5. Уже объявлено, кто будет читать эту лекцию завтра вечером? 6. Я не знал, что последний матч
окончился вничью. 7. Вы сказали, что должны были от править письмо вчера, но у вас не было марки, и вам пришлось отправить его сегодня. 8. Он спросил, закажем ли мы билеты заранее, и я ответил, что уверен, что мы сможем достать билеты в тот же день (on the day). 9. Изви ните. Можно войти? Мне сказали, что я должен прийти к вам в семь и что вы будете ждать меня в это время.
10. Его спросили, был ли он когда-нибудь на Алтае. И. Надеюсь, что больше ничего Не потеряется. 12. Врач не велел мне выходить на улицу несколько дней. 13. Изви ните, я забыл сказать вам, чтобы вы не приходили в 12.
14. Я не просил их заказывать билеты. 15. Я Попросил их не брать билеты в театр на завтра, потому что я буду занят.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
5. Already announced, who will read this lecture tomorrow night? 6. I didn't know that the last matchended in a draw. 7. you said that you had to edit the letter yesterday, but you didn't have the brand, and you had to send it today. 8. He asked whether we will order tickets in advance, and I responded that I am sure that we will be able to get tickets on the same day (on the day). 9. Izvi Nita. Can I come in? I was told that I should come to you in seven, and that you'll wait for me at this time.10. It was asked whether he was ever in the Altai. And I hope that nothing gets lost. 12. the doctor told me to go out for a few days. 13. Izvi Nita, I forgot to tell you, that you should not have come in 12.14. I have not asked them to order tickets. 15. I asked them not to buy theater tickets for tomorrow because I'll be busy.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
5. Already announced who will read this lecture tomorrow night? 6. I did not know that the last match ended in a draw. 7. You said that you had to edit a letter yesterday, but you did not have the brand, and you had to send it today. 8. He asked whether we will book tickets in advance, and I said, I am sure that we will be able to get tickets on the same day (on the day). 9. Izvi Nita. You can enter? I was told that I should come to you in seven, and you will wait for me at this time. 10. He was asked whether he was ever in the Altai. I. I hope that more will not lose anything. 12. The doctor told me not to go out for several days. 13. Izvi Nita, I forgot to tell you that you do not come in 12. 14. I did not ask them to order tickets. 15. I asked them not to take theater tickets for tomorrow, because I'll be busy.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
5. Already announced, who will read this lecture tomorrow night? 6. I did not know that the last match
ended goalless draw. 7. You have said, that should have been the edit letter dated yesterday, but you did not have brand,And you had to send it today. 8. He asked, whether we'll order tickets in advance, and I replied that I am sure that we will be able to get tickets on the same day (on the day). 9. Изви ните. You can log on? I have been told,That i should come to you in seven and that you will wait for me at this time.lord 10. He was asked whether he was ever in the Altai Republic. And I hope that nothing more will not get lost. 12. The doctor had not told me to go on the street a few days. 13.Изви ните, I forgot to say to you, that you do not come to 12.lord 14. I have not requested that their order tickets. 15. I have asked them not to take tickets to the theater for tomorrow, because I will be busy.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..