Мы принимаем участие в общественной жизни Универси тета. Мы принимаем  перевод - Мы принимаем участие в общественной жизни Универси тета. Мы принимаем  английский как сказать

Мы принимаем участие в общественной

Мы принимаем участие в общественной жизни Универси тета. Мы принимаем участие в работе английского клуба. 2. Почему вы не принимаете участия в нашей работе (в нашем концерте, в нашем обсуждении)? 3. Он занимается (интересуется) спортом (музыкой, живописью, языками, научной работой, пением, искус ством). 4. Те, кто приезжают из других городов, живут в общежи тии. 5. Он принял решение поступить в Московский педагогиче ский университет (University) (стать учителем; усиленно занимать ся в этом семестре). 6. Я не могу не остановиться, когда вижу этого милого ребенка. Я не могла не поступить в педагогический уни верситет, я люблю детей. 7. Дети гордятся своим отцом моряком. Они гордятся своими успехами (their success). Они все сдали экза мены и получили оценку «отлично». Жители Волгограда гордятся своим городом. Это действительно новый, чудесный город. 8. Не сердись на меня. Это моя ошибка. Они сердятся на меня, потому что я опоздала (потому что я не ответила на их письмо). 9. Само собой разумеется, на уроках английского языка мы говорим толь ко по английски. Само собой разумеется, он помог нам. 10. Я не могу избавиться от этой ошибки в произношении (от тяжелой мысли; от этой болезни). 11. Когда вы сдали последний экза мен? — Я сдала последний экзамен 12 августа. Она сдала послед ний экзамен. Вы сдали этот экзамен? — Да, я сдал последний экза мен и теперь свободен. Он не сдавал с нами экзамен, так как был болен. Он не выдержал (не сдал) экзамен. Мы сдаем экзамен по ан глийскому языку в январе. Надеюсь, что мы все сдадим его.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
We take part in the public life of the University. We participate in the work of the English club. 2. Why do you not accept participation in our work (in our concert in our discussion)? 3. He has been (interested) Sports (music, art, languages, scientific work, neur art song). 4. Those who come from other cities, live in obŝeži tii. 5. He decided to enroll at the University of Moscow pedagogiče sky (University) (become a teacher; intensively occupy in this semester). 6. I can't stop when I see this lovely child. I could not reach the Pedagogical University UNI, I love children. 7. children are proud of their father a seaman. They are proud of their success (their success). They all passed the exam and got the menâ an assessment of "excellent". Volgograd residents are proud of their city. This is really new, wonderful city. 8. Don't get mad at me. It's my mistake. They get angry at me because I was late (because I had not responded to their letter). 9. Needless to say, the lessons of English we speak only English. Needless to say, he helped us. 10. I can't get rid of this error in pronunciation (from heavy thoughts; from the disease). 11. When you pass the last exam of man? I passed the last exam on August 12. She passed the recent testimony of the exam. You pass this exam? -Yes, I passed the last exam men and now free. He has not passed the exam with us because he was sick. He could not resist (not passed) exam. We rent an glijskomu language exam in January. Hope we all rent it.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
We participate in public life Uni- versity. We take part in the English club. 2. Why do not you take part in our work (in this concert in our discussion)? 3. It is engaged (interested) activities (music, painting, languages, scientific work, singing, temptation stvom). 4. Those who come from other cities to live in obschezhi TII. 5. He made the decision to enter the Moscow Pedagogical University sky (University) (to become a teacher; Xia hard to hold this semester). 6. I can not stop, when I see this lovely child. I could not go to uni versity teaching, I love children. 7. Children are proud of their father a sailor. They are proud of their success (their success). They all passed the exa barter and were rated "excellent." Volgograd residents are proud of their city. This is indeed a new, wonderful city. 8. Do not be mad at me. That's my fault. They get angry at me, because I was late (because I did not reply to their letter). 9. Of course, the lessons of the English language we speak in English to the roofing. Needless to say, it has helped us. 10. I can not get rid of this error in pronunciation (from heavy thoughts; from the disease). 11. When you have passed the last exa changed? - I passed the final exam on 12 August. She passed the last exam tions. You have taken the test? - Yes, I passed the last exa changed and is now free. He did not take the exam with us, because he was sick. He could not resist (not passed) exam. We rent an exam in gliyskomu language in January. I hope that we surrender it.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
we participate in the public life универси theta. we take part in the english club. 2. why don't you take part in our work (in our concert in our discussion)? 3.he is (in) sports (music, art, languages, scientific work, singing, искус of). 4. those who come from other cities, living in общежи tii. 5.he decided to go to moscow педагогиче a university (university) (to be a teacher; heavily occupy xia this semester). 6. i can't stop when i see this cute baby.i couldn't get into the teaching верситет uni, i love children. 7. the kids are proud of their father, a sailor. they are proud of their successes (and success). they all passed the escwa exchange and were graded "excellent".people are proud of their city of volgograd. it's really a beautiful city. 8. don't be mad at me. it's my fault. they are angry at me because i was late because i did not reply to their letter). 9.of course, in the english language we speak only in english. of course, he helped us. 10. i can't get rid of the errors in pronunciation (from heavy thoughts; from this disease). 11.when you've passed the last escwa me? i passed the last exam on august 12. she passed the exam of. you passed the exam? - yes, i passed the last escwa me and now you're free. he didn't give us an exambecause he was ill. he could not resist (pass) the exam. we have an глийскому language exam in january. i hope we all get it.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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