1. Вы получите мое письмо завтра. 2. Я думаю, что приду к вам и посмот перевод - 1. Вы получите мое письмо завтра. 2. Я думаю, что приду к вам и посмот английский как сказать

1. Вы получите мое письмо завтра. 2

1. Вы получите мое письмо завтра. 2. Я думаю, что приду к вам и посмотрю новый фильм на следующей ' неделе. 3. Я думаю, что послезавтра мы поможем вам. 4. Я думаю, что через несколько лет они пост¬роят большой дом за городом. 5. Через несколько дней мой брат не будет делать каких-либо ошибок в этих упражнениях. 6. Послезавтра мы не будем смотреть телевизор, потому что мы собираемся к на¬шим друзьям. 7. Я думаю, что в следующий понедельник мы продолжим нашу работу. 8. Я уверен, что в следующий раз дети не заблудятся в лесу. 9. Я думаю, что через три месяца наш коллега вернется из Англии. 10- Вы думаете, что завтра вас не будет в офисе? 11. Мы думаем, что покажем вам новые картины в следующий раз. 12. Я думаю, что вам понравится наша машина. 13. Через несколько лет вы поймете, что вы неправы. 14. Моя подруга не уверена, что в следующем году она выйдет замуж за этого человека. 15. Я не уверен, что мой коллега будет переводить эту статью на английский язык. 16. Наш начальник примет вас через 5 минут. 17. Я думаю, что наша секретарша через несколько минут сделает для вас кофе. 18. Через два часа мы будем в театре. 19. Я думаю, что в следующем году мы не будем изучать французский. 20. Мой друг уверен, что сегодня вечером он найдет эту иформацию в Интернете. 21. Мой брат думает, что скоро он закончит работу. 22. Моя сестра думает, что ее друг скоро потеря¬ет работу. 23, Мы уверены, что завтра будет хорошая весенняя погода, небо будет голубым, а трава зеленой. 24. Я уверен, что вы скоро поймете меня. 25. Я думаю, что продавец не разобьет нашу вазу. 26. Мой брат уверен, что его подруга не расскажет родителям о нашей вечеринке. 27. Я думаю, что твоя сумка не будет слишком тяжелой. 28. Я думаю, что в следующем году эти духи не будут слишком доро¬гами. 29. Мы уверены, что в следующем месяце у нас не будет слишком много работы. 30. Я думаю, что в следующие выходные мы встретимся за городом. 31. Я думаю, что этим летом будет жарко.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. you get my letter tomorrow. 2. I think that come to you and see a new film at the next ' week. 3. I think that tomorrow we will help you. 4. I think that in a few years they post ¬ rojat big house outside the city. 5. after a few days my brother will not make any mistakes in these exercises. 6. The day after tomorrow we will not watch tv, because we're going to at ¬ PWM friends. 7. I think that next Monday we will continue our work. 8. I'm sure the next time kids don't get lost in the forest. 9. I think three months our colleague will return from England. 10-do you think that tomorrow you will not be in Office? 11. We think that show you new pictures next time. 12. I think you'll like our machine. 13. A few years later you realize that you are wrong. 14. My girlfriend isn't sure that next year she would marry this man. 15. I'm not sure that my colleague will translate the article into English. 16. Our Chief will take you through the 5 minutes. 17. I think our Secretary after a few minutes the coffee will do for you. 18. After two hours we will be in the theater. 19. I think that next year we're not going to learn French. 20. My friend sure tonight he will find this information on the Internet. 21. My brother thinks that soon it will end. 22. My sister thinks her boyfriend soon losing ¬ em work. 23, we are confident that tomorrow will be a good spring weather, the sky is blue and grass is green. 24. I'm sure you'll soon catch me. 25. I think that the seller doesn't crash our vase. 26. My brother is sure that his girlfriend will not tell my parents about our party. 27. I think your bag would not be too severe. 28. I think that next year these spirits will not be too Doro ¬ gamy. 29. We are confident that next month we will not have too much work. 30. I think next weekend we'll meet out of town. 31. I think that this summer will be hot.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. You will receive my letter tomorrow. 2. I think that will come to you and see the new film the next 'week. 3. I think the day after tomorrow we will help you. 4. I think that in a few years they post¬royat big house in the country. 5. A few days later my brother will not make any mistakes in these exercises. 6. The day after tomorrow, we will not watch television, because we're going to na¬shim friends. 7. I think that next Monday, we will continue our work. 8. I am sure that the next time the children do not get lost in the woods. 9. I think that in three months, our colleague will return from England. 10- Do you think that tomorrow you will not be in the office? 11. We think that will show you new pictures next time. 12. I think you'll like our car. 13. After a few years, you will realize that you are wrong. 14. My friend was not sure that next year she will marry the man. 15. I am not sure that my colleague will translate this article into English. 16. Our boss will take you 5 minutes. 17. I think that our secretary a few minutes to make your coffee. 18. After two hours, we will be in the theater. 19. I think that we will not learn French next year. 20. My friend is convinced that tonight he will find this iformatsii online. 21. My brother thinks that soon it will finish the job. 22. My sister thinks that her boyfriend will soon poterya¬et work. 23 We believe that tomorrow will be a good spring weather, the sky is blue, and green grass. 24. I am confident that you will soon understand me. 25. I think that the seller does not break our vase. 26. My brother is convinced that his friend did not tell his parents about our party. 27. I think that your bag is not too heavy. 28. I think that next year these spirits are not too doro¬gami. 29. We are confident that in the next month we will not have too much work. 30. I think that next weekend we will meet in the country. 31. I think that this summer will be hot.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. you will get the letter tomorrow. 2. i think i'll come back to you, and see the new movie 'the next week. 3. i think the day after tomorrow, we will help you. 4. i think that in a few years they пост¬роят big house in the country. 5. a few days later, my brother would not make any mistakes in these exercises. 6. the next day we didn't watch tv because we are going to на¬шим friends. 7. i think that next monday, we will continue our work. 8. i'm sure that the next time the children don't get lost in the woods. 9. i think that in three months, our colleague will come back from england. 10 do you think tomorrow you won't be in the office? 11. we think that will show you more pictures next time. 12. i think you'll like our car. 13. in a few years you will realize that you are wrong. 14. my friend, i'm not sure that in the next year, she is going to marry this man. 15. i'm not sure that my colleague will translate this article into english. 16. our boss will see you in five minutes. 17. i think our receptionist in a few minutes will do for you a cup of coffee. 18. in two hours we will be in the theater. 19. i think next year we won't study french. 20. my friend is sure that tonight he will find this information on the internet. 21. my brother thinks that he will finish the job. 22. my sister thinks that her boyfriend will be потеря¬ет work. 23, we believe that tomorrow will be a good spring weather, the sky is blue, the grass green. 24. i'm sure you'll understand. 25. i think the seller didn't break the vase. 26. my brother is sure that his friend wouldn't tell my parents about the party. 27. i think that your bag is too heavy. 28. next year, i think these spirits will not be too доро¬гами. 29. we are confident that next month we don't have too much work to do. 30. i think the next weekend we meet outside the city. 31. i think this summer will be hot.
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