) 1. — Где вы обычно питаетесь? — Завтракаю и ужинаю я дома, а обедаю  перевод - ) 1. — Где вы обычно питаетесь? — Завтракаю и ужинаю я дома, а обедаю  английский как сказать

) 1. — Где вы обычно питаетесь? — З

) 1. — Где вы обычно питаетесь? — Завтракаю и ужинаю я дома, а
обедаю в институте. 2. В воскресенье мы часто обедаем в кафе напротив. У них
всегда разнообразный выбор блюд: мясных, овощных, рыбных. 3. — Что у нас
сегодня на обед? — На первое суп, на второе мясное блюдо с овощами и на
третье что-нибудь сладкое. 4. — Какое ваше любимое блюдо? — Я люблю все
кроме рыбы. 5. Скажите детям, чтобы они не забывали мыть руки перед едой. 6.
Скорее садитесь в поезд, он отправляется через две минуты. 7. — Скажите,
пожалуйста, как мне доехать отсюда до центра? — Любой автобус довезет вас
туда. Автобусная остановка напротив. 8. Он поехал туда автобусом, так как у
него не хватило денег на такси. 9. Они уехали на юг вчера и пробудут там до
конца отпуска. 10. Я его недостаточно хорошо знаю, чтобы обсуждать с ним
такие вопросы. 11. Попросите Николая описать картины, которые он видел
вчера в музее. Он сделает это лучше меня. Он даже сделает это лучше любого
из нас. 12. Я недостаточно хорошо понял вчера ваше объяснение. Повторите,
пожалуйста, еще раз. 13. Игра была настолько интересной, что я остался
смотреть ее до конца. 14. Больше всего моему сыну нравятся книги, в которых
описываются исторические события.

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
) 1. -Where do you usually eat? -Eat breakfast and I užinaû houses and lunch at the Institute. 2. On Sunday, we often dine at the café in front. They have always a diverse selection of dishes: meat, vegetable, fish. 3.-what we do today at lunch? — The first soup, second dish with meat and vegetables a third something sweet. 4.-What is your favorite dish? I love all In addition to the fish. 5. Tell your children that they do not forget to wash your hands before eating. 6. Rather sit in the train, he sent two minutes later. 7.-tell me Please, how do I get there from here to the Centre? — Any bus takes you there. The bus stop opposite. 8. He went there by bus because It did not have enough money for a taxi. 9. They left South yesterday and will stay there until the the end of the holiday. 10. I know it is not enough to discuss with him such questions. 11. Ask Nicholas to describe paintings that he had seen today at the Museum. He does it better than me. He even does it better than any of us. 12. I am not well understood today your explanation. Repeat, Please again. 13. The game was so exciting that I stayed Watch it until the end. 14. my son like books in which Describes historical events.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
) 1. - Where do you usually eat? - Breakfast and dinner I'm home and
have dinner at the institute. 2. On Sunday, we often dine at the café across the street. They
are always a diverse selection of dishes: meat, vegetables, fish. 3. - What's
for dinner tonight? - For the first soup, the second meat dish with vegetables on the
third something sweet. 4 - What is your favorite dish? - I love everything
except fish. 5. Tell the children that they do not forget to wash your hands before eating. 6.
Rather, take the train, it is sent in two minutes. 7. - Tell me,
please, how do I get there from here to the center? - Any bus will take you
there. Bus stop in front. 8. He went there by bus, because
he did not have money for a taxi. 9. They went south yesterday and will stay there until
the end of the holiday. 10. I know him well enough to discuss with him
these questions. 11. Ask Nicholas describe paintings that he saw
yesterday at the museum. He will do it better than me. He even do it better than any
of us. 12. I do not well understand your explanation yesterday. Repeat,
please, again. 13. The game was so interesting that I stayed
to watch it to the end. 14. Most of my son likes books that
describe historical events.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
) 1. where do you usually eat? - i'm having breakfast and dinner i home and
have lunch in the school. 2. on sunday we often have lunch in the cafe across the street. they have
always varied selection: meat, vegetable, fish. 3. - what we got.for lunch today? - the soup, the meat dish with vegetables and
third something sweet. 4. - what's your favorite dish? i love all the
except fish. 5. tell the children that they do not forget to wash your hands before meals. 6.
quickly get on the train, it's leaving in two minutes. 7. - tell me. please, i go from here to the center? any bus will take you there ". there's a bus stop across the street. 8. he went there by bus.since
he didn't have enough money for a taxi. 9. they went to the south and will remain there until the end of the holiday ". 10. i know its not good enough to talk about with him. such questions. 11. ask the world to describe pictureshe saw
yesterday at the museum. he does it better than me. he even does better than any
from the us. 12. i did not know yesterday your explanation. say, "please, one more time. 13. the game was so interestingi'm
watch it to the end. 14. most of my son like the books in which
describes historical events.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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