13. "Посмотри на дуб. Ему, наверное, сто лет."
14. "Давайте посадим дуб. Он дает много тени."
15. "Наш парк преобразился: там посадили много новых деревьев. В основном это дубы и липы."
16. Дубы, которые мы посадили в парке, уже выросли.
17. Не можете ли вы одолжить мне конверт! Мне срочно нужно отослать письмо, а почта закрыта.
18. "Где ты купила плащ? Мне тоже нужен плащ, но я не могу найти ничего подходящего." - "Сходи в магазин на улице Мира, там сегодня продают красивые плащи."
19. Девочка ищет сестру. Вы ей говорите: "Посмотри во дворе. Она, вероятно, играет там с детьми."
20. Учительница входит в класс и, увидев там только девочек, говорит: "А где же мальчики?"
21. Вы просите помочь вам: "Вы не можете передвинуть стол!"
22. Ваша сестра готовится к экзаменам, но к вам пришли гости, вы просите ее перейти в спальню. Ее подруга спрашивает: "А в спальне есть стол?"
23. Учительница говорит: "Не пишите на столах и следите затем, чтобы всегда был мел у доски."
24. Посмотрите на доску, пожалуйста.
25. Вы пришли за ребенком в детский сад в середине дня, вам говорят: "Вы не можете забрать ребенка, пока дети спят. Они отдыхают."
Результаты (
английский) 1:
13. "look at Oak. It's probably a hundred years. "14. "Let's plant the oak tree. It gives a lot of shadows. "15. "our park has changed: there are many new trees planted. This is mainly Oaks and limes. "16. The oak trees that we planted in the Park, have already grown.17. do not can you lend me an envelope! I urgently need to send the letter, and mail shut down.18. "where have you bought the cloak? I too need a raincoat, but I can't find anything suitable. "-" Go to the shop on the street world there today selling beautiful cloaks. "19. a girl looking for her sister. You say: "look in the yard. She probably plays there with children. "20. The teacher enters the classroom and seeing there are only girls, says: "but where are the boys?"21. you ask for help: "you can't move the table!"22. your sister is getting ready for exams, but you have guests, you ask her to go into the bedroom. Her friend asks: "and there is a table in the bedroom?"23. The teacher said: "do not write on the tables and watch then, so was always chalk boards."24. look on the Board, please.25. you came for the child in the kindergarten in the middle of the day, you say: "you can't pick up the child, while the children sleep. They rest. "
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
13. "Look at the oak. It is probably a hundred years."
14. "Let's plant the oak tree. It gives a lot of shade."
15. "Our fleet has changed: there have planted many new trees are mainly oak and linden.."
16. The oaks that we planted in the park, have grown up.
17. Can you lend me the envelope! I urgently need to send a letter and mail is closed.
18. "Where have you bought a coat? I also need a raincoat, but I can not find anything suitable." - "Go to the store on the street of the World, there is now selling beautiful coats."
19. The girl is looking for her sister. You tell her, "Look in the yard She probably played there with the children.."
20. The teacher enters the classroom and saw there only girls, says: "And where are the boys?"
21. You ask for help: "You can not move the table!"
22. Your sister is preparing for exams, but you have come to visit, you ask her to go into the bedroom. Her friend asks, "And in the bedroom there is a table?"
23. The teacher says, "Do not write on the tables, and then make sure that was always the chalk at the blackboard."
24. Look at the board, please.
25. You came for the baby to kindergarten in the middle of the day, you say: "You can not take the child until the children are asleep they are resting.."
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..