3. Феодальная раздробленность на Руси и ее политические последствия.По перевод - 3. Феодальная раздробленность на Руси и ее политические последствия.По английский как сказать

3. Феодальная раздробленность на Ру

3. Феодальная раздробленность на Руси и ее политические последствия.
После смерти князя Владимира Святославовича в 1015 г. Началась длительная кровопролитная война между его многочисленными сыновьями, управлявшими отдельными частями Руси. Настоящая феодальная раздробленность появляется несколько позже, только после 1132г. Но все уже было непрочно и неустойчиво. За время междоусобиц княжеская власть расшаталась, и в конце Ив. Собрался княжеский съезд, на котором установили совершенно новый принцип организации власти на Руси. Русская земля больше не считалась единым владением, а была совокупностью владений княжеского дома. Установление этого принципа уже юридически закрепляло феодальную раздробленность. На некоторое время эти усобицы удалось остановить благодаря деятельности Владимира Мономаха(1113-1125) и его сына Мстислава(1125-1132). Однако центробежные силы оказались непреодолимыми. Феодальная раздробленность наступила. Произошел не распад древнерусского государства, а превращение его в своеобразную федерацию княжеств во главе с Великим князем Киевским, хотя власть его год от года слабела и была скорее номинальной. Процесс феодального раздробления по своему содержанию создавал новые благоприятные условия для дальнейшего экономического, политического и культурного развития русских земель. Этот процесс был обусловлен укреплением власти крупнейших феодалов на местах и зарождением местных административных центров. Князья заботились об укреплении своих княжеств, расширяли хозяйство за счет захвата земель более мелких феодалов. Князь заводил дружину для охраны собственности и завоевания новых земель. Дружинники тоже были феодалами, но менее крупными и зависимыми от князя. В хозяйстве крупных феодалов производилось все для них необходимое. Это укрепляло их суверенитет и ослабляло власть великого князя. Ослабление центральной власти привело к тому, что некогда могущественная Киевская Русь распалась на ряд суверенных княжеств, ставших со временем вполне сложившимися государствами. Их князья имели все права суверенного государя: они решали с боярами вопросы внутреннего устройства, объявляли войны, подписывали мир и заключали любые союзы. В конце 12 - начале 13 века на Руси определились три основных политических центра, каждый из которых оказывал решающее влияние на политическую жизнь в соседних с ними землях и княжествах: для северо- восточной и западной Руси - Владимиро-Суздальское княжество; для южной и юго-западной - Галицко- Волынское; для северо-западной - Новгородская феодальная республика. Наряду с продолжавшими действовать нормами «Русского правды» в княжествах начинают складываться свои правовые нормы, находившие отражение в договорах между князьями и в торговых договорах русских городов с зарубежными. Иначе говоря, для каждой из русских земель были характерны свои отличительные особенности, но вместе с тем их тесная связь в рамках федерации обеспечивалась общим сознанием единства Русской земли и общими законами, заключенными между ними Особый политический строй сложился в Новгородской земле. Великий Новгород был одним из крупнейших городов не только на Руси , но и в Европе. В своей торговле Новгород использовал широко развитые в Новгородской земле ремесла и различные промыслы. Хотя новгородская торговля достигла небывалого расцвета, основу экономики Новгородской земли составляли сельское хозяйство и связанные с ним промыслы. Общественно-политическая жизнь Новгорода имела существенные особенности. Князь был высшей судебной инстанцией, ведал вопросами о защите Новгорода и его владений от внешних врагов, выполнял функцию связующего звена Новгорода с Русью. Новгородцы подписывали с ним договор об условиях княжения, которые князь должен был выполнять или в противном случае покинуть Новгород. Высшим органом власти в Новгороде было вече - собрание мужского населения города. Собираться на вече имели право все свободные граждане . Все вопросы решались большинством голосов. Как правило на вече созывались несколько сот владельцев городских усадеб, а все важные вопросы жизни Новгородской земли до вынесения их на вече предварительно обсуждались в узком кругу небольшой группы наиболее влиятельных бояр. Главными правительственными лицами были посадник и тысяцкий. Посадник избирался из самых влиятельных бояр на неопределенный срок. Был посредник между князем и народом. Тысяцкие избирались из небоярского населения. Осуществлял контроль за налоговой системой. Во главе церкви стоял епископ. Принимал участие во всех важных гражданских делах, имел свой суд, собственный штат и даже собственный воинский полк. Вече должностных лиц создавало иллюзий «народовластия», в действительности же вся реальная полнота власти принадлежала боярам и привилегированной части купечества. Феодальная раздробленность отмечена также экономическим и культурным подъемом русских земель. Укрупнялись старые и росли новые города - их число в 13 веке достигло 300. Вокруг городов складывались местные рынки, зарождалось товарное производство. В политическ
