1. Она решила никого не приглашать к себе до приезда мужа. 2. На столе перевод - 1. Она решила никого не приглашать к себе до приезда мужа. 2. На столе английский как сказать

1. Она решила никого не приглашать

1. Она решила никого не приглашать к себе до приезда мужа. 2. На столе есть масло?- Да, есть. 3. Не о чем сожалеть, Том. 4. Если вам нечего делать, идите гулять. 5. Вы хотите масла?- С удовольствием, спасибо. 6. Если у них и было что сказать, они не говорили. 7. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, молока. 8. У вас есть друзья в Свердловске?- Есть. 9. Вы хотите холодного кофе?- Нет, не хочу. 10. Мы никого не знали на этом вечере. 11. Бабушка пыталась рассказать нам что-то приятное. 12. Никто не разговаривал. Все внимательно слушали лектора. 13. Можно мне взять бумаги?- Возьмите, пожалуйста. 14. Она ничего не видела, так как в комнате было темно. 15. Я зайду к вам, если мне что-нибудь понадобится. 16. Никто из детей еще не встал. 17. Сегодня в вашем диктанте нет ошибок. 18. Неужели вам не предложили прочесть некоторые интересные статьи в этом журнале? 19. Я буду у себя в кабинете, если вам что-то понадобится. 20. Папа, ты освободился? Я хочу тебе что-то сказать. 21. Вам удалось найти какие-нибудь статьи по этому вопросу? 22. Мы что-нибудь можем для вас сделать? 23. Ни один корреспондент не писал об этом. 24. Можно я угощу вас бананами?- Спасибо, я не хочу. 25. Вы думаете, нам нужно сказать ей что-нибудь об экспедиции?
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. She decided not to invite anyone to itself before the arrival of her husband. 2. On the table there is oil?-Yes, there is. 3. Nothing to regret That. 4. If you have nothing to do, go for a walk. 5. Do you want oil?-my pleasure, thank you. 6. If they had something to say, they weren't talking. 7. Give me milk. 8. Do you have friends in Sverdlovsk?-is. 9. you want cold coffee?-no, I don't. 10. We did not know this evening. 11. Granny trying to tell us something pleasant. 12. Nobody talked. All listened the lecturer. 13. Can I take paper?-take, please. 14. She saw nothing, because the room was dark. 15. I'll come to you if I need anything. 16. None of the children has not yet got up. 17. today, in your place no errors. 18. Do you not suggested to read some interesting articles in this journal? 19. I'll be in my Office if you need something. 20. Dad, are you free? I want you to say something. 21. Were you able to find any articles on this? 22. is there anything We can do for you? 23. no one correspondent did not write about it. 24. can I'll entertain you bananas?-thanks, I don't want to. 25. Do you think we need to tell her something about the expedition?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

1. She decided no one to invite to her husband soon. 2. On the table there are oil - Yes, there is. 3. There is nothing to be sorry, Tom. 4. If you have nothing to do, go for a walk. 5. Do you want butter - My pleasure, thank you. 6. If they have had something to say, they did not say. 7. Give me some milk. 8. Do you have friends in Sverdlovsk - There. 9. You want cold coffee - No, I do not. 10. We did not know anyone at the party. 11. My grandmother was trying to tell us something nice. 12. No one spoke. Everyone listened attentively lecturer. 13. Can I take the paper - Take yourself. 14. She did not see anything because it was dark in the room. 15. I will come to you if I need anything. 16. None of the children had not yet risen. 17. Today, in your dictation no errors. 18. Do not you have offered to read some interesting articles in this magazine? 19. I'll be in my office if you need anything. 20. Dad, you released? I want you to say something. 21. Did you find any article on this subject? 22. We have something we can do for you? 23. Neither the reporter did not write about it. 24. Can I'll give you bananas - Thank you, I do not want to. 25. Do you think we need to tell her anything about the expedition?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. she decided not to invite anyone to himself before the arrival of her husband. 2. on the table there is oil? - yes, there is. 3. nothing to be sorry about, tom. 4. if you have nothing to do, go for a walk. 5. you want butter? i"d love to, thank you. 6. if there was something to say, they say. 7. could you give me some milk. 8. you have friends in sverdlovsk. - i got it. 9. do you want a coffee? - no, i don"t want to. 10. we don"t know anyone at this party. 11. grandma was trying to tell us something nice. 12. no one spoke. all carefully listening to the lecturer. 13. can i take the paper? - take it, please. 14. she didn"t see anything, as the room was dark. 15. i"ll come to you if i need anything. 16. none of the children haven"t got up. 17. today in your диктанте no errors. 18. don"t you offer to read some interesting articles in this magazine? 19. i"ll be in my office if you need anything. 20. dad, are you free? i want to tell you something. 21. did you find any article on this issue? 22. something we can do for you? 23. one reporter to write about it. 24. can i buy you a banana? - thank you, i don"t want to. 25. do you think we should tell her something about the expedition?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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