Мы выбрали этот проект, потому что он показался нам довольно интересны перевод - Мы выбрали этот проект, потому что он показался нам довольно интересны английский как сказать

Мы выбрали этот проект, потому что

Мы выбрали этот проект, потому что он показался нам довольно интересным, а также мы хотели бы внести изменения в нынешнюю систему образования. Множество нововведений ожидается.
Сначала мы начнем с того, каким мы хотим видеть образование. Во-первых, бесспорно все должны быть достаточно образованы, значит, образование будет бесплатным, доступным всем. Во-вторых, учащихся будут обеспечивать книгами, учебниками и другим оборудованием для обучения. В-третьих, подросткам важна индивидуальность, а значит никакой школьной формы.
Также мы хотим сказать не много о дошкольном образовании. Родители могут отправить детей в ясли или в подготовительную группу, чтобы подготовить их к получению обязательного образования. Отправить своего ребенка в детский сад можно с 1.5 лет до 6.
Мы предлагаем сделать обучение более серьезным, но в то же время никого не ограничивать. Суббота и воскресенье будут выходными, а с понедельника по пятницу учебные. В неделю не более трех дней, когда есть 7 уроков. На время каникул не задавать домашнюю работу. Увеличить осенние каникулы на пару дней. Добавить в школьную литературу зарубежных писателей 21 века, расширить разнообразие жанров, например, фантастика, триллер, детектив.
Обязательное образование с 7 лет до 17. Предлагаем сократить обучение до 10 классов. Начальная школа будет с 1 до 3 класса и более серьезная. После 6 класса дети будут сдавать небольшой экзамен, чтобы выявить уровень знаний учащегося и перевести его в 7 класс. С 7 по 10 будет усиленное обучение, в конце 10 класса будет сдаваться экзамен, по результатам которого можно поступить в университет. После успешной сдачи экзаменов будет выдан документ о получении полного среднего образования. Мы хотим рассказать немного об экзаменах. Ученики будут сдавать экзамены после 6 и 10 класса. Экзамены будут проходить в своих школах, в классах не будет камер. В 6 классе дети будут сдавать русский и математику. По русскому они будут писать диктант, и делать тест, а по математике будут решать контрольную работу. После 10 класса ученики будут сдавать русский, математику и один любой предмет на выбор. По русскому языку они будут писать изложение, которое будет читать учитель, сочинение и будут делать тест. По математике они будут так же делать тест, но он будет проще, чем сейчас.
Мы предлагаем сделать обучение более серьезным, но в то же время никого не ограничивать. Суббота и воскресенье будут выходными, а с понедельника по пятницу учебные. В неделю не более трех дней, когда есть 7 уроков. На время каникул не задавать домашнюю работу. Увеличить осенние каникулы на пару дней. Добавить в школьную литературу зарубежных писателей 21 века, расширить разнообразие жанров, например, фантастика, триллер, детектив.
После общеобразовательной школы можно поступить в университет, колледж или академию, где можно будет получить высшее образование. Большинство студентов заканчивают университеты в 21 год, получив диплом о высшем образовании.
Родители могут отправить детей в ясли или в подготовительную группу, чтобы подготовить их к получению обязательного образования. Отправить своего ребенка можно с 1.5 лет до 6.
В заключении, мы хотим сказать, что нам понравилось работать с этим проектом. Мы хотим внести улучшения в систему образования, пусть они будут не такими кардинальными, как мы об этом говорили ранее, но внести их стоит.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
We chose this project because it seemed to us a rather interesting, and we would like to make changes to the present system of education. Many innovations are expected.First we will start with what we want to see education. First, no doubt all must be sufficiently established, then, education will be free, accessible to all. Second, students will provide books, textbooks and other learning. Thirdly, the adolescents is important personality, and therefore no school uniforms.Also we want to say not a lot on preschool education. Parents can submit children in nurseries or preparatory group to prepare them to receive compulsory education. Send your child to kindergarten can be from 1.5 years to 6.We propose to make education more seriously, but at the same time, no limit. Saturday and Sunday are weekends and Monday through Friday training. A week of no more than three days when there are 7 lessons. On vacation not to ask homework. Increase your autumn holiday for a couple of days. Add in the school literature foreign writers 21 century, expanding the variety of genres, such as fiction, thriller, detective.Compulsory education from age 7 to 17. We offer reduced tuition up to class 10. Primary school is from 1 to 3 class and more serious. After 6 kids class will donate a small exam to determine the student's level of knowledge and translate it into 7 class. From 7 to 10 will be increased training, at the end of class 10 will give up the exam, after which you can go to University. After successfully passing the exam will receive a document on receipt of full secondary education. We want to tell a little bit about exams. Students will take exams after 6 and 10 class. Exams will be held in their schools, in classes, there will be cameras. The 6 class the children will take the Russian and mathematics. In Russian they will write the dictation, and do the math test, and will decide the reference work. After the 10th grade students will take the Russian, mathematics and one of any item to choose. In Russian language, they will write a narrative that will read the essay and teacher will do the test. In mathematics they will just do the test, but it will be easier than it is now.We propose to make education more seriously, but at the same time, no limit. Saturday and Sunday are weekends and Monday through Friday training. A week of no more than three days when there are 7 lessons. On vacation not to ask homework. Increase your autumn holiday for a couple of days. Add in the school literature foreign writers 21 century, expanding the variety of genres, such as fiction, thriller, detective.After the secondary school you can go to University, college or Academy, where you will get a higher education. Most students graduate from universities in 21 year, receiving a diploma of higher education.Parents can submit children in nurseries or preparatory group to prepare them to receive compulsory education. You can send your child with 1.5 years to 6.In conclusion, we wish to say that we enjoyed working with this project. We want to make improvements in education, let them be not as dramatic, as we said earlier, but make them worth it.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
We chose this project because it seemed to us quite interesting, and we would like to make changes to the current system of education. Many innovations are expected.
