эту работу, но только на условиях, что его услуги высоко
будут оценены.
16) Причиной запланированного радикального сокращения рядов армии и полиции
генерал назвал проблемы с финансированием.
17) Для того, чтобы подать заявление о замещении данной должности, вы должны
соответствовать ряду критерий.
18) Это мнение настолько нелепо и ошибочно, что нельзя не рассмеяться.
19) Все министры обязаны проходить дополнительный контроль безопасности, прежде
чем получить доступ к секретной информации НАТО и ЕС.
20) Желание не отстать и создать хотя бы видимость равенства воплощаются в виде
рекламных хитростей.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
researchers are close to) solving the mystery of the death of Glenn Miller. Until recently, there was only one known: in 1944, the aircraft with the musician flew to Paris and disappeared without a trace in the sky over the channel tunnel.4) how do I get experience if all required specialists with experience?5) HSBC Experts expect that the Russian economy will face difficulties firstin the second half of the year 2012 year, even assuming that the price of Urals oil will remain on the$ 120 per barrel level.7) increase in the price of natural gas for the population of this country is inevitable, and when itThere is only a matter of time.8) as it is known, in Russia there are quite a few online services that allow you toAccountants of small companies to save time on the calculations.9) is a striking confirmation of how computers are able to work withVisual information. And professionals dealing with the problem of artificialintelligence, see it as the main challenge on the way to his creation.10) as soon as we arrived at the island, we were ready to explore it.11) "in Russia there is quite a lot of Italian companies, but mostlyinvestment business is poorly acquainted with the situation on the Russian market, it cannotassess the risks ". said Chairman of the Board of Directors of RBC daily Concern GeneralInvest Vincenzo Trani.12) on personal anniversaries: 50-, 55-and 60-year anniversary and continue every 5 yearsplans to establish a one-time reward of 20000 rubles.13) experts advise people to buy property abroadweigh all pros and cons before you deal with a residence permit.14) forced labor is all work or service exacted under threat ofor punishment.15) he agreed to perform this work, but only on condition that his servicewould be appreciated.16) Caused the planned radical reduction in army and policemajor called the funding problems.17) in order to apply for the replacement of the post, you shouldmeet a set of criteria.18) this view is so ridiculous and wrong, that one cannot laugh.19) all the Ministers were required to undergo additional security checks beforethan to get access to classified information to NATO and the EU.20) the desire not to be left behind and create a semblance of equality embodied in the form ofadvertising tricks.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
) Researchers are close to solving the mystery of the death of Glenn Miller. Until recently, it was known only one thing: in 1944 the airplane with the musician flew to Paris and disappeared in the skies over the English Channel.
4) How do I get experience if all required specialists with experience?
5) HSBC Experts expect that first difficulties, the Russian economy will face
in the second half of 2012, even assuming that the price of Urals oil will remain at
the level of $ 120 per barrel.
7) Higher gas prices for the population of this country is inevitable, and when this
happens - only a matter of time.
8 ) It is known that in Russia there are several online services that allow
accountants to small companies to save time for the calculations.
9) This is a striking confirmation of how computers are not able to deal with
visual information. And the professionals involved in the problem of artificial
intelligence, see this as the main challenge on the way to its creation.
10) As soon as we arrived on the island, we were immediately ready to explore it.
11) "in Russia is now working quite a lot of Italian companies, but mostly
business investment badly familiar with the situation in the Russian market, it can not
assess the risks. " - Told RBC daily, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Concern General
Invest Vincenzo Trani.
12) on personal anniversaries: 50-, 55- and 60-years and then every 5 years
is planned to establish a one-time fee of $ 20 000.
13) Experts advise people decided to buy property abroad,
weigh "the pros and cons before you take to obtain a residence permit.
14) Forced difficult it all work or service which is exacted under threat kakogo-
or punishment.
15) He agreed to do the job, but only on condition that his services are highly
be appreciated.
16) The reason for the planned radical reduction of the army and police series
called general problems with financing.
17) In order to apply for a replacement of the post, you must
meet a number of criteria.
18) This view so absurd and wrong, it is impossible not to laugh.
19) All the ministers are required to undergo additional security checks before
you can access to classified information of NATO and the EU.
20) The desire to keep pace and create a semblance of equality embodied in the form of
advertising tricks.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
) Researchers adeptness secrecy death Glenn Miller. Up to the last time it was only one : in 1944, the aircraft with musician flew to Paris and disappeared in the sky over the Channel Tunnel.
(4) How to get work experience, if everywhere you need specialists with experience of work?
5) Experts HSBC expect that with the first difficulties the Russian economy will face
in the second half of 2012, even allowing for,That the price of oil per barrel brand will remain at the
level $120 per barrel.
7) Increase gas prices for the for the people of that country is inevitable, and when it is
will happen - only a matter of time.
8) As is well known,In Russia there are several online services that allow
accountants small business save time on the calculations.
9) This bright confirmation,As far as computers are not able to work with
visual information. And professionals dealing with problem artificial
ai, it is seen as the main challenge on the road to its establishment.
10) As soon as we arrived at the island, as soon as we were ready to explore it.
11) "in Russia is now running quite many Italian companies, but in the main
Investment business is not familiar with the situation on the Russian market, he could not
assess the risks". - told RBC daily the president of the board of directors of Concern General
Invest Vincenzo Трани.
(12) on the personal jubilee date: 50-,55- and 60-year anniversary and then every 5 years
it is planned to install a lump-sum compensation in the amount of $20,000 roubles.
13) Experts tell people, who chose to buy real estate abroad,
weigh "all for and against,Before the deal with obtaining the residence permit.
14) Forced labor- this is any work or service required under the threat of
any punishment.
15) he agreed to perform this work, but only on the conditions,That his services highly
will be evaluated.
16) cause scheduled a radical reduction in rows army and police
general has described the problems with the financing.
17) for addition,To lodge a complaint with the replacement of this post, you must be consistent with a number of criteria for
18) This view is so ludicrous and erroneously, that cannot be societies.
(19) all the ministers are obliged to undergo additional security control, before
than to obtain access to sensitive information NATO and the EU.
20) The desire not to be left behind and create at least visibility equality embodied in the form of a
Promotional enticements.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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