Первая мировая война, экономическая депрессия 30-х гг., зарождение и распространение фашизма оказали отрицательное влияние на развитие туризма. К концу 30-х гг. фашистские режимы утвердились в Италии, Германии, Португалии, Испании и ряде стран Восточной Европы.
Перед второй мировой войной возрастает количество морских перевозок. В Германии импульс развитию массового туризма дал, как ни странно, национал-социализм. Осуществляя идею "единства нации", руководство страны стимулировало массовый организованный туризм с целью отдыха, причем эту деятельность направляла специальная организация национал социализма "Сила через радость" (Kraft durch Freude). В 1933г. был основан имперский комитет по туризму, который подчинялся министру просвещения и пропаганды. Общую идеологическую установку в этой области сформулировал лично А.Гитлер: "Я хочу, чтобы рабочему был обеспечен достаточный отпуск и чтобы этот отпуск, а также свободное время в целом стали настоящим отдыхом для него. Я желаю этого, потому что я хочу иметь народ с сильными нервами, так как только с таким народом можно делать большую политику." История уже вынесла обвинительный вердикт "большой политике" Гитлера, а для нас в данном случае интересен тот факт, что нацистский режим уделял столь большое внимание организации массового отдыха трудящихся и вовлекал в туризм все новые слои населения, расширяя тем самым его социальную базу. Германское государство оказывало содействие в организации групповых поездок на отдых - круизов, железнодорожных туров, туристических походов. Умеренные цены способствовали первому "туристическому буму" в Германии: число туристических поездок возросло с 2,3 млн. в 1934г. до 5 млн. в 1935г., 9,6 млн. - в 1937г. 10,3 млн. - в 1938г.
Бурное развитие туризма в Германии началось после Второй мировой войны. Вся существующая на сегодняшний день система была создана фактически из ничего в течение нескольких десятилетий, и в настоящий момент находится на высоком современном уровне и продолжает прогрессировать. На сегодняшний день все маленькие фирмы, которые существовали изначально, концентрируются вокруг нескольких мощных объединений.
В Германии не существует отдельного министерства или департамента по туризму, поскольку это не та страна, которая охотно посещается туристами, как Италия или Испания. В большей степени здесь развит транзитный и выездной туризм. Можно сказать, что она являемся одной из ведущих стран мира в области выездного туризма. Поэтому вся туристическая система принадлежит министерству экономики. В Германии существует Федеральный туристический союз, представители этого союза работают в парламенте, и есть Национальный совет по туризму, который входит в министерство экономики. Таким образом, существует достаточно рычагов, чтобы лоббировать интересы туризма на всех уровнях.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The first world war, economic depression 30-IES, the emergence and spread of fascism had a negative impact on the development of tourism. By the end of the 30-ies. Fascist regimes were established in Italy, Germany, Portugal, Spain and several countries in Eastern Europe.Before the second world war, the increasing number of maritime transport. In Germany, the impetus to the development of mass tourism gave, oddly enough, national socialism. Implementing the idea of "the unity of the nation", the country's leadership has spurred massive organized tourism leisure, and this activity has sent a special organization of national socialism "strength through joy" (Kraft durch Freude). In 1933. Imperial was founded the Committee on tourism, which was subordinated to the Minister of education and propaganda. The overall ideological setting in this area formulated personally a. Hitler: "I want the worker was adequate leave and to this release, as well as the free time as a whole became a real holiday for him. I would like this because I want to have people with strong nerves, because only with such people can do politics. "history has rendered a guilty verdict of" big politics "of Hitler, and for us in this case, it is an interesting fact that the Nazi regime had paid so much attention to the Organization of mass recreation workers and involved in tourism all new sectors of the population, thus expanding its social base. The German State has assisted in the Organization of group travel on Vacations-Cruises, rail tours, hikes. Moderate prices contributed to the first "tourist boom" in Germany: the number of tourist arrivals increased from 2.3 million. in 1934. up to 5 million. in 1935, 9.6 million. -in 1937. 10.3 million. -in 1938.The rapid development of tourism in Germany began after the second world war. To date, all the existing system was created out of nothing, in fact, within a few decades, and is currently the highest modern level and continues to progress. To date, all small firms that existed initially concentrated around a few powerful unions.In Germany there is no single Ministry or Department of tourism, because it is not a country that willingly visited by tourists as Italy or Spain. To a greater extent here developed transit and tourism. We can say that it is one of the leading countries in the field of international tourism. Therefore, the entire tourist system belongs to the Ministry of economy. In Germany there is a Federal Union, representatives of tourist that Union work in Parliament and a National Tourism Council, which comes under the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Thus, there is enough leverage to lobby for the interests of tourism at all levels.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The First World War, the economic depression of the 30-ies., Emergence and spread of fascism had a negative impact on the development of tourism. By the end of 30-ies. fascist regimes established themselves in Italy, Germany, Portugal, Spain and several countries in Eastern Europe.
