Меры предосторожности при смерче[править | править вики-текст]Необходи перевод - Меры предосторожности при смерче[править | править вики-текст]Необходи английский как сказать

Меры предосторожности при смерче[пр

Меры предосторожности при смерче[править | править вики-текст]
Необходимо укрыться в наиболее прочном железобетонном строении со стальным каркасом, держась возле самой прочной стены, также — наилучший вариант укрытия — подземное убежище или пещера. Оставаться в автомобиле или в вагончике, учитывая большую подъёмную силу смерча, смертельно опасно, также опасно для жизни встретиться со стихией вне помещения[17].

Если смерч застал человека на открытом пространстве, то нужно перемещаться с максимальной скоростью перпендикулярно видимому движению воронки. Или, при невозможности отступления, укрыться в углублениях на поверхности (овраги, ямы, траншеи, кюветы дорог, рвы, канавы) и плотно прижаться к земле лицом вниз, укрыв голову руками. Это поможет значительно снизить вероятность и тяжесть травм от несомых смерчем предметов и обломков[16][17].

В небольшом одно- двух- этажном частном доме можно воспользоваться подвалом (здесь же на подобный экстренный случай разумно заранее поместить запас воды и консервы, также свечи или светодиодные лампы), если подвала нет, то следует держаться в ванной или в центре маленькой комнаты на нижнем этаже, можно под прочной мебелью, но подальше от окон. Благоразумным будет — одеться в плотную одежду, взяв с собой деньги и документы. Чтобы дом не взорвался от перепада давления, вызванного нагнетанием воздуха вихрем, со стороны приближающегося смерча рекомендуется плотно закрыть все окна и двери, а с противоположной стороны — открыть нараспашку и зафиксировать. Согласно технике безопасности желательно перекрыть газ и отключить электричество.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Tornado precautions [edit | edit wiki-text]It is necessary to take refuge in the most rugged steel-and-concrete structure with steel carcass, holding near the most solid wall, too — the best option of the shelter — an underground shelter or cave. Stay in the car or in a carriage, considering the big lift tornado, deadly dangerous, life threatening also meet the elements outdoors [17].If the tornado caught the man in open space, then you need to move with maximum speed perpendicular movement seems to funnel. Or, if you cannot retreat, hide in the holes on the surface (gullies, pits, trenches, cuts roads, ditches, trenches) and tight pull over to the ground face down, opaque head in his hands. This will help greatly reduce the likelihood and severity of injuries from the tornado carried objects and fragments [16] [17].A small one or two-storey private house, you can use the basement (here on similar emergencies beforehand put a supply of water and canned goods, also candles or led light bulbs), if there is no basement, it should stay in the bath or in the center of the small rooms on the ground floor, beneath a solid furniture, but away from Windows. Prudent will get dressed in tight clothes, taking with him the money and documents. That House is not exploded from pressure caused by the outflow of air swirl by the approaching storm, we recommend that you close all Windows and doors, and the opposite side is the open hanging open and fix. According to safety instructions it is advisable to cut off gas and turn off the electricity.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Precautions tornado [edit | edit wiki text]
It is necessary to take refuge in the most rugged reinforced concrete structure with steel frame holding the strongest near the walls, as well - the best option shelter - underground shelter or cave. Stay in the car or in a carriage, given the large lifting force of a tornado, is extremely dangerous, as dangerous to life to meet with the elements outdoors. [17] When a whirlwind caught the person in the open, then you need to move with a maximum speed perpendicular to the apparent motion of the funnel. Or, if you can not retreat, hide in the recesses on the surface (ravines, pits, trenches, roads cell, ditches, gutters) and tightly pressed to the ground, face down, having covered his head with his hands. This will significantly reduce the probability and severity of injury from objects carried by the tornado and debris [16] [17]. In a small one-, two- storey private house can use the basement (here on such a special case reasonably in advance to place a supply of water and canned food, and candles or LED bulbs) basement if not, you should keep in the bathroom or in the center of the small room on the ground floor can be a solid furnishings, but away from windows. Prudential will - to dress in tight clothes, taking the money and documents. To the house did not explode from the pressure drop caused by forced air vortex by an approaching tornado recommended to tightly close all doors and windows, and on the opposite side - open wide open and fixed. According to safety it is desirable to turn off gas and electricity to disable.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
precautions in the flames | wiki text rule [rule]to take the most lasting железобетонном building with steel frame and near the solid wall, also is the best option there is underground or cave. stay in the car or trailer with a murphy force a waterspout, fatal, as it"s dangerous to meet with the elements outside the [17].if a man caught in the open, the need to move with the maximum speed of movement perpendicular to the vortex appears. or, if no retreat, hide in the supporting surface (ravines, trenches, pits, off the road roads, ditches, ditches) and tightly close enough to the ground, face down, укрыв your head with your hands. this will greatly reduce the likelihood and severity of injuries from несомых storm of debris [16] [17].in a small one - two - storey detached house can use the basement (here in such an emergency reasonably in advance to put water and canned food, candles or led lights), if no basement, should stay in the bathroom or in the center of a small room on the ground floor, the solid wooden furniture, but away from the windows. reasonable will be dressed in thick clothes, taking with them money and documents. the house to explode from the pressure caused by the нагнетанием air vortex, by approaching a waterspout is recommended to close all the doors and windows, and on the other side open sleeve and lock. according to the safety shut off gas and electricity is shut off.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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