И ещё все взрослые всегда слушают речь президента=) Не знаю почему, но перевод - И ещё все взрослые всегда слушают речь президента=) Не знаю почему, но английский как сказать

И ещё все взрослые всегда слушают р

И ещё все взрослые всегда слушают речь президента=) Не знаю почему, но это почти традиция=) За минуту до боя курантов все собираются, наливают шампанское и слушают президента, хаха. До сих пор не понимаю зачем это делать, но тоже всегда слушаю, может быть по привычке, а может быть потому что родители так делают=) Обычно президент говорит с Красной Площади в Москве, но Путин может говорить откуда угодно, и теперь это вдвойне интересно=) Просто посмотреть куда он собрался, хаха=) Недавно было наводнение на Дальнем Востоке, там затопило всех, у них домов не было, там строили почти города заново, все там в каких-то убежищах жили. В итоге всё построили, все счастливы, в новых домах. Все уже забыли, но в Новый Год все собрались слушать речь президента, и вдруг показывают Путина в окружении этих людей на фоне домов, которые им построили. И говорит "В этом году я решил поддержать их и приехал на Новый Год сюда, на Дальний Восток, в знак того, что все мы морально поддерживаем их...." Вот это была неожиданность!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
And all the adults always listen to the speech of the President =) do not know why, but it's almost tradition =) a minute before a battle chimes all collected, poured champagne and listened to the President, haha. Still do not understand why do it too but always listen, maybe out of habit, perhaps because parents do =) is usually the President speaks to the red square in Moscow, but Putin can say anything, and now it's doubly interesting =) just to see where he was going, haha =) have recently been flooding in the far East, there they all flooded houses did not haveThere they built the city again, almost all there in shelters lived. In the end everything is built, all happy in new homes. All is forgotten, but in the new year all gathered to listen to the speech of the President, and all of a sudden show of Putin, surrounded by these people in homes that they built. And says, "this year I have decided to support them and arrived at the new year here, to the far East, in a sign that we are all morally support them ...." So it was a surprise!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
And yet all the adults always listen to the president's speech =) I do not know why, but it's almost a tradition =) One minute to midnight everyone is going, pour champagne and listen to the president, haha. I still do not understand why they do it, but also always listening, perhaps out of habit, perhaps because parents are doing =) Usually, the president said the Red Square in Moscow, but Putin can talk from anywhere, and now it is doubly interesting =) Just to see where he was going, haha ​​=) Recently, there was a flood in the Far East, there was flooded all the houses have not been there almost built the city again, all there in some shelters lived. In the end, all built, all happy in new homes. All have forgotten, but in the New Year we all gathered to hear the president's speech, and suddenly show Putin's surrounded by these people on the background of houses that they built. And he said, "This year, I decided to support them, and came to the New Year here, the Far East, in a sign that we are all morally support them ...." That was a surprise!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
They have built. AND said that "this year, I have decided to support them and come to the New Year here, in the Far East, as a sign that we are all morally support them .... " that is it was a surprise!And yet all adults always listen what the President of the=) i don't know why, but this is almost a tradition=) for one minute before combat sufferings all collected, champagne and listen nobody will refuse the president, хаха. Still do not understand why this is to do,But I always listen to, can be habitually, and may be because the parents so make=) is usually the president said to the Red Square in Moscow, but I can speak from anywhere,And now it is doubly interesting=) just watch where he met, хаха=) has recently been a flood in the Far East, there'irlandese all, they were not was, there had built almost city again,All there in the shelters had lived. In the end all have built, all are happy, in their new homes. All have already forgotten, but in the New Year, all gathered together to listen to the President, and suddenly show Putin surrounded by these people in the background homes,
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