Before World War II the number of maritime traffic increases. In Germany, the impetus to the development of mass tourism made, oddly enough, the National Socialism. Carrying out the idea of "national unity", the government has stimulated the mass organized tourism in order to rest, and this activity has sent a special organization of National Socialism "Strength through Joy" (Kraft durch Freude). In 1933. Imperial Committee was based on tourism, which is subordinate to the Minister of education and outreach. The overall ideological installation in this area formulated personally A. Hitler: "I want to make an adequate working holiday and was provided to the holiday and leisure time in general have become a real holiday for him I want this because I want to be with people. strong nerves, because only with such people is possible to do politics. " History has already passed a guilty verdict of "big politics" of Hitler, and for us in this case interesting is the fact that the Nazi regime has paid so much attention to the organization of mass recreation of the workers involved in tourism and new segments of the population, thus expanding its social base. The German government has assisted in the organization of group travel on vacation - cruises, rail tours, hiking. Reasonable prices contributed to the first " that it is one of the leading countries in the field of outbound tourism in the world. Therefore, the whole tourist system belongs to the Ministry of Economy. In Germany, there is a Federal Tourism Union, representatives of the Union's work in Parliament, and there is a National Tourism Council, which is part of the Ministry of Economy. Thus, there is enough leverage to lobby for the interests of tourism at all levels.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the first world war, the economic depression of the 1930's, the emergence and spread of fascism had a negative influence on the development of tourism. by the end of the 1930's. fascist regimes established in italy, germany, portugal, spain, and a number of countries in eastern europe.before the second world war the growing number of maritime transport. in germany the impetus to the development of mass tourism has, ironically, national socialism. implementing the idea of "the unity of the nation", the government encouraged mass organized tourism to leisure, and this activity is a special organization of national socialism "strength through joy (kraft durch joy). in 1933г. was founded imperial committee on tourism, which reported to the minister of education and propaganda. common ideological installation in this area has а.гитлер personally: "i want to leave and work was adequate to this vacation and spare time in general have rest for him. i want you, because i want to have people with strong nerves, because only so people can do big politics. "history has already rendered a guilty verdict" high politics "of hitler, for us, in this case, an interesting fact that the nazi regime was so much focus on the organization of mass leisure and tourism, all new employees; segments of the population, thus enhancing its social to the base. the german state assisted in the organization of group travel for leisure cruises, rail tours, hikes. moderate prices contributed to the first "tourist boom" in germany, the number of tourist visits increased from 2.3 million. in 1934г. up to 5 million. in 1935г., 9.6 million. in 1937г. 10.3 million. in 1938г.the rapid development of tourism in germany started after the second world war. all of the current system has been established in fact nothing for several decades, and currently is at high current levels and continues to deepen. to date, all firms that were initially concentrated around several strong associations.in germany, there is no single ministry or department of tourism, because this is not the country that i is visited by tourists like italy or spain. increasingly there is a transit and a tourism. we can say that it is one of the leading countries in the world in the field of mobile tourism. therefore, the tourism system is the ministry of economy. germany is a federal union, representatives of the union work in parliament, is the national tourism board, which is part of the ministry of economy. thus, there is enough рычаго
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