1. По правде говоря, мне не нравится его предложение. 2. Чай был слишком горячим, его невозможно было пить. 3. У вас есть что добавить? 4. Плохая погода заставила нас вернуться домой. 5. Мы ожидаем, что товары будут доставлены через три недели. 6. Мы стояли у ворот, ожидая, когда прибудет такси. 7. Учитель видел, что студенты не знают, как выполнить это задание. 8. Он оказался не очень хорошим спортсменом. 9. Я случайно встретил его на выставке. Говорят, он недавно вернулся в Москву.
II 1. Мягко выражаясь, она была не очень красива. 2. Он был достаточно умен, чтобы понять все сразу. 3. Есть еще одно дело, которое надо сделать. 4. Она была настолько легкомысленна, что пошла туда одна. 5. Мама не разрешала сыну играть на улице. 6. Преподаватель любит, чтобы студенты записывали его лекции. 7. Я слышал, что товары погрузили (load) на пароход, но я точно этого не знаю. 8. Вероятно делегация пробудет в Москве несколько дней. 9. Он отправился туда, чтобы проверить все факты. 10. Он, казалось, был недоволен результатами своей работы.
III 1. Короче говоря, они поженились и переехали жить в другой город. 2. Проблема слишком трудна, чтобы решить ее немедленно. 3. Архитектор показал мне проект памятника, который будет воздвигнут на площади. 4. Дайте мне знать, когда он позвонит. 5. Я хочу, чтобы мне показали эти записи. 6. Я видел, что он злится, и решил поговорить с ним. 7. Кажется маловероятным, что их предложение будет принято. 8. Товары непременно будут доставлены вовремя. 9. Никто не слышал, как она вошла в комнату. 10. Начнем с того, что я никогда не был знаком с этим человеком. 11. Вы достаточно его знаете, чтобы рекомендовать его на эту должность? 12. На этой неделе у меня много дел, которые я должен обязательно сделать. 13. Не давайте ему разговаривать с заключенными. 14. Считаете ли вы, что он опытный врач? 15. Я слышал, что о нем говорили на последнем собрании. 16. В этом семестре вряд ли будут какие-либо изменения в расписании. 17. Чемодан был слишком тяжелый, чтобы она могла нести его. 18. Я видел, как он подошел к ним и сказал что-то. 19. Мне очень жаль. Я пришел, чтобы сообщить вам неприятную новость.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Truth be told, I don't like his proposal. 2. Tea was too hot, it was impossible to drink. 3. do you have anything to add? 4. Bad weather forced us to go home. 5. We expect that the goods will be delivered in three weeks. 6. We were standing at the gate, waiting for a taxi to arrive. 7. the teacher saw that the students do not know how to perform this task. 8. It was not a very good athlete. 9. I accidentally met him at the show. They say he has recently returned to Moscow. (II) 1. To put it mildly, it was not very pretty. 2. He was clever enough to understand all at once. 3. There is one more thing that needs to be done. 4. She was so legkomyslenna, that went there alone. 5. Mama don't allow her son to play on the street. 6. Teacher loves to students recorded his lectures. 7. I have heard that the goods loaded (load) on the Steamboat, but I do not know exactly. 8. perhaps the delegation will stay in Moscow for several days. 9. He went there to check out all the facts. 10. It seemed, was unhappy with the results of their work. (III) 1. In short, they married and moved to another city. 2. the problem is too difficult to solve it immediately. 3. Architect showed me the design of the monument, which will be erected on the square. 4. Let me know when he calls. 5. I wish that I have shown these records. 6. I have seen that he is angry, and decided to talk with him. 7. It seems unlikely that their offer is accepted. 8. goods will be delivered on time. 9. No one has heard of, as she entered the room. 10. Let's start with the fact that I was never familiar with this person. 11. you know it enough to recommend it for this post? 12. This week I have a lot to do, which I must do. 13. do not let him talk to prisoners. 14. Do you think that he is an experienced doctor? 15. I heard that he was at the last meeting. 16. This semester are unlikely to be any change in the schedule. 17. The suitcase was too heavy, so she could wear it. 18. I've seen, as he walked up to them and said something. 19. I'm sorry. I came to tell you unpleasant news.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. To be honest, I do not like his proposal. 2. The tea was too hot, it was impossible to drink. 3. Do you have something to add? 4. Bad weather forced us to return home. 5. We expect that the goods will be delivered in three weeks. 6. We were standing at the gate, waiting for a taxi to arrive. 7. The teacher saw that the students do not know how to perform this task. 8. He was not very good athlete. 9. I ran into him on the show. He is said to have recently returned to Moscow.
II 1. To put it mildly, it was not very pretty. 2. He was smart enough to understand all at once. 3. There is one more thing that needs to be done. 4. It was so frivolous that went there alone. 5. My mother would not let her son play outside. 6. The teacher loves students recorded his lectures. 7. I heard that the goods loaded (load) to the ship, but I do not know. 8. The delegation will stay in Moscow for several days. 9. He went there to check out all the facts. 10. He seemed to be dissatisfied with the results of their work.
III 1. In short, they married and moved to live in another city. 2. The problem is too difficult to solve it immediately. 3. The architect showed me the design of the monument, which will be erected on the square. 4. Let me know when he calls. 5. I wish they showed me these records. 6. I saw that he was angry, and decided to talk to him. 7. It seems unlikely that their proposal is accepted. 8. The goods will certainly be delivered on time. 9. No one heard as she entered the room. 10. To begin with, I never knew this man. 11. You know it enough to recommend it for this position? 12. This week, I have many things that I have to make sure. 13. Do not let him talk to the prisoners. 14. Do you think that he is an experienced doctor? 15. I've heard that said about him at the last meeting. 16. This semester is unlikely to be any change in the schedule. 17. The suitcase was too heavy, so she could bear it. 18. I saw how he went up to him and said something. 19. I'm sorry. I have come to tell you the bad news.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. to tell you the truth, i don't like him. 2. the tea is too hot, it was impossible to drink. 3. do you have anything to add? 4. bad weather forced us to go home. 5. we look forward tothat the goods will be delivered in three weeks. 6. we were standing at the gate, waiting for the taxi to arrive. 7. the teacher saw that the students do not know how to do this task. 8. he was a very good athlete. 9.i met him by chance at the exhibition. they say he recently returned to moscow.
ii 1. to say the least, she was not very pretty. 2. he was smart enough to understand everything. 3. there's one more thing to do. 4.she was so careless that went there alone. 5. my mother didn't allow my son to play in the street. 6. the teacher likes the students wrote to his lectures. 7. i heard that the goods loaded (load) on the steamerbut i don't know. 8. perhaps it will be in moscow for a few days. 9. he went there to check out all the facts. 10. he seemed unhappy with the results of its work.
iii 1. in short,they got married and moved to live in another city. 2. the problem is too difficult to solve it immediately. 3. architect showed me a draft of which will be situated on the square. 4. let me knowwhen he calls. 5. i want to have these records. 6. i saw that he was angry, and decided to talk with him. 7. it seems unlikely that their proposal will be accepted. 8. the goods will be delivered in time. 9.no one heard, as she entered the room. 10. to begin with, i never met this person. 11. you know enough to recommend him for this position? 12. this week i have a lot of work.i have to do. 13. don't let him talk to prisoners. 14. do you think he is a doctor? 15. i heard that it was said at the last meeting. 16.this semester is unlikely to be any changes in the schedule. 17. the suitcase was too heavy to carry it. 18. i saw how he came to him and said something. 19. i'm very sorry. i came hereto tell you the news.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..