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
3. the feudal fragmentation for RUS and its political implications.After the death of Prince Volodymyr Sviatoslavovych in 1015 g. began a long bloody war between his numerous sons governed certain parts of Russia. This feudal fragmentation appears somewhat later, only after 1132g. But everyone already was fragile and unstable. During strife princely power rasšatalas′, and at the end of Yves. Met princely Congress, which established an entirely new principle of organization of power in Russia. Russian land is no longer considered to be a single possession, but the aggregate possessions of the Princely House. The establishment of this principle already legally perpetuated feudal fragmentation. For a while these dissensions were halted due to the activities of Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125) and his son Mstislav (1125-1132). However, centrifugal force proved insurmountable. Feudal fragmentation occurred. Not the collapse of ancient States and turning it into a kind of Federation of principalities, headed by the Grand Duke of Kiev, while his power weakened year on year and was rather nominal. Feudal fragmentation in content create new favorable conditions for further economic, political and cultural development of Russian lands. This process was due to the strengthening of the power of the largest feudal lords on the ground and the emergence of local administrative centres. The Princes took care to strengthen their principalities, expanded economy through land grabbing smaller feudal lords. Prince played team for the protection of property and the conquest of new lands. Retainers were feudal lords, but smaller and dependent on the Prince. In the premises of major feudal lords was done everything for them. This strengthened their sovereignty and weakened the power of the Grand Duke. The weakening of Central Authority led to the once powerful Kievan Rus disintegrated into a number of sovereign principalities, became over time quite established States. Their princes had all the rights of sovereign sovereign: they solve internal issues with the boyars, declare war, sign the world and enter into any alliances. At the end of the 12-13 century beginning in Russia, three major political center, each of which provided a crucial influence on political life in neighbouring lands and principalities: for Northeastern and Western RUS '-Vladimir-suzdal Principality; for South and South-West-Galicia-Volhynia; Northwest-Novgorod feudal Republic. Along with who act under the rules of "Russian truth" in the Principality are beginning to shape up its legal norms, nahodivšie reflected in treaties between Princes and trade contracts for Russian cities with foreign. In other words, for each of the Ruthenian lands were characterized by distinctive characteristics, but their close relationship within the Federation provided the common consciousness of the unity of the Russian land and general laws, agreements between them Particular political system formed in the Novgorod land. Novgorod was one of the largest cities not only in Russia but also in Europe. The trade of Novgorod used widely developed in Novgorod land crafts and various crafts. Although Novgorod trade reached unprecedented prosperity, the economy of the Novgorod lands were agriculture and related trades. Socio-political life of Novgorod had significant features. The Prince was the highest judicial organ for the protection of disbursing Novgorod and its possessions from external enemies, to serve as a bridge to Novgorod with the Rus. Novgorod signed the contract on the terms of that Prince had to perform or otherwise leave Novgorod. The highest organ of State power in Novgorod was the veche-a collection of the male population of the city. Assemble the Assembly had the right to all free citizens. All issues can be resolved by a majority vote. As a rule the Council convened several hundred owners of urban estates, and all the important questions of life on Earth prior to Assembly of the previously discussed in a narrow circle, a small group of the most influential boyars. Principal government officials have been posadnik and tysyatsky. Posadnik was elected from the most influential boyars indefinitely. Was the intermediary between the Prince and the people. Tysâckie were from the neboârskogo population. Monitor the tax system. At the head of the church stood the Bishop. Participated in all important civil cases, the Court had its own staff and even its own military Regiment. Council officials created an illusion of "democracy", in fact all real authority belonged to boyars and privileged part of the merchant class. Feudal fragmentation also noted economic and cultural rise of Russian lands. Ukrupnâlis′ old and new cities grew, their number in the 13 century reached 300. Around the cities have formed local markets, saw commercial production. In political
