Профессионально построенный процесс отбора состоит из трех этапов, или перевод - Профессионально построенный процесс отбора состоит из трех этапов, или английский как сказать

Профессионально построенный процесс

Профессионально построенный процесс отбора состоит из трех этапов, или из трех воронок. На первом этапе мы создаем профиль должности, относительно которого будем отбирать кандидатов, и проводим оценку их психологических особенностей с помощью серии различных тестов. Главная задача этого этапа – отсеять явно неподходящих кандидатов. Следующая стадия отбора – проведение структурированного интервью и выполнение группового задания, связанного со спецификой должности. Поведение людей во время его выполнения дает важную информацию не только о профессионализме кандидатов, но и об их умении работать в команде, справляться со стрессом. На последнем этапе проводится итоговое интервью, главная цель которого - развеять возможные сомнения по поводу кандидата. После прохождения всех стадий остаются два, максимум три претендента на должность. Они могут быть представлены на собеседование с будущим непосредственным руководителем, который и принимает окончательное решение.
Если ваш процесс подбора персонала построен профессионально, то вы можете добиться 90% точности, т.е. ваши ожидания будут оправдываться в девяти случаях из десяти. Но если ожидания не совпали с действительностью, возможна и корректировка в дальнейшем.

Например, если мы обнаружили у кандидата большой потенциал, но он не подходит для заявленной вакансии, то нам нужно понять, какая другая вакансия подойдет для него. Главное – не принимать поспешных решений и не отказываться от сотрудничества со способными и инициативными людьми. Собрать в своей фирме талантливых сотрудников, расставить их на должности, которые наиболее точно им подходят, правильно мотивировать их и удерживать в компании – на мой взгляд, это ключевые навыки для овладения искусством управления.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Professionally built the selection process consists of three stages, or of three funnels. In the first phase, we create a profile post, which will select candidates, and are assessing their psychological characteristics using a series of different tests. The main objective of this phase is to weed out clearly unqualified candidates. The next stage is to conduct a structured selection interview and perform group tasks associated with the specific nature of the posts. People's behavior during its execution gives important information not only about the professionalism of the candidates but also on their ability to work in a team, to cope with stress. The last stage is conducted the final interview, the main purpose of which is to dispel possible doubts about the candidate. After passing all the stages are two, maximum three contenders for the position. They may be submitted to an interview with the future supervisor, who makes the final decision.If your recruitment process built professionally, then you can achieve 90% accuracy, i.e., your expectations will be justified in nine cases out of ten. But if expectations do not coincide with reality, possible adjustments in the future. For example, if we found that the successful candidate has a lot of potential, but it is not suitable for the declared vacancies, then we need to understand what other job would be suitable for him. The main thing is not to take hasty decisions and not to be uncooperative with able and enterprising people. Gather in your company talent to place them in positions that best fit them, motivate them properly and hold company-in my opinion, these are the key skills to master the art of management.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Professionally constructed selection process consists of three stages or three funnels. At the first stage we will create a profile of the position, with respect to which we will select candidates and assess their psychological characteristics with a series of different tests. The main task of this stage - to weed out obviously unsuitable candidates. The next stage of selection - structured interviews and execution of group assignments associated with the specific job. The behavior of people during its execution provides important information not only about the professionalism of the candidates, but also their ability to work in a team, to cope with stress. At the last stage, the final interview, whose main goal - to dispel possible doubts about the candidate. After going through all the stages are two, maximum three candidates for the post. They may be submitted to an interview with the future supervisor, who makes the final decision.
If your recruitment process to build a professional, you can achieve 90% accuracy, that is, your expectations are justified, in nine cases out of ten. But if expectations are not in line with reality, and possible adjustments in the future. For example, if we have found a candidate a lot of potential, but it is not suitable for the stated job, we need to understand what the other is suitable for a vacancy. The main thing - do not take hasty decisions and refuse to cooperate with capable and enterprising people. Collect in the firm talent, put them in positions that best suit them, to motivate them and to keep the company - in my opinion, are the key skills for mastering the art of management.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
professionally built selection process consists of three phases, or of three events. in the first stage, we create a profile posts about which we will select candidates.and assess their psychological features through a series of tests. the main task of this stage is to weed out the clearly unsuitable candidates.the next stage of selection, the structured interview and the group assignments associated with the specific positions.people's behavior during its implementation gives important information not only about the professionalism of the candidates but also on their ability to work in a team, to cope with stress. in the last stage of a final interviewthe main purpose of which is to dispel the doubts about the candidate. after completing all stages have two, maybe three contenders for the position.they can be represented in an interview with the supervisor, who takes the final decision.
if your process of recruiting staff is professionalyou can achieve 90% accuracy). your expectations will be nine times out of ten. but if the expectation does not match with the reality, and adjustment in the future.

for exampleif we found a potential candidate, but he is not fit for the job, we need to understand what other job would be good for him.the important thing is not to make a hasty decisions and not to refuse cooperation with the capable and proactive people. gather at his firm talented staff, spread them on poststhat most certainly they can correctly motivate and retain in the company is, in my opinion, it's the key skills for mastering the art of management.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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