Уважаемый Аднан Горур,Вы написали официальное письмо №47020722/310.99/ перевод - Уважаемый Аднан Горур,Вы написали официальное письмо №47020722/310.99/ английский как сказать

Уважаемый Аднан Горур,Вы написали о

Уважаемый Аднан Горур,
Вы написали официальное письмо №47020722/310.99/793 от 24.10.2016г. с просьбой расторгнуть договор от 2015 г между нашими университетами.

В причине вы указали, что Вы меняете название университета, что не является причиной для расторжения договора. В данном случае, в договоре о сотрудничестве не предусмотрен односторонний порядок расторжения и существенных нарушений ни с нашей, ни с Вашей стороны не было.

Что касается протокола по симпозиуму, который был подписан в Баку 27 мая 2016 года, о проведении Четвертого Международного симпозиума по исследованию Тюркского мира с 26 -28 мая 2017 года, Вы не даете объяснений, почему вы срывайте заранее запланированную работу. Мы работу по симпозиуму начали сразу же после подписания протокола, на ученом совете университета был утвержден и внесен в рабочий план проведение симпозиума. Мы вовремя готовили всю работу по симпозиуму, начиная с 1 июня 2016 года, как и было, запланировано в Баку. И в сентябре предварительно было уже объявлено общественности о предстоящем симпозиуме.
Но поступил звонок на мобильный телефон от вашего международного отдела на наш международный отдел о том, что симпозиум в Кыргызстане отменяется, и что может быть симпозиум, не будет проводиться вообще. Об этом вы объявляйте в устной форме по телефону. Но спустя недели две, через интернет и соц. сети мы узнаем, что симпозиум состоится, и вы сами будете проводить его.
То, что Вы решили не сотрудничать и не разрешать сложившуюся ситуацию, это Ваше право. Но наши учредители из Кувейта требуют от нас объяснений, почему международные партнеры отказываются проводить с нами заранее запланированный симпозиум. И чтобы в дальнейшем предотвратить такие ситуации если с нашей стороны были допущены, какие то упущения, мы должны предоставить нашим учредителям причины, по которым вы отказывайтесь проводить с нами симпозиум.

Одновременно выражаем свою надежду на дальнейшее сотрудничество.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dear Adnan Горур,You wrote an official letter No. 47020722/310.99/793 from 24.10.2016 g. with a request to terminate the contract by 2015, between our universities.The reason you indicated that you are changing the name of the University that is not a cause for termination of the contract. In this case, the agreement of cooperation does not provide a unilateral denunciation and significant violations nor our nor with your hand was not. With regard to the Protocol on the Symposium, which was signed in Baku on May 27, 2016 year to hold the Fourth International Symposium on the exploration of the Turkic world with 26 -28 may 2017 year, you're not giving explanations why you win work planned in advance. We work on the Symposium started immediately after the signing of the Protocol, the meeting of the Scientific Council of the University has been approved and is listed in the work plan for the Organization of the Symposium. We on time prepared all the work of the Symposium, starting from June 1, 2016 onwards, as was planned in Baku, Azerbaijan. And in September was previously already announced to the public about the upcoming symposium. But received a call on his mobile phone from your international Department in our international division that symposium in Kyrgyzstan is canceled, and that may be the Symposium would not be at all. You declare orally by telephone. But after two weeks, via the Internet and social. network, we learn that the Symposium will take place, and you will spend it.The fact that you decided not to cooperate and not to allow the situation, that is your right. But our founders of Kuwait require us to explain why international partners refuse to hold a symposium planned in advance with us. And to prevent such situations in the future if our hand were admitted, any omissions, we must provide our founders reasons why you refuse to hold a symposium with us.At the same time express our hope for further cooperation.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Dear Adnan Gorur,
you have written an official letter №47020722 / 310.99 / 793 from 24.10.2016g. with a request to terminate the contract of 2015 between the two universities.

The reason you have indicated that you change the name of the university, which is not a cause for termination of the contract. In this case, the agreement on cooperation is not provided for a unilateral procedure for termination and substantial violations with either our or on your part was not.

As for the protocol on the symposium, which was signed in Baku on 27 May 2016, to hold the Fourth International Symposium on research Turkic world from 26 -28 May 2017, you do not give an explanation why you peel off the pre-planned work. We work on the symposium started immediately after the signing of the protocol, the Scientific Council of the University has been approved and included in the work plan of the symposium. We just prepared all the work of the symposium, from 1 June 2016, as was planned in Baku. And in September it was previously announced to the public about the upcoming symposium.
But I received a call on the mobile phone of your international department in our international department that symposium in Kyrgyzstan canceled, and that can be a symposium will be held at all. This you declare orally by telephone. But after two weeks, through the Internet and social. network, we learn that the symposium will take place, and you are going to spend it.
What you decide not to cooperate and not to allow the current situation, it is your right. But our founders of Kuwait require us to explain why international partners refuse to contact us in advance the planned symposium. And to further prevent such a situation if our side were admitted what omissions, we must provide our founders reasons why you refuse to hold a symposium with us.

At the same time we express our hope for further cooperation.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
dear adnan горур,you wrote a formal letter №47020722 / 310.99 / 793 from 24.10.2016г. to avoid the contract from 2015 between our universities.the reason you indicated that you change the name of the university, that is not the reason for the termination of the contract. in this case, in the treaty of cooperation was not a unilateral order cancellation and significant violations of any of our or your hand was not.with regard to the protocol for the symposium, which was signed in baku on 27 may 2016, the fourth international symposium on the study of the turkic world from 26 to 28 may 2017, you don't give an explanation why you win before the planned work. we work on the symposium began immediately after the signing of the protocol, the scientist, the university was approved and included in the work plan of the symposium. we're in time for all the work on the symposium, since june 1, 2016, and was scheduled to be held in baku. and in september, it had first been already announced the public about the symposium.but i have a call on his mobile phone from your international division, the international division of that symposium in kyrgyzstan is cancelled, and that may be the symposium would not be held at all. that you call it verbally by telephone. but after two weeks, through the internet and the social. the network we find that symposium would be held, and you'll see him.what you have decided not to cooperate and to resolve the situation, that's your right. but our shareholders of kuwaiti require us to explain why international partners refuse to spend with us before the symposium. and to further prevent such situations if our side there were some shortcomings, we need to provide our founders of reasons why you refuse to spend with us symposium.at the same time, we express our hope for further cooperation.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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