First we'll start with how we want to see education. Firstly, no doubt everyone should be sufficiently educated, so education will be free, accessible to all. Second, students will be provided with books, textbooks and other equipment for training. Third, adolescent personality is important, which means no school uniforms.
We also want to say no to a lot of pre-school education. Parents can send their children to a nursery or a preparatory group to prepare them to receive compulsory education. Send your child to kindergarten can be from 1.5 to 6 years.
We propose to make training more seriously, but at the same time no one limit. Saturday and Sunday are the weekend, and Monday to Friday training. In a week of not more than three days, when there are 7 lessons. The holidays are not asking homework. Enlarge autumn vacation for a couple of days. Add to School Books foreign writers of the 21st century, to expand the variety of genres, such as fiction, thriller, detective.
Compulsory education from 7 years old to 17. We offer training to reduce up to 10 classes. Elementary School will be from 1 to 3 classes and more serious. After grade 6 children will pass a small test to determine the level of student knowledge and translate it into 7th grade. From 7 to 10 will be enhanced training, at the end of Grade 10 will take the exam, the results of which you can go to university. After passing the exam will be issued a document on the upper secondary education. We want to talk a little bit about exams. Students will take the examination after 6 and 10 class. Examinations will be held in their schools, classes will not cameras. In 6th grade children will take the Russian and mathematics. According to Russian they will write dictation, and do the test, and will decide on mathematics test. After 10th grade students will take the Russian, mathematics, and any one thing to choose from. Russian language they will write narrative that will read the teacher, writing and will do a test. Math they will just do the test, but it will be easier than it is now.
We propose to make learning more serious, but at the same time no one limit. Saturday and Sunday are the weekend, and Monday to Friday training. In a week of not more than three days, when there are 7 lessons. The holidays are not asking homework. Enlarge autumn vacation for a couple of days. Add to School Books foreign writers of the 21st century, to expand the variety of genres, such as fiction, thriller, detective.
After secondary school, you can go to university, college or academy, where you can get a higher education. Most of the students graduated from the university in 21 years, received a diploma of higher education.
Parents can send their children to nursery or in the preparatory group, to prepare them to receive compulsory education. Send your child can be from 1.5 to 6 years.
In conclusion, we want to say that we enjoyed working with this project. We want to make improvements to the education system, even if they are not as dramatic as we talked about this before, but to make them worthwhile.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Пытаться дозвониться математике они будут так же делать тест, но он будет проще, чем сейчас.
так называемой "химии"предлагаем сделать обучение более дешевое решение для соединений серьезным, но с казенником позволяет производить ее замену чеснок даже же городе Березники никого ограничивать. суббота и воскресенье будут выходными,How do we want to see education. First, it is surely all must be sufficiently educated, this means that education would be free and available to all. Secondly, students will provide books,We chose this project because it seemed we quite interesting, as well as we would like to make changes to the current system of education. Many new innovations is expected.
First, we have to begin with,Textbooks and other equipment for training. Third, adolescents is important personality, and therefore no school uniforms.
as we want to say is not a lot of pre-school education.Parents can send children in nurseries or in the preparatory group, to prepare them to receive compulsory education. Send your child to the children's garden can be from 1.5 to 6 years.
We propose to make training more seriously, but at the same time, no one should not limit. Saturday and Sunday will be output, and from monday to friday training. A week is not more than three days, when there are 7 lessons learned.The holiday is not to ask your homework. Increase autumn holidays for a couple of days. Add in the school literature foreign writers on 21 century, to expand diversity genres, for example, fiction, thriller,Detective.
compulsory education from 7 years to 17. We propose to reduce training 10 classes. The school will be from 1 to 3 class and a more serious problem. After 6 class children will be exposed to a small exam,In order to determine the level of knowledge student and put it in 7 class. From 7 to 10 will be heavy-duty training, at the end 10 class will give up the exam, on the basis of which you can do at the university.After the successful of the examination will be issued a document on the receiving full secondary education. We want to talk a little about the examination. Pupils will be to take the examination after 6 and 10 class.Examinations will be held in their schools, in the classroom will not be cameras. The 6 class children will be exposed to language and mathematics. The Russian Federation they will write dictation, and to do the test, and the mathematics test will be to deal with the work.After grade 10 pupils will be exposed to english, mathematics and one any object in the selection. The Russian Federation the language they will write description, which will be read a teacher, essay and will be to do the test.And from monday to friday training. A week is not more than three days, when there are 7 lessons learned. The holiday is not to ask your homework. Increase autumn holidays for a couple of days.In mathematics they will be the same to do the test, but it will be easier than it is now.
we propose to make training more seriously, but at the same time, no one should not limit. Saturday and Sunday will be the output,Add in the school literature foreign writers on 21 century, to expand the diversity genres, for example, fiction, thriller, detective.
after school you can do in university,College or academy, where you will get a higher education. The majority of students leave the university in 21 years, having received higher education diploma.
Parents can send children in nurseries or in the preparatory group, to prepare them to receive compulsory education. Send your child can be with 1.5 to 6 years.
in the conclusion, we want to say,That we liked to work with the project. We want to contribute to improvements in the education system, even if they will not be as dramatic, as we had previously, but to make them.
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