1. Исторические аспекты проводимых реформ совершенствования механизма  перевод - 1. Исторические аспекты проводимых реформ совершенствования механизма  английский как сказать

1. Исторические аспекты проводимых

1. Исторические аспекты проводимых реформ совершенствования механизма налогообложения субъектов предпринимательства в Узбекистане.
Начиная с первых лет независимости, налоговая политика была направлена на развитие производства, увеличение реальных доходов населения и дальнейшее укрепление экономики. Процесс либерализации бюджетной и налоговой сферы осуществляемой в Узбекистане является важным фактором
стабильного развития экономики, хозяйственной деятельности МБиЧП, стимулирование новых видов предпринимательства. Структурным преобразованиям экономики, повышению деловой активности и финансовой устойчивости хозяйствующих субъектов МБиЧП способствовала проводимая рациональная налоговая политика, направленная, в первую очередь, на сокра-
щение налогового бремени. Так, в 2011 г. совокупное налоговое бремя по сравнению с 1991 годом снизилось почти в 2 раза — с 41,2 до 22% к ВВП. Сегодня Узбекистан твердо и неуклонно идет к поставленной долгосрочной цели — обеспечить своему народу достойные условия жизни и достойное место в мировом сообществе. Последовательное совершенствование налоговой политики создает все условия для того, чтобы каждый субъект МБиЧП не уклонялся от налогов, не скрывал свои доходы, а напротив, стремился развивать свое производство и повышать свою прибыль.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. Historical aspects of these reforms improving the taxation of businesses in Uzbekistan.Since the first years of independence, fiscal policy was aimed at the development of production, the increase in real incomes and further strengthening of the economy. The process of liberalization of the fiscal and taxation spheres of activities in Uzbekistan is an important factorstable development of the economy, economic activity MBiČP, stimulating new types of business. Structural transformation of the economy, increasing business activity and financial sustainability of economic entities MBiČP contributed to the ongoing sound tax policy, aimed primarily at reducingreduced tax burden. So, in 2011, 2011. the combined tax burden compared to 1991 year fell almost 2 times — with 41.2 to 22% of GDP. Today Uzbekistan firmly and steadily goes toward the long-term goal of ensuring decent living conditions for its people and worthy place in the world community. The consistent improvement of tax policy creates all conditions so that every subject MBiČP not evaded taxes, did not hide their profits, but rather sought to develop their production and increase their profits.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Historical aspects of the reforms to improve the mechanism of taxation of business entities in Uzbekistan.
Since the first years of independence, fiscal policy was aimed at the development of production, an increase in real incomes, and further strengthening of the economy. The process of liberalization of budget and tax spheres carried out in Uzbekistan is an important factor in
sustainable economic development, economic activity MBiChP, promoting new types of businesses. Structural transformation of the economy, increase economic activity and financial stability of the business entities contributed MBiChP pursued a rational tax policies, primarily at reducing
schenie tax burden. So, in 2011 the total tax burden, compared to 1991 decreased almost 2 times - from 41.2 to 22% of GDP. Today Uzbekistan is firmly and steadily to set long-term goal - to provide its people with decent living conditions and a worthy place in the world community. Consistent improvement of tax policy creates conditions for each subject MBiChP not evade taxes, did not hide their income, but on the contrary, sought to develop their production and increase their profits.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. historical aspects of reform, improve the mechanism of taxation of enterprises in uzbekistan.since the early years of independence, fiscal policy was aimed at development of production, an increase in real incomes, and further strengthening of the economy. the process of liberalization, fiscal and tax spheres of uzbekistan is an important factorthe stable development of the economy, business мбичп, stimulating new types of entrepreneurship. structural transformation of the economy, improve the business and financial sustainability of economic entities мбичп contributed to the rational tax policy, particularly for reducingin the tax burden. so, in 2011. the combined tax burden compared with 1991 has fallen by nearly half from 41.2 to 22 per cent of gdp. today uzbekistan is firmly and steadily goes to the long term goal is to provide its people a decent life and its place in the world community. gradual improvement of tax policy creates all the conditions to ensure that every subject мбичп not evaded taxes, do not hide their income, but instead sought to develop their production and increase their profits.
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