Exercise 5. Translate into English: Новая программа правительства. Сын перевод - Exercise 5. Translate into English: Новая программа правительства. Сын английский как сказать

Exercise 5. Translate into English:

Exercise 5. Translate into English: Новая программа правительства. Сын моего друга. Сыновья моего друга. Сын моих друзей. Сыновья моих друзей. Книга нашего преподавателя. Книги нашего преподавателя. Книга наших преподавателей. Друг моей сестры. Друзья моей сестры. Друг моих родителей. Друзья моих родителей. Словарь этого студента. Словари этого студента. Словарь этих студентов. Словари этих студентов. Семья Феликса. Имя врача. Сын моего брата – историк. Мать моего друга – пожилая женщина. Это кабинет декана. Улицы города широкие. Переводы этих студентов очень хорошие. Мне нравится машина Джона. Студенческие каникулы продолжаются две недели. Друзья моих родителей – пенсионеры. Лунный свет красивый. Доход фирмы растет. Студенчиские каникулы закончились
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Exercise 5. Translate into English: a new Government program. My friend's son. My sons friend. Son of my friends. My sons friends. The book is our teacher. Books by our teacher. Book our teachers. A friend of my sister. My sister's friends. A friend of my parents. Friends of my parents. The student dictionary. Dictionaries of the student. Dictionary of these students. Dictionaries for these students. The Family Of Felix. The name of the doctor. Son of my brother-historian. My friend's mother-an older woman. This is the Dean's Office. City streets wide. Translations of these students is very good. I like John's machine. Student holidays continue for two weeks. Friends of my parents-pensioners. Moon light beautiful. The firm's revenue is growing. Studenčiskie holidays are over
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Exercise 5. Translate into English: The new government program. The son of a friend of mine. The sons of my friend. Son of my friends. The sons of my friends. The book is our teacher. Book our teacher. Book our teachers. Friend of my sister. Friends of my sister. A friend of my parents. Friends of my parents. Dictionary of the student. Dictionaries of the student. Dictionary of students. Dictionaries these students. Felix family. physician name. My brother's son - the historian. The mother of my friend - an elderly woman. This dean's office. Streets wide. Translations of these students are very good. I like the car, John. Student holidays continue for two weeks. Friends of my parents - retirees. Moonlight beautiful. Income of the company growing. Studenchiskie vacation ended
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
exercise 5. translate into english: a new government programme. my friend"s son. sons of my friend. the son of my friends. sons are my friends. book is our teacher. book is our teacher. book is our teachers. a friend of my sister. friends of my sister. a friend of my parents. friends of my parents. a dictionary of the student. dictionaries of that student. dictionary of these students. one of these students. felix"s family. the doctor"s name. my brother"s son is a historian. my friend"s mother is an old woman. this is the dean"s office. the streets of the city wide. translation of these students are very good. i like the car, john. the student vacation continued for two weeks. friends of my parents are retired. the moonlight is beautiful. income of a company is growing. студенчиские holiday is over.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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