Важный момент – гарантия для инвестора. Вариант 1:Сумму 7 милионов USD перевод - Важный момент – гарантия для инвестора. Вариант 1:Сумму 7 милионов USD английский как сказать

Важный момент – гарантия для инвест

Важный момент – гарантия для инвестора.

Вариант 1:

Сумму 7 милионов USD из банка www.eximb.com мы переводим на счёт инвестора в любой банк на украине.

Вариант 2:

EMI GmbH покупает международные Боны или Ценые бумаги, которые укажет инвестор – затем переписывает на имя инвестора....

Вариант 3:

инвестор дает кредит на Emi Deutschland. Кредит будет носить целевой характер (для оплаты пакета акций). Emi Deutschland, получив кредитные средства, тут же их перечисляет за оплату акций. В день зачисления денежных средств на расчетный счет Продовца, пакет акций в размере 98% уставного капитала Завода зачисляется на счет в ценных бумагах Emi Deutschland, открытый у Драгон-капитал. В момент зачисления указанных акций, они могут выступить предметом залога по кредиту, взятого Emi Deutschland у этого частного лица.

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Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The important point is the guarantee for the investor. Option 1:The sum of 7 million USD from the Bank www.eximb.com and interpreting in the investor's account in any bank in Ukraine.Option 2:EMI GmbH buys international Bonds or Cenye paper, which indicates investor-then rewrites to the investor of ....Option 3:the investor makes a loan at Emi Deutschland. Credit will be targeted (to pay for the shares). Emi Deutschland, receiving loan funds, immediately their lists for the payment of the shares. On the day of transfer of money resources on the account of the Owner, shares equal to 98% of the share capital of the Company is credited to a securities account Emi Deutschland, opened with a Dragon-capital. At the time of transfer of the stock, they may be the subject of mortgage loan taken Emi Deutschland this private person.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
An important point - a guarantee for the investor. Option 1: $ 7-million USD from the bank www.eximb.com we transfer to the account of the investor in any bank in the Ukraine. Option 2: EMI GmbH buys international Bona or Tsenye paper that tells the investor - then rewrites in the name of the investor .... Option 3: The investor gives credit for Emi Deutschland. The loan will be targeted (for payment of shares). Emi Deutschland, received credit funds immediately their lists for the payment of the shares. On the day the funds are credited to the account of dealer Online, interest at the rate of 98% of the share capital of the Mill is credited to an account in securities Emi Deutschland, open at Dragon Capital. At the time of enrollment of the said shares, they can speak on the subject of mortgage loans taken Emi Deutschland this individual.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
An important point - the guarantee for the investor. Lord 1:lord of $7 million USD from the bank www.eximb.соm we are moving to the investor in any bank in Ukraine.lord 2:lord EMI GmbH buys international content or Ценые paper,That would indicate an investor - then overwrites in the name of investor .... lord Option 3:lord investor gives a loan to Emi Deutschland. The loan will be targeted (to pay for the shares). EMI Deutschland, obtaining credit funds,There is also their lists for the payment for shares. On the day of enrolment rates estimated by Продовца, shares in the amount of 98% capital Factory will be credited to the account in securities Emi Deutschland,Open the Dragon Capital. Enrolment at the time the shares, they could make the subject of a mortgage credit, single Emi Deutschland, the private person.

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