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
3. Feudal fragmentation in Russia and its political consequences.
After the death of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in 1015 began a long and bloody war between his numerous sons, the individual parts of Russia. This feudal division appears a little later, just after the 1132g. But it was already fragile and unstable. During the strife princely power shattered, and at the end of Eve. Going to the prince's Congress, which established a completely new principle of organization of power in Russia. Russian land is no longer considered to be a single possession, and has total ownership of the princely house. The establishment of this principle is already legally consolidated the feudal fragmentation. For some time, these feuds was stopped due to the activity of Vladimir Monomakh (1113-1125) and his son Mstislav (1125-1132). However, centrifugal force proved insurmountable. Feudal fragmentation occurred. There was not the collapse of the Old Russian state and turning it into a kind of federation of principalities, headed by Grand Duke of Kiev, although his power is weakened year by year, and was rather nominal. The process of feudal fragmentation in content created new conditions for further economic, political and cultural development of the Russian lands. This process was driven by the strengthening of the feudal power of the largest in the field and the birth of the local administrative centers. Princes care about strengthening their principalities, expanded farm land grabbing by a small feudal lords. Prince struck up a squad for the protection of property and the conquest of new lands. The guards were also the feudal lords, but smaller and dependent on the prince. The farm produced big feudal lords everything you need for them. This strengthened their sovereignty and weakened the power of the Grand Duke. The weakening of the central government led to the fact that the once powerful Kievan Rus split into a number of sovereign principalities, who were eventually fully developed countries. Their princes had all sovereign rights of the sovereign: they solved the boyars issues of internal device, declare war, peace sign and enter into any alliances. In the late 12th - early 13th century in Russia identified three main political centers, each of which has a decisive influence on the political life in neighboring lands and principalities: to the north-east and west of Russia - Vladimir and Suzdal; to the south and south-west - Volyn Galitsko-; Northwest - Novgorod feudal republic. Along with continued work norms "Russian Truth" in the principalities start to develop its own legal norms, is reflected in the treaties between princes and Russian trade agreements with foreign cities. In other words, for each of the Russian lands were characterized by their distinctive features, but at the same time, their close relationship within the federation ensured a common consciousness of the unity of the Russian land and common law, concluded between particular political order emerged in the Novgorod land. Novgorod was one of the largest cities not only in Russia but also in Europe. In its trade Novgorod used widely developed in the Novgorod land of handicrafts and various crafts. Although Novgorod trade has reached unprecedented prosperity, the foundation of the Novgorod land economy were agriculture and fisheries associated with it. Social and political life of Novgorod was essential features. The prince was the highest court in charge of the Protection of Novgorod and his possessions from external enemies, served as the Novgorod a liaison with Russia. Novgorod signed a contract with him about the conditions of the reign of that prince was to carry out or otherwise leave Novgorod. The supreme authority in Novgorod was the Chamber - a collection of the male population of the city. To gather in the Chamber have the right to all free citizens. All questions were decided by a majority vote. Usually at the Chamber convened several hundred owners of urban estates, and all the important issues of the Novgorod earth life before making them into the Chamber previously discussed in a narrow circle of a small group of the most influential boyars. The main government parties were posadnik and tysyatsky. Posadnik elected the most influential boyars indefinitely. He was the mediator between the prince and the people. Tysyatskogo chosen from neboyarskogo population. Exercises control over the tax system. Bishop was the head of the church. He took part in all important civil cases, had his court, its own staff and even a military regiment. Veche officials created the illusion of "democracy", in reality, all real fullness of power belonged to the boyars, and privileged part of the merchant class. Feudal fragmentation is marked as the economic and cultural rise of the Russian lands. Amalgamate the old and new city grew - their number in the 13th century has reached 300 cities around the evolved local markets, commodity production was conceived. in the political
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
3. feudal fragmentation in russia and its policy implications.after the death of prince vladimir святославовича in 1015. started a long bloody war between his numerous sons ruling some parts of russia. the feudal fragmentation shows up later, just after the 1132г. but it"s all been is fragile and volatile. during the time of princely power sketchy, and in the end, eve. will sovereign congress which have established a new principle of organization of power in russia. russian land more than one possession, and was a combination of the princely house. the establishment of this principle already legally закрепляло feudal fragmentation. for a while these усобицы managed to stop the activities of vladimir monomah (1113 - 1125) and his son mstislav (1125 - 1132). however, the centrifugal force proved to be insurmountable. feudal fragmentation occurred. there was no breakdown of the russian state and its transformation into a federation of princely states, headed by the grand prince of kiev, although his power from year to year was running out of time and was rather nominal. the modern divisions of content created more favourable conditions for further economic, political, and cultural development of the russian lands. this process was the result of strengthening the power of the feudal lords in the field and the advent of local administrative centres. princes were strengthening their fiefdoms, expand agriculture through the seizure of land smaller feudal lords. the prince had a squad for the protection of property and the conquest of new lands. the vigilantes were феодалами, but smaller and dependent on the prince. in the house, the feudal lords were all they needed. it strengthens their sovereignty and weakening the power of grand prince. the weakening of central authority meant that the once powerful kievan rus" split into a number of sovereign principalities, which eventually was established by states. their princes were all the rights of a sovereign prince. they decide to боярами domestic device, called the war, signed the peace and had any alliances. at the end of 12 early 13th century in russia have three major political center, each of which has a decisive influence on the political life in the neighbouring lands and princedoms, north eastern and western russia, vladimir суздальское principality; for the south and south west - galician volhynian; northwest novgorod feudal republic. along with the продолжавшими act rules "truth" in russian princedoms are beginning to be its legal norms, находившие reflected in treaties between the princes and the trade contract
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