. James hesitated for a moment (не понимая, что происходит).3. 2. I wa перевод - . James hesitated for a moment (не понимая, что происходит).3. 2. I wa английский как сказать

. James hesitated for a moment (не

. James hesitated for a moment (не понимая, что происходит).
3. 2. I waited inside the wine-shop (выглядывая из окна).
4. 3. (Рассказав все, что он знал) the witness left the box.
5. 4. We stood on the bridge in the fog (ожидая такси).
6. 5. He wants to write a book (которая бы подытожила) his impressions of the trip.
7. 6. We came back tired and hungry (прождав целый день поезд).
8. 7. A new road will soon be build (которая соединит завод с вокзалом).
9. 8. (Взяв книгу с полки) he sat down under the floor-lamp to read.
10. 9. She walked up and down the street (как будто пытаясь принять решение).
11. 10. (Возвращаясь домой в прошлый вечер) he had a nasty accident.
So the Swallow flew round and round (касаясь крыльями воды).
I decided to go to bed earlier (будучи очень усталой).
Then Sophie’s letter had come (напомнив ей о их школьных днях и приглашая её погостить у неё какое-то время).
Будучи очарована этими руками) she couldn’t help looking at them time and again.
постучав дважды и н получив ответа
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. James hesitated for a moment (not realizing what was going on).3.2. I waited inside the wine-shop (looking from a window).4.3. (Telling all he knew) the witness left the box.5.4. We stood on the bridge in the fog (waiting for taxis).6.5. He wants to write a book (which would be summarized) his impressions of the trip.7.6. We came back tired and hungry (after waiting the whole day train).8.7. A new road will soon be build (which will connect the plant with the station).9.8. (Taking a book off the shelf), he sat down under the floor-lamp to read.10.9. She walked up and down the street (as if trying to decide).11.10. (Returning home last evening) he had a nasty accident. So the Swallow flew round and round (referring to the wings of water). I decided to go to bed earlier (being very tired). Then Sophie's letter had come (reminding her of their school days and inviting her to visit her for a while). Being fascinated with these hands) she couldn't help looking at them time and again.having knocked twice and n response
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. James hesitated for a moment (not knowing what was happening).
3. 2. I waited inside the wine-shop ( looking out of the window).
4. 3. (telling all he knew) the witness left the box.
5. 4. We stood on the bridge in the fog ( waiting for a taxi).
6. 5. He wants to write a book (which would be summed up) his impressions of the trip.
7. 6. We came back tired and hungry (after waiting all day train).
8. 7. A new road will soon be build ( which will connect to the station plant).
9. 8. (Taking a book off the shelf) he sat down under the floor- lamp to read.
10. 9. She walked up and down the street ( as if trying to make a decision).
11. 10. (On the way home last night) he HAD a nasty accident.
For So the Swallow flew round and round (touching the water wings).
I of Decided to! Go to bed earlier (being very tired).
Then statement Sophie's letter-HAD have come (reminding her of their school days, and inviting her to stay with her for a while).
Being fascinated with these hands) she could not help looking at them time and again.
tapping twice and received the answer n
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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