Мой колледжЯ хотел бы рассказать вам о моем колледже.Это, а штраф трех перевод - Мой колледжЯ хотел бы рассказать вам о моем колледже.Это, а штраф трех английский как сказать

Мой колледжЯ хотел бы рассказать ва

Мой колледжЯ хотел бы рассказать вам о моем колледже.Это, а штраф трехэтажное здание на окраине
города. Это не оченьновое но приятно и комфортно. Я здесь учусь демократизованную первый год.На первом этаже здания находится зал а, а гардероб, а столовая,А тренажерный зал, а некоторые классы. На втором этаже есть а директорУправление, компьютерные классы и лаборатории, а большой концертный зал, а библиотека иА читальный зал. Мне нравится.Когда я достижения в колледж, я вытереть ноги, снять мое пальто и перейти кПлащ номер. После этого я иду к графику, который также находится в этом зале. Он имеет хорошо, чтобы прийти в классе до кольца колокола.После а несколько классов я иду в столовой и позавтракать. Я не люблюНаша столовая очень много, вот почему я принять некоторые продукты питания с себя тоже.Мои любимые предметы в колледже, физики, IТ и английский. Во времяразрывы, которые я хотел бы поговорить с друзьями ту, читать газеты колледжа.Наш колледж является не только местом, где мы изучаем, это также местогде мы остаться после классов принять участие в клубах. Наш колледж очень зеленый:на каждом подоконника есть цветы. И это тоже очень чистой. Когда тудрузья, которые учатся в других колледжах, соте в этом месте они удивленыкогда они видят, что всё в порядке, большой. Но я открою секрет:Это заслуга не только Совета колледжа, но и студентов-потому что это наш второй hоme и мы должны принять саге его.Колледж жизни трудно, но я знаю, что это приятно! Вот почему я знаючто завтра я буду сюда снова!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My kolledžÂ would like to tell you about my college. It, while a fine three-story building on the outskirts of the city. It is not očen′novoe but nice and comfortable. I'm here demokratizovannuû first year. On the ground floor there is a Hall, a wardrobe, a dining room, a gym, and some classes. On the second floor there are a direktorUpravlenie, computer classes and laboratories, and a large concert hall, and the library IA a reading room. I like I achieve in College, I wipe my feet, take off my coat and go kPlaŝ room. Then I go to the chart, which is also located in this room. It is good to come to class before the bell rings. After a few classes, I go in the dining room and breakfast. I'm not lûblûNaša dining room very much, that's why I take some food with myself too. My favorite subjects in College physics, it and English. In vremârazryvy, I would like to talk with friends that read our College newspaper College is not only a place where we study, it is also mestogde we stay after classes to participate in clubs. Our College is very green: on each window sill there are flowers. And it is also very clean. When tudruz′â, who are studying in other colleges, saute in this place they udivlenykogda they see, everything is fine, great. But I'll reveal the secret: this is due to not only the Council, but also college students because this is our second home and we must accept him. saga college life is hard, but I know it's nice! That's why I znaûčto tomorrow I'll be back here again!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My college would like to tell you about my kolledzhe.Eto and a fine three-storey building on the outskirts of
the city. It is not ochennovoe but nice and comfortable. I'm here for the first god.Na democratize the ground floor is a hall, a cloakroom, a dining room, and gym, and some classes. On the second floor there is a direktorUpravlenie, computer classes and laboratories, and a large concert hall, a library and reading room uA. I nravitsya.Kogda I achieve in college, I wipe your feet, take off my coat and go kPlasch number. After that I go to the graph, which is also located in this room. It is good to come to the classroom to the ring kolokola.Posle a few classes I go to the dining room and breakfast. I do not lyublyuNasha dining room very much, that's why I take some food off the tozhe.Moi favorite subjects in college, physics, IT and English. In vremyarazryvy, I'd like to talk to friends that, read newspapers kolledzha.Nash college is not only a place where we learn, this is also mestogde we stay after school to participate in clubs. Our college is very green: on every window sill there are flowers. And it is also very clean. When tudruzya who attend other colleges, the cell at that location they udivlenykogda they see that everything is all right, great. But I will reveal a secret: It is not only the merit of the Council of the College, and students because it's our second home and we have to take the saga ego.Kolledzh life is hard, but I know that it's nice! That's why I znayuchto tomorrow I will be here again!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my колледжя would like to tell you about my колледже.это and a three floor building on the outskirts ofthe city. it"s not оченьновое but nice and comfortable. i go to school here демократизованную first год.на first floor is the hall, a wardrobe, a dining room, a gym, and some classes. on the second floor there is a директоруправление, computer classes and laboratories, and a large concert hall, a library and reading room. i нравится.когда i achieve in the college, i wipe your feet, take off my coat and get кплащ number. after that, i"m going to schedule, which is also located in this hall. it is good to come to the classroom to колокола.после rings and several classes of i go to the dining room for breakfast. i don"t люблюнаша dining room very much, that"s why i take some food with me тоже.мои favorite items in college physics, it and english. in времяразрывы, which i would like to talk to friends, read the newspaper колледжа.наш college is not only a place where we study, it is also the placewith we stay after school to participate in clubs. our college is very green, every window there are flowers. and it is also very clean. when тудрузья who are in other colleges, sota in this place, they удивленыкогда they see that it"s okay, great. but i tell you a secret: i was not only of the college students, but also because this is our second hоme and we must take the saga его.колледж life difficult, but i know that it feels good. that"s why i knowwhat i"m here